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help building a webpage.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I am using the Yahoo Site Builder, which is a WYSIWYG program. I have added the google ads on there, which is html. What that is doing to my page is it rearranges everything on my page. What i see on the page when editing is different than when i preview or goto my site. I have mangaed to fix many things, bring text,pics back to where they belong.

But 1 thing I cant do is that there is a big space between the google ad and the first paragraph/subtitle. When I am editing, the paragraph/subtitle is right underneath the ad, but when I go to the site, there is a big space. How do i solve this problem and prevent it from happening again?

Also, due to this type of problem,I am thinking of changing to frontpage, will I have to restart everything from scratch or I can use what I have started with site builder and move it to frontpage?
Thanx for the help.


Jan 4, 2005
Personally, I think you should learn html and javascript. They're not that hard to learn, and you have more control.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
Yeah there is a good idea make it in Frontpage rather the Site Builder..... learn so html


New member
May 25, 2005
You need to learn CSS. I think by now it's become the standard. the only thing you have to make sure of is that it looks the same across browser types (and WTF we don't have a STANDARD yet?).

P.S. Don't worry about whether someone in no man's land can't view your pages using Netscape 4. If they are using Netscape 4 they shouldn't be on the internet.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I was kind of expecting the responses i got. Didnt think too many ppl would be using site builder. I just think that WYSIWYG programs are faster. You can actually see what you are doing, while doing it.

Anyways, I spent the day using frontpage. So far so good. I dont have problems inputing html in it. All good so far. Will definitely learn more about html etc. when i am more experienced.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
As mentioned by many of the other posters, your best bet for a reliable website is using HTML, javascript and CSS. Knowing the code leads to tremendous results.

With that said, if you are going to use any kind of software to help build your site, use Dreamweaver. Frontpage is okay but you will soon find out how quirky it can be. I've never used the yahoo version so I can't comment.
So far, dreamweaver has been the best bet for me.

The biggest problem with these programs that build websites is the useless code they add into the script. A well versed coder will accomplish more with less script then someone using a program.

Good luck with your site.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Spoke too soon. Just about to publish when i found out you had to activate frontpage on yahoo domain before you use/publish it. It is recalculating the borders now because it said there were errors. So dont really know if everything is ok yet, we'll see.

I have heard of dreamweaver. Can Ruck or someone else explain more about it? Is it anything like frontpage? The thing i like about frontpage is that it has a combination of WYSIWYG editing as well as html editing. So you can easily switch the 2 formats and add/delete things. If dreamweaver is anything like that i would consider trying it out. If not, i would have to wait til i learn more about the html.

On a side note,what is the differenct between HTML, javascript and CSS?
HTML is the codes into writing a page but what is javascript and i dont think i ever heard of CSS.
I know how to use a computer pretty well, but when it comes to computer terms etc., i know nothing.
Thanx for the help guys.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Ok, so i am trying to publish the files i made in front page. But after i publish and i goto my site. The site still has my old pages up from sitebuilder. I've already deleted the site builder program and folder. It is not publishing my front page files. Does anyone know why that is?

I think i will try dreamweaver, downloading it now. But will have to figure this problem out first. Also, if i decide to use dreamweaver permanently, does that mean i have to start from scratch again? Or can i use my files from frontpage?


New member
Mar 7, 2005
Along with using dreamweaver you should learn some HTML. This will help you understand whats wrong and right with your files. This site should be helpfull I suggest you start your code from scratch in dreamweaver.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
try arachnophilia. not WYSIWYG , but it has a feature that lets you check how the page is going to look.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
well, i downloaded dreamweaver, and when i was in the process of finding a serial key, i think i had some kind of spy/ad ware crawl onto my cpu.
So now, in addition to the webpage problem i had, i now have a windows problem.
Dreamweaver is gonna have to wait until i solve this windows problems. Looks pretty cool though.

When my windows startup, theres a popup that says "vcmain.exe failed to initialize. Press ok to terminate."

Does anyone know how to solve this?
I've tried reupdating windows, nothing. Do i need to reinstall, will that work?


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Tiny Titty Lover said:
Hey Millhouse,

Everyone keeps telling you to lean HTML, but don't do it! You should learn xhtml!!! Here is the best place to learn: w3schools - xhtml
xhtml? wtf is all this coming from? holy. Its like theres something new every hour.
I am not learning anything right now until i can solve the windows problem i have.


New member
Mar 7, 2005

first off, I don't think you need any key to open the dreamweaver try out, second no matter what anybody tells you: If you want to build websites, you will have to learn/have an understanding of HTML. Dreamweaver is a wysisyg and you can split the window in 2, look at your code and learn from it. Forget everything else (frontpage, etc), use one program (dreamweaver) it's what the pro's use (oops I lied, we code in notepad). See once you understand some HTML, it's easy to spot an error. Your little spacing mistake was probably due to a missing tag such as ">", which was failing to close a table. Feel free to send me your code and I can take a look at it.
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