Garrett said:
It is not quite this simple. There is a difference with cable based upon insulation, shielding, and measured performance. Monster Cable uses good cable technology, but generally charges boutique prices. So overpriced yes, but useless.. not quite.
Actually, for the most part, yes it is that easy.
A pair of RCA cables (6ft long) that comes with a CD player will deliver the same sound quality as the extremely over priced pair of RCA cables (6ft long) made by Monster Cable.
A component video cable that comes with a DVD player (6ft long) will deliver the same video quality as its equivalent sized version that Monster Cable makes.
To the naked eye and ear, no one can tell the difference, professionally tested, the results would be extremely minimal and if you say you can notice the difference then I will say you are full of it. Even a general video cable which is 75% shielded versus the same type cable with only 10% shielding would be difficult to notice a difference in quality, unless of course you are running these cables long distances in which case the cables would then become custom made (in most cases).
But, don't worry, you keep buying monster cable!