Ashley Madison

Here Comes the Sun...

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling
It's been a long, cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here

Not long ago I was in NYC, wandering around the city and enjoying some beautiful unseasonably warm weather. On a particularly sunny and warm Saturday I wandered over to Central Park stopping at a nearby Starbucks on my way to grab a coffee, a wonderful cover of a favourite Beatles song was playing as I walked in and I found myself smiling and humming along. I stayed in the store just long enough to download the Belle and Sebastian cover and I continued on my journey to the park with it playing far too often (as I tend to do with new songs) on my playlist.

I wandered through the park for hours, my legs became tired, my feet hurt despite wearing the most comfortable shoes I own and the sun was beginning to set on the day. I took photos of everything from the ducks in the pond to the buildings cutting through the trees on the horizon. It felt so wonderful to feel the sun on my face again, even in our mild winter I found myself missing the sun and the eternal grey skies seem to have taken their toll on my spirit. Renewed and refreshed I headed back to my hotel for a wonderful night on the town.

Over the last couple of days I have really enjoyed the warm spring air, the cool spring showers and though I do not doubt that we will feel a few more winter chills as I see that sun breaking through the clouds more and more, knowing that spring is on the horizon I find myself excited, reenergized and once again looking at the world through fresh eyes.

If you would like to share in that vision, enjoy some of that energy or perhaps share your own excitement please send me an email I am available in Toronto or for private travel to your location.

Please email or visit my website for more information.
In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.
~Mark Twain

These last few weeks we've seen snow flurries one day, sunshine the next and then grey skies and hail following, that's March. If you aren't sure how to plan your day perhaps allow me: we could meet at the hotel, stroll over to a restaurant and enjoy a meal, head back to the hotel where another lady is joining us for a night cap or if the weather isn't agreeable we could arrange an in room massage, room service and some late night fun. I'm flexible in more ways than one, how about you?

Toronto March 13-17
Vancouver March 18-21
Winnipeg March 21-24

To learn a little more about me please visit my website or contact me via email.
The air was full of sun and birds,
The fresh air sparkled clearly.
Remembrance wakened in my heart
And I knew I loved her dearly.

The fallows and the leafless trees
And all my spirit tingled.
My earliest thought of love, and Spring's
First puff of perfume mingled.

In my still heart the thoughts awoke,
Came lone by lone together -
Say, birds and Sun and Spring, is Love
A mere affair of weather?

~Robert Louis Stevenson

I am available in Toronto this week March 15-17 and again March 25-31.

After March I am unsure how my availability will be changing but it's clear that I will have limited availability in Toronto (3-4 days a month?) if at all. I wish I could provide a little additional information but at this time I am unsure as to what my schedule will be like over the coming months, rather as some may have noticed I have become a bit busy in my 'real work' and am not able to dedicate as much time as needed to Kyra and the associated administrative work.
If this should change anytime in the near future I will of course update my schedule and I will still be available for travel as well as connecting with those I have met before.

If you would like to meet this week or in the last week of March please send me an email and I will be happy to arrange something otherwise please check my website as I will post Toronto availability when I am able.
I wish you all the best for this wonderful spring day!

If you have never taken a moment to read a little more about me you may not be aware I have always valued what most people call 'down time', taking time to ones self, to unwind and reflect. On a beautiful spring day I am very much looking forward to soaking up a little sun, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels chase each other through the grass and being alone with my own thoughts. I hope you find a little patch of quiet all to yourself and enjoy, I believe that all to often in this world we move too fast, get to caught up in the deadlines and quotas and forget that sometimes we need to slow down and just enjoy the world around us.

If you would like to take a little longer to indulge yourself, perhaps spend some time with another person then send me an email. I am in Toronto next week as well as the beginning of April and can be reached via email. For more information about me please visit my website.
Sex appeal is a matter of chemistry, but you don't have to be a chemist to find the formula.

I am hosting this week in downtown Toronto, if you would like to connect sometime between Mon. March 26 and Saturday March 31 please send me an email. I am also available to visit you at your hotel both in the GTA and with a min. of a 4-6hr booking elsewhere in Ontario. Please contact me for additional details should you wish to arrange a date to your location.

I look forward to meeting you!
Toronto Escorts