Hush Companions
Toronto Escorts

Help !

Dearest Ottawa,

As you all know, I am in Ottawa until June 28th and offer incalls downtown....

I have been coming to your beautifull citie for a while now and I love it!

Unfortunatly, I have experiment alot of cancelations and a ridiculous amount of "no shows" lately.... I have been patient, thinking it might be bad luck or just a phase.... Alas, it just keeps getting worst everytime! What should I do? Considering all my expenses when I come here, the "no shows" and the cancelations, versus the gentleman that are serious and wants me to keep touring to Ottawa? .....

I hope you can help me solve this issue, any suggestion would help..... To stop touring in Ottawa is not really what I want, but I think we need to talk about this, I am not the only sp experimenting this.....

I hope we can come up with a solution.....

All my love,
Michelle xox


Mar 30, 2004

I agree with explorer69 get a phone! I never contact an SP by email to set up an appointment.


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
Explorer hit the nail on the head. Some guys probably in a state of hornyness agree to a "high rate" appointment then change their mind. I'd almost never consider making an appointment by e-mail. Just not efficient.

I'd also suggest getting a phone number for the customer since he'd be less likely to not show up and if he's late you can call him.


Has been ;)
Nov 29, 2005
My favorite city to tour to!

explorer69 said:
This doesn't address no shows but get a phone. Booking by email is a pain. If you had a phone we could book at the last minute when a no show leaves you with time. Also consider lowering yor rates to $200/hr. You'd get more business too.
Hello Gentlemen,

As you know, Ottawa is my favorite city to tour to and that goes way back! I am spoiled with nice gentlemen and friends that treat me very well everytime I come here. I am sad to know that my lovely "sister" Michelle is having some issues with "no shows" and cancellations and I am sure that the Ottawa gentlemen that I know will take action and make sure she is treated well in the future.

Explorer69: We do offer you gentlemen the option to give a call back number for last minute booking. As for Michelle lowering her rates... I think that the exclusive and upscale companionship she offers is already worth more than what she is asking. Michelle has enough credibility in this business to either stay in Montreal or travel to other cities and charge more than what she is asking in Ottawa... She offers quality versus quantity and only the gentlemen who appreciate this should book with her.

I don't mean to be over protective but we are talking about my sister here!!!

I luv you guys!


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Mar 9, 2006
The email pre-requisite is the only thing holding me back from metting any of the wonderful LUV sisters. :)


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I don't think lowering rates will have much effect on no-shows.

I think requiring a call back number to confirm 24 hours in advance is a good idea but it won't completely eliminate the problem either.

If you ask for the phone number you can at least sort out who is who. If you're taking an appointment from someone new, require a deposit. Paypal would work for this. If cancellation is given with sufficient notice ( you decide what is sufficient ) then refund the deposit, if not it covers some of your expenses.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I don't think the problem is that they aren't getting enough bookings, just that the people that make them don't follow through.

So if the thinking is that they discount their rates to increase the number of bookings, still suffer the same percentage of no-shows and therefore come out ahead, that's a ridiculous approach for a number of reasons;

1) That scenario means you have to actively mismanage appointments, taking more appointments than she herself can keep. This would ultimately lead to poorer service for those customers who all happened to show up or cancellations from Michelle, or customers running into each other..etc

Guys would be on here bitching in a second if any of those things happened.

2)There should be etiquette rules about bartering. You only barter on commodities, not service. Even within commodities there are common sense rules. But under no circumstances should haggle for the intimate personal service of another human being. It would be silly to imagine you could come out ahead, I mean if you want that special something that makes a GFE a GFE how can you imagine this could happen if you effectively force her to work for less than she thinks her service is worth. Simply agree to pay it or don't. Michelle knows very well that she could change her price, this isn't news to her. She has chosen that price, she will decide if it needs to be changed.

3) a lower price point attracts more shumcks. I don't think the ratio of people not taking their responsibility seriously would stay the same, if anything it would go down.


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
I recommend Michelle disregard everything in Twizzler's posts, IMO.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I think you're misunderstanding my posts meJack.

In fact I want to see Michelle.

I'm suggesting that those bad things could happen if she lowered her rates to try to increase bookings to compensate for no-shows.


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
Definately didn't "misunderstand". To be honest it would take an hour to explain, in detail.

In brief, "elasticity of demand". Not only do the basic principles apply, IMO, cancellations would drop sharply. If you are not familiar with this basic economic concept, google it.

This is my last post in this thread, not alot of time. I'm not saying I'm right, just saying IMO.


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I'm well aware of the concepts of basic economics.

So, you believe that Michelle should lower her rates to decrease no-shows or realize an overall improvement in profit. I believe it wouldn't help with the no-shows and even make the situation worse. Further, I believe in order to make that strategy successful she would have to compromise the level of standards she has maintained (by all accounts) up until now.

I don't mind a difference of opinion, I'm interested in hearing your views.


Jul 16, 2003
I would have to say that email bookings make it difficult to set things up. Two emails to set up an appointment have gone unanswered. It is like trying to book with IN. I suggest to Michelle that she gets a phone. That way, if there is a cancellation, she can at least take a last minute call to replace the appointment.


May 17, 2005
It is really too bad for Michelle especially when the Luv sisters always upgrade their hotels (instead of downgrade just like this time too) to treat their clients when their usual already nice accomodation is fully booked.

Michelle, not sure if you are offering early booking like your sister does? Don't think I got an email from you about early booking to accomodate the boys you have seen and known before. If you do that in the future and let your existing clients take up the spots first, it may reduce the no-shows.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Okay I gotta chime in too.

As for early morning visits, it would cut into The World Cup just now. Sorry ladies, but it's Brazil vs. Ghana just now!

As for the e-mail thing, they are not last minute ladies. I have seen all three ladies many times and never had any problems so far, as they schedule so far ahead.

No shows have nothing to do with rates. If their rate is too steep why book in the first place? I would imagine the ladies better off not seeing those guys anyway, as they show no respect. Cancelations are different and booking far in advance has the risks of life creeping in. Just try for a decent amount of warning and they will try to accomodate you, I know they have for me.

Last comment about rates. Gmuoo has it right. They are always at great hotels with relaxing atmospheres. They are definately treats and I for one am glad they don't live here!
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New member
Feb 1, 2006
The Lurker said:
No shows have nothing to do with rates. If their rate is too steep why book in the first place? I would imagine the ladies better off not seeing those guys anyway, as they show no respect. Cancelations are different and booking far in advance has the risks of life creeping in. Just try for a decent amount of warning and they will try to accomodate you, I know they have for me.

I can understand that some cancelations cannot be helped. IMHO, no shows are inexcusable. I am wondering if no shows are the same people with their own agenda doing it to all our visitors.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Ya. I have heard SPs wonderring the same thing a couple of months ago. I hope its just dumb guys, as they will tire and go home. If its competion, that would be bad.

One way to combat this is to arrange tours with little or no advertizing and just visit regulars. I know many local ladies don't rely on terb for their bookings.

Garden of Eden Ladies

#1 Gem Finder!
Supporting Member
pau2lo said:
I can understand that some cancelations cannot be helped. IMHO, no shows are inexcusable. I am wondering if no shows are the same people with their own agenda doing it to all our visitors.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Call me crazy but I believe that there certain people in Ottawa that don't want to see other ladies touring to your city. Why else would there be so many no-shows.

My advice to the LUV sisters is to keep a email client list of people you have already met in person. Try to keep a low key and be selective when taking new clients. Requiring a contact number when taking a booking is essential. To me it weeds out the serious clients and the not so serious clients. I know a few will complain about this but I have never had no show whenever a client had provided his number. I also feel that if we are trusting you with our room number, you should trust us with your phone number. It only makes sense.

I also want to point out that I recently had some ladies in Ottawa, but kept a low profile and didn't announce it on most of the review boards. There were alot less problems with alot less no shows.


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