How Do You See Our World?

Johnny Utah

Active member
Jun 9, 2017
I remember seeing Obama's final speech and he spoke about getting out of our bubbles, which seem only to confirm our biases.

For a simple experiment, read the following quote any way you want it: "happinessisnowhere"

I took that from a book and it confirmed my pessimistic and cynical nature; "happiness is nowhere" rather than "happiness is now here". I endeavoured to change my outlook and have made many positive changes but I find it goes against my likely true nature. I like to think I'm pragmatic and a realist, but I wonder if anybody outside of my professional and inner circle sees the world the same as me?

It's a largely accepted fact that negative news gets shared more frequently and that spreading complaints and hate is a lot easier than love and optimism. That's why I posted this topic. Is there more happiness and optimism out there?

Here are a few tidbits of my viewpoint:

- wealth is congregating into so few that the top "x" percent own more than "x" amount of wealth
- education levels declining as the few are very highly educated but a significant portion struggle and this trend worsens
- employment options wither as our country is slow to transition into a knowledge economy even as our university enrollments increase
- social media has had such a negative impact on mental health, employment, intelligence, etc.. hate spreads so much faster online
- so many entrenched paradigms seem immovable (too big to fail)
- global warming jeopardizing the natural world and animal life
- political corruption, the failures of capitalism....what aspect or industry could you look at and NOT discovery/anticipate corruption?
- materialism is out of control
- are family values and personal character in decline?

When I think of positives:
- we know so much more about addictions and healthy lifestyles
- we accept more and are more tolerant of real issues affecting our youth
- babies are healthier and life spans seems to be increasing
- lots and lots of charitable work making real differences across the world
- some truly great minds pushing the boundaries of humanity and trying to reshape the world in a positive (Musk, Gates, Buffett...)
- crowdfunding campaigns that work for helping those truly in need

I am relatively happy with myself and where I am at, but if I had kids, I would wonder what kind of world we truly are building for our future. I think we like to think we are so different than the Americans, but we do parallel them in ways we aren't willing to admit.

I'm probably all over the place but thought I'd share.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Humans are too smart and too emotional for their own good.

So what happens is people feel anger and jealousy and deep down know when they are a lost cause. And some of these people try to rectify their feelings by committing crime or violence to even things out.

Lots of people are always trying to one up others. That's why someone dirt poor in Canada or US may resort to crime, when they are still technically richer and more educated than someone in a poor country.

If people just chilled out and were happy with what they have, people would get along better.

If someone never did well in school, is making minimum wage and renting an apartment. Too bad. That's on you. If someone else did med school, became a doctor and has two Mercedes, too bad. That's him. Stop thinking about him.

If someone is spending all day mad that Warren Buffet is worth $100 billion they have serious issues. Concentrate on your own situation because no matter how much you think of it, you aren't getting a penny from Buffet.
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