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Hilarious Godwin's LAW



Welcome to the internet burt-oh-my, are you new?

Can I presume that what you are trying hard to say is that you have seen this before, but in a way that tries to put me down?

LOL, the transparency of your insecurity is only matched by the illegitimacy of your irrationality.


Nov 20, 2006
Ah Tshirts they cause the pain.


Jan 31, 2005

Can I presume that what you are trying hard to say is that you have seen this before, but in a way that tries to put me down?

LOL, the transparency of your insecurity is only matched by the illegitimacy of your irrationality.
There's a classic video about how the first thing n00bs do on the internet is post about Godwin's law on whatever forum they're in, it's a rite of passage. You can watch it here, it's pretty funny:


Why would noobs to the internet happen across Godwin's law as one of the first things they do I wonder?

It only took me, oh, 17 years on the internet to hear of it.

Basically, though, the transparency of you rthought process is so evident: You are like a kid that hears a dirty word, and wants to make sure everyone knows that he already knew what it meant!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
Why would noobs to the internet happen across Godwin's law as one of the first things they do I wonder?

It only took me, oh, 17 years on the internet to hear of it.

Back in the pre-www days, conversation on the internet was dominated by Usenet 'news.' Ie the places with name like 'can.politics' that was later served up by Dejanews and Google Groups. These pre-dated the web, with browsers like Mosaic or Netscape.

Godwin's law was a very well known etiquette on usenet, so 'newbies' would often run into it. It kind of stated that all arguments tend to devolve quickly to comparisons with Hitler or Nazis, so more experienced people would avoid doing so in arguments. Newbies would be unaware, and tend to fall into doing it in the heat of an argument, and then have Godwin's law quoted to them.

With the rise of the web, forums have eclipsed Usenet, but the people experienced with Usenet brought along to forums the same etiquette. They were likely only a small (and really geeky) subset compared to the much bigger, newer population of www forums, but the godwin etiquette has slowly caught on outside the hardcore geek world. (Think Big Bang Theory.)

So, you're likely not a techie, and haven't argued too much with them. :)


recoverying techie from the old internet days, who still remembers how cool Mosaic and Netscape were at the time.
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