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How do I copy files from CD - Windows *&^%$ 8


New member
Jan 19, 2006
OK, I'm struggling with the brave new world of Windows 8 how the hell do I get to a place where I can copy files from a back up CD to put into the installed program on the new PC running Windows 8? I've tried Help using "copy files from CD" and "copy from CD" and Zip! Or is this something where I'm going to have to find a prompt and do the good old fashioned copy *.* ?

Likewise how do I get back the tool bar from earlier editions of Windows which will let me click on open files etc. . . rather than having to perform Control + O?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Assume they are XP files you are trying to move to W8 and lots have changed from XP to W8.
However you should still be able to 'drag & drop' those files into W8 and simple files like pix, mp3, documents, PDFs should open no problem. W7 had a feature that would allow using old files and programs going back to W98 I believe. Perhaps W8 does likewise.
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