Have you seen the glass enclosed van with live bikini models yet?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Has anyone seen this van driving around yet? It's a cube van with a glass-enclosed box on the back. Inside the glass enclosure is a fake beach complete with live bikini clad sunbathers. One male and two females. I saw it driving down King St. yesterday. At first from a distance I thought the models were manikins. Then when I got closer I saw they were live. This one was not for Mexico though. The advertising I saw was for Ft. Lauderdale. I thought it was kind of nifty. Then the thought did cross my mind that this van could cause traffic accidents with male drivers turning their heads to look and not watching where they are driving. I mean who here has not walked into a hydro pole at least once in their lives because of turning to take a second glance at a lovely lady walking down the street? Oh no... Did I actually just admit that? LOL. Oh well.

I wonder how much the driver of this van makes? Nice gig if you ask me. Maybe I should renew my driver’s license. LOL.

Mr. Downtown

Active member
Aug 17, 2001
Centre Ice
I saw it last week, parked on Yonge Street across from Starbucks just north of Bloor Street. The traffic jam it caused sucked big time. Have to admit, the three babes (no guys) in the tank were pretty hot.
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