Hello I hooked up a few of my friends plasma and LCD TV’s for them and before they got cable or sat light I ran cable with a piece of wire and was amazed at how many digital stations I got plus the quality was amazing. What I did find was from time to time the picture would pixilated out so I suggested a proper Antenna and not a cable to a coat hanger LOL. With a slightly better indoor antenna it was a bit more stable and got a couple more stations but with each station only having good content for about 1 hour a week more stations would be better. Would it be worth going balls out on an antenna? How far will it reach I was told nothing really gets past the 50 mile mark and some land lords do not like the antenna farm on there dwelling
Whats good what works even if you are not near the lake
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_2...dtv antenna&rh=n:172282,k:hdtv antenna&page=2
Whats good what works even if you are not near the lake
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_2...dtv antenna&rh=n:172282,k:hdtv antenna&page=2