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Hobbying in the Pre-AIDS Era

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I dunno why, but I was driving along today and thinking about AIDS and I was wondering what SPs and their customers did in the PRE-AIDS era.

I first remember hearing about AIDS in the very early 80's. At that time, I was just a kid. I've pretty much grown up in the era of AIDS.

So I was wondering, what was the deal in the PRE AIDS era? Was bare back service the norm, or were condoms the norm even then?

Just curious and tought maybe some of the more senior members might know.

Also, what does anyone know what SPs did for birth control prior to the Pill and condoms for that matter? 200 years ago, the hobby was alive and well I am sure - but what did the girls do to prevent pregnancy?

I've just never heard it discussed...


New member
Apr 21, 2005
james t kirk said:
Also, what does anyone know what SPs did for birth control prior to the Pill and condoms for that matter? 200 years ago, the hobby was alive and well I am sure - but what did the girls do to prevent pregnancy?

I've just never heard it discussed...

You might want to have a look through Ashbee's _My Secret Life_ for some insight into hobbying in the Victorian era


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Actually it was discussed here years ago, but I'm sure that thread was moved to the Deleted Threads Repository a while ago.

I recall that an SP replied that when she was escorting in the 1970s, BBFS was the norm and that condoms only came into vogue in the 1980s. Kinda makes sense if you think about it; I'll bet back in the 1970s condoms weren't even all that available. Furthermore I'm sure it was quite taboo to buy them.


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
My first hobbying experience was in 1970. It was bare back full service, cum inside her. I have no clue what they did to stop pregnancy although it was not uncommon for the ladies to douche with coca cola (I am not kidding!)
BJs were always bbcim and they would often spit on your stomach then wipe it off with a towel. The classier girls would spit it in the sink or the toilet.
Condoms were tough to come by. They were usually sold under the counter in drug stores and you had to ask for them.
Some states (usually southern ones) made it a crime to distribute birth control devices and even information back then. My hobbying started in the Southern states outside of army bases. You could get a quickie for $10. A fast massage with HJ at a massage parlor was $5-$15, the MPA's took nothing off, and wore white nurse like uniforms.
In Vietnam and Thailand it was bbfs and bbbjcim everywhere. The only stds we were worried about were the clap (ghonoreah) and syphilis, and both were easily curable. Crabs (body lice) was something else you had to worry about. There were rumors in Vietnam about a "black syph" that was incurable, and if the military discovered you had it they segregated you and told your family you were MIA or KIA. Several veterans I have talked to remember the "black syph" rumor. I always wondered if there was some truth to it.
I can remember getting bbfs in Toronto into the early 1980's. I can also remember getting a bj from a woman who had these shortie condoms that only covered the head of the penis.
In the olden days of Toronto's massage parlors (76-80) it seemed to be really YMMV. I used to go to one by the airport alot and would get bb one time and covered another. There was a place on Yonge street called Starvin Marvins that was a strip joint (no drinks, just theater type seating) and a massage parlor upstairs, when you left the strip joint the girls would wait in the stairway and try to drag you upstiars. Alot of that action was also bare back.
Ah the good old days!


New member
benito said:
There was a place on Yonge street called Starvin Marvins that was a strip joint (no drinks, just theater type seating) and a massage parlor upstairs, when you left the strip joint the girls would wait in the stairway and try to drag you upstiars. Alot of that action was also bare back.
Ah the good old days!
ahhh...yes...Starvin Marvin's.. recall it. If i'm not mistaken, it was north of Dundas on the East Side of Yonge


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Those were the days......

benito said:
My first hobbying experience was in 1970.
Alot of that action was also bare back.
Ah the good old days!
Those were the days, the Age of Aquarius, Hippies, free love and all.....
Bare back was the norm for everything including greek.
Back then the US side was where all the action was. Both Buffalo & NF USA had all you could handle 7 days a week for $10 BBBJ or BBFS. It wasn't difficult to get a deep-throat bbbjcim&swallow for $10 back then. Canada had plenty of action but it cost more, usually $20-30, so you had no need to cross over to Canada. Working girls were all over the place, working streets and most of the popular big and small straight bars. The working girls were competing with the straight gals that were giving it away for free. Prices were low because it was so easy to get laid anyways being the 'hippy' era where gals were almost as horny as us guys. Hitchiking gals were pretty common back then also. It was a safer time then. Strip clubs were a tame novelty but nobody cared because there was such a plentiful supply of gals elsewhere.

This continued and the GO-GO era led to the 'disco' era with the disco dresses and hot pants being the uniform of the times. Back then if you went down Chippewa St in Buffalo weekends, there may have been 100 girls working that few block strip, trying to compete with the girls in the bars on Allen St, Elmwood Ave, Forest & Grant, that were giving it away for free.

Clap, syphilis and crabs were the only STDs to worry about but no big deal since they were easy to cure. It was a whole different world back then. More friendly, safer and relatively disease free till Aids came along. In all that time I never picked up any std even though the scare stories were put out by LE and the religious do-gooders almost as if, on a schedule a few times during every year.
Indeed those were, the good old days!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

If you have ever watched Deadwood, there are a lot of prostitutes featured on the show and I remember wondering how they prevented unwanted pregnancy back then.

I can see in the 70 with the pill and what not that BBFS would be the norm, though, no matter how easy syphillis or gonarehea (spelling) are to cure, it's not a place I would want to go..

I know that they came up with penicilin in WW2 and it was invented by the British and it was very very very difficult to make. Churchill ordered that it be only given to the soldiers who would benefit Britain the most with their recovery and the doctors gave it to all the soldiers with STDs with the logic that once they got better, they could return to the fight.

When Churchill found out about that, he was furious that they had given such an incredibly valuable commodity to sinners.

The British invented penicilin, however, they had no idea how to make enough of the stuff fast enough. Only when they shared their problem with the Americans did the Americans figure out how to easily produce penicilin in vast quantities through brewing.



Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
Back then there was no such thing as GFE or MSOG. You paid your money, came as quickly as you could and were out the door. A much better deal was in Vietnam or Thailand. You could buy a girl for a week or several months from a mamasan, and she stayed with you like a girlfriend/wife until you got tired of her. Only problem was that when you had to go out into the boonies, mamasan would put her to work until you got back.
She would cook, clean, shine your boots, wash your clothes, and fuck you for nothing more than support and what you paid mamasan. (about $50 a month) They always seemed to be happy about everything, and every now and then I'd buy the girl a new dress and you'd think I just gave her a million dollars.
In Thailand, fantastic looking girls ran about $10 a night. Whenever I was there I would usually get more than one at a time.
There was Starvin Marvins and another joint right next to it on lower Yonge street. One of their male employees murdered a young shoe shine boy and left him on the roof of one of the buildings. The ensuing outcry closed the places, which was for the best. When you walked by there the girls would be in the doorways and loudly solicit you. They also had a cheap black and white TV over the doorway so you could see the stripshow before you went in.

I have no idea how any of the girls prevented pregnancy. Back the it was the woman's problem, not the mans.


ahhh, the 70s

when I was a kid in high school a girl broke up with me because .... I DIDN'T have sex with her! My, how times have changed ...... would hang out with friends, meet a new girl who wanted to hang out and be banging her hours later .... then repeat the next night with another new one ......... unless you found one very talented and decided to stick with her a bit ....... streaking parties ...... keggers would usually turn into streaking parties wirh lots of sex if we didn't get arrested for streaking *g*

once was cruising around town and saw a friend of mine, he had a girl with in his car with him .... we pulled up beside to talk and a minute later he says to pull over, the girl wants to talk to me ..... she jumps out, opens the car door and sits on my lap .... I wasn't sure what to say except "you wanna go to my place and fuck?" ... she nods yes so off we go, set my all time personal high of 12 SOG in 24 hours with her ....... turns out she was a minister's daughter but I had to give her the boot when she stole a pack of my roommate's smokes ... woulda bought her some if she had asked, no problem, what a shame that I never nailed her again

Yes, it was all BB back then, the girls were on the pill and we were all just enjoying the "free love" that the pill helped spawn .... if only it was that easy to score nowadays, of course maybe it is for the younger guys *lol* but with no "killer" STDs to worry about we were all living hard and fast .......... *sigh*



New member
slurp said:
turns out she was a minister's daughter but I had to give her the boot when she stole a pack of my roommate's smokes ... woulda bought her some if she had asked, no problem, what a shame that I never nailed her again

So, was she a natural blonde by any chance? and had a sister? LOL


Mcluhan said:
So, was she a natural blonde by any chance? and had a sister? LOL
dirty blonde actually .... in that 24 hours we never got around to discussing siblings, we were too busy humping our brains out! but ... it was a different country so unlikely we banged the same holy man's kid *lol*


DrRogers has left the Bld
I'm back in time with Benito - was really wild in 1970- "Better" incall girl was $50 per hour your place or hers, all BB - swallowed and all - only thing that was covered was greek and there really wasn't anyone much offering it - NO KISSING, whatsoever, no matter how well you knew the girl - overnites -$150. First girl I met was Sylvia, a "referral" no redzone then, and claimed she was 20 but looked 15 - saw her for about 2 years regularly
The street action was non-stop along Jarvis and Queen West, $10 BBBJCIM and she would open the door and spit (but most just swallowed) it out on the parking lot. Summertime was crazy - street girls were practically naked to advertise, high school girls were going downtown and turning tricks in a back seat for $20 - all BB - wouldn't surprise me if many were as young as 15 and thought nothing of it. Only thing that was worried about was sypphillis, gonorrhea and crabs. Never saw any girl-girl action in those days.
To tell you the truth - I like it better the way things are today!


New member
slurp said:
dirty blonde actually .... in that 24 hours we never got around to discussing siblings, we were too busy humping our brains out! but ... it was a different country so unlikely we banged the same holy man's kid *lol*
haha.. gotcha.. something about those preachers daughters..

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Thinking some more about it, the Internet has really revolutionized the whole hobby.

I mean, back in the 70's, it was illegal for SPs to advertise in the papers, or phone book even (I would imagine). So if you were a working girl, unless you had built up a regular client base, it was the street or nothing.

Now, an SP can get up and running by merely placing an ad on the redzone, terb, or any number of websites. No need for the street - which is immensely superior to the good ole days in my eyes.

While the street action is still around, it's dangerous to all parties, especially the women.

The current state of affairs is far superior, the best improvement we could hope for now would be making incalls and the entire sex industry legal. (Other than minors and the street, I don't see the need for police interference in a mutually consensual issue.)
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