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Health Warning


New member
Sep 6, 2003
:eek: At this point it is not a review. I invite the moderators to advise me/us on this issue. I have been inactive in the Hobbyist/sex aspect of my life since Christmas Eve day. I ran into a problem and posted for anyone who is interested. But, I did see an individual since then (recently). I think I caught something. Have been to the clinic and am awaiting the results. So I know that if I did get something I know exactly who it is. She travels to Toronto. Many of you guys have undoubtedly been with her. What do I do? I know Terb. has to be careful here, but so do you guys. The specific way it happened? BBBJ. But even at that, I was covered most of the time. I prefer totally safe but did allow some BB as I was so totally horney and it happened so fast. Then I came to my senses but it was to late, or so it appears. Does the board want disclosure?


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Thanks Shiek. At this time do not know what exactly is going on. What I felt was an itching in the urethra. No pain, no discharge, no outbreaks like pimples ( herpes?), etc. Sort of ambiguous but it has scared the hell out of me!! Thought I should let you guys know. Will contact the sp.


New member
Nov 7, 2004
Wow . . . a lesson for you . . . never BB!

Anyways, the responsible thing to do, would be to notify her of the situation as soon as possible. Let her know you are waiting for results and you will keep her posted.

Shit happens! But if you never went BB it would not of! I don't think you should post her name on here, cause you are just as guilty to pass something on, in theory!


I'm Back
Feb 11, 2002
overlooking an old mill
How about going to see a doctor or a clinic?
Find out what you really have, if anything...otherwise there is going to be a whole lot of drama, and it may be for nothing.
It is also very likely that you contracted this whatever it is at some previous time with another woman, and it has just shown symptoms now. Despite how smart you think you are, you don't really know where this alleged condition came from.
Get real, and responsible...find out what (if anything) you really anyone you have had sex with in the last long while...don't rely on terb moderators or anyone else to make this go away...AND

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sounds like you are a hypochondriac to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am not slagging you, but I really doubt you have anything.

I remember one time thinking I had some sort of STD, I even had a slight discharge. I went to the doctor, got it checked out, can't remember what they called it, but it was NOT an STD, it was something else. Turned out to be nothing.

That being said, certain types of STD's can live in the back of the throat, including syphilis, so there is always the risk.


Aug 17, 2001
Before anyone a start jumping the gun here but it’s too late for that already. Falconhawk you should have waited for the test results to come back first. Then and only then if it came back as an STD you would have been required to report whom your partners were to Health Canada.

This is coming from experience. Twice I've had what we might call a little scare. Saw the doctor right away and got tested. In both cases it was a simple urinary track infection. In both cases it cleared up on its own. Both times I was pretty sick before hand with the flu. In both instances it started with some itching of the urethra. This was followed by a burning sensation while urinating and a small amount of discharge a few days later. IT WAS NOT AN STD

Gentleman, it is unwise to jump to conclusions and possibly panic others when the tests are not even back yet.
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