Holly From the sun


New member
Jan 4, 2008
I took a little time today to go visit a young girl named Holly who I found in the Sun. Holly works down town and her rates were reasonable. She is young (she says 25 but could easily pass for younger) with long dark hair and a nice body. She greeted me pleasantly at the door. Her restrictions are reasonable, and everything is safe which is fine by me.

Once we got started though all I can say is she seemed less than interested, she didn't turn the TV off and seemed seemed to always position herself so she could see it, since it was on the TV guide channel i assume she was either watching the time or already planning what to watch when i left, Either way it wasn't encouraging. What little feedback I did receive for my efforts felt more like she was just counting to ten saying "oh" and starting again at one.

I'll leave out the specifics of what was done, but i would compare it to being with a talking blow up doll.

All in all she is a nice looking girl with reasonable rates, however it may have just been me, or she was just having a bad day, but she really didn't seem to be into it, not even enough to fake it a little.

also mentioning that you have your fiance's name tattoeed on her ruins the suspension of disbelief.

I don't think I'll repeat with her but others might have better luck.
Jul 28, 2006
Sounds like you`ve met Ashlee from a while back....

This girl was always a laugh as far as Im concerned, she LOVES TV more than air it`s self I swear. I used to go see her when ever I was in need, I`d always be sure to grab the remote. This girl was addicted to CSI when I used to see here so there`s a good chance she was looking at the TV guide Channel to see when CSI was coming on.

Update, I just hopped on Quest for a joke, haven`t been on in quite a while, still had time left. And sure enough I found Holly spoke with her and confirmed that it`s her.
Jul 28, 2006
Do you like to watch tv too ? click the link for her description a year or so back...
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