Historic handshake!


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Aug 30, 2009


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I wouldn't trust kim jong until he's gonzo from North Korea.
People have short memories; like a total ignorance of history.

North Korea has a legitimate fear of aggression. The USAF obliterated 72 North Korean cities in 1950 and killed 2 million civilians. The commander of the USAF, Gen Curtis E LeMay, even bragged about it. The US has often threatened regime change through subversive action, and recently, threatened to nuke it. John Bolton the lunatic, presently Trump's National Security Advisor, is an active proponent of the latter solution. Every year, the US with South Korea stage massive live-fire exercises right up to the territorial waters of NK. This year, it reduced the size of the force to one carrier battle group. The year before, it was 3 carrier battle groups.

It was a smart move of NK to develop and deploy nukes. He's now got leverage now that he's put NK in the nuclear club. The US can still obliterate NK, but NK can probably retaliate and cause the US unacceptable damage, even if it's the destruction of just one major city. In the last few years, Un and other like minded leaders, have realised that without nukes, the US is coming after ya. Like Libya after Khadaffi scrapped his nuke program, and Saddam who had given up development a number of years before the US invasion, they got invaded and destroyed. The US knows that Iran has no nukes, and some, including Bolton, McCain, Lindsey Graham et al are gung ho for bombing them. McCain even has his theme song 'Bomb Bomb Iran'.

NK often gets accused of reneging on its promises. What's not told in the MSM, is that the US does the same. They negotiated the freeze of NK's nuclear program during Clinton and an end to trade embargo. NK secretly restarted it, but at the same time, the US still prevented NK from trading because it was still enforcing a law that made currency transactions illegal because of a law that purported that NK was supporting terrorism.

Ultimatly, China stands to benefit at least from a demilitarized, de-nuked Korean peninsula. If they can get a nuclear disarmament agreement between the two, the US would have to remove it's anti-ballistic missiles at the same time (since the pretext is to defend against NK nukes). That would remove the threat to China's ICBM's, not to mention removing nukes from near its borders. China will never allow NK to collapse, not only because of the possibility of the US placing bases north of the 38th parallel, but also they don't want a massive wave of Korean refugees crossing its borders.

One should not be so smug. There are 2 sides to every story.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
The press and GP is so gullible.
Remember how everyone lined up to love Putin and get their selfie at Sochi?
Don't fall for this shit.
While it was going on hundreds of his "people" died.
The press and mainstream media is not gullible. You are for believing them. The press and MSM are not independent. They are owned by the establishment, and are obsessed by profit, even if it means risking the end of the planet. The vilification of Putin started around Sochi. When Putin showed up at the Sochi games at the Canadian Olympic pavilion, one Canadian athlete took a selfie with him. She was pilloried by the Canadian press establishment for her 'association' and 'approval' of Putin.

They've got the Western public so worked up against Russia that when war breaks out, there's going to be little objection. Chomsky called that 'Manufacturing consent for war'. As you're about to get vaporized in the subsequent nuclear holocaust, in the last few seconds of your life, you're still going to be blaming Putin.
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