Ashley Madison

Home Spa.. whitby


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2014
Very sad news, to say the least. :cry:
I know some of the folks here have been to see Sandy at her home in Whitby. Was all legit and the best massage in Durham.
She is an Osteopath, and much better than a massuse or rmt.
It is great sadness i have to report that her health is failing rapidly. If you know what she was dealing with, I don t need to go
in to details. The last time i saw her was January, and this about the last time she worked. I have always stayed in touch with her
for the last cpl years, either to just say hi, or stop in for a treatment. I have also stayed in touch with her husband and he has
been telling me what is happening.. right now. it is all bad.. she is a strong lady and hopefully she can beat this crap.. again,
she did it before... she is not communicating outside her family, she needs peace and calm right now.. am just asking for prayers be sent her way..
we all know she is not an escort or trollop.
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