Discreet Dolls

Have you ever wondered what breast milk tastes like?...

The Milk Man

Extreme Lactophyle
Aug 18, 2001
;) June 15, 2006 - 18:52


TORONTO (CP) - A performance artist is inviting people to "quench their curiosity" and taste samples of pasteurized human breast milk at her upcoming show.

Jess Dobkin has titled her work the Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar.

"Participants will have the opportunity to sample small quantities of breast milk, donated by local lactating new mothers at this free public tasting," said a news release.

The work will be staged July 13 at the Ontario College of Art and Design Professional Gallery.

Dobkin, described in the release as a single lesbian mother of a one-year-old daughter, said in an interview that the event will be in the spirit of a wine tasting.

"It will be like an actual bar with bar stools and . . . there will be tasting menus," she said Thursday. "I'll be bartending."

Dobkin said she's not worried about running out of the milk donated by six women for the show.

"The women donated generously. And people are going to be tasting small quantities of the milk. It's not going to be like 'here's a glass of milk for you.' I'm going to ration it out."

Dobkin, who has given performances and presented artist's talks and workshops at galleries and universities throughout North America, said she became interested in taboos surrounding breastfeeding.

"This project re-contextualizes something often regarded as indecent or repellent, offering a celebratory view," the 36-year-old Toronto-based artist said in the release.

"A substance that nourishes us in our infancy later becomes a curiosity in adulthood. Though many drink it exclusively for the first months of life, the memory of that taste and the sensation of drawing milk from the breast are forgotten. No two women's milk tastes the same, and is influenced by things we ingest and our unique biology."

As for possible health concerns, a publicist for the show said Dobkin is using the same screening and pasteurization process as a Vancouver breast milk bank.

"She contacted them and got their health and safety procedures and that's what she's following," said Amy Stewart of DW Communications.

The Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar is partly funded by a $9,000 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.


B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
Tastes Sweeter than regular milk


I had the same nickname in first year university - because of my breast fetish. The big boob fetish was somehow translated to a milkman nickname when my buddies found some of my XXXmagazines depicting lactating ladies.

By the way breast milk tastes much sweeter than regular milk, and while my SO was breastfeeding I quite enjoyed the experience.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
peeler_feeler said:
By the way breast milk tastes much sweeter than regular milk, and while my SO was breastfeeding I quite enjoyed the experience.


Mar 21, 2006
...ya'll gotta walk up town to the bronx and get breast milk from a cambodian immigrant, i only drink the finest breast milks...

...breast milk, you make my day...

The Milk Man said:
"A substance that nourishes us in our infancy later becomes a curiosity in adulthood. Though many drink it exclusively for the first months of life, the memory of that taste and the sensation of drawing milk from the breast are forgotten. No two women's milk tastes the same, and is influenced by things we ingest and our unique biology."

As for possible health concerns, a publicist for the show said Dobkin is using the same screening and pasteurization process as a Vancouver breast milk bank.
A mother in U.S. w/ several babies got in trouble requesting milk donation, as her state without milk bank. It's illegal to ship 'milk' across state line without health authority's inspection.

There's an on-going debate however low probability transmission via milk.

And somethings are best consume at source...

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
goodtime said:
A mother in U.S. w/ several babies got in trouble requesting milk donation, as her state without milk bank. It's illegal to ship 'milk' across state line without health authority's inspection.

There's an on-going debate however low probability transmission via milk.
So you think that dyke milk will be considered a risk for Mad Cow ?


Slightly Nuts
Sep 26, 2001
to-guy69 said:
Oh come on, I would bet that most new fathers have tried it. Back when my kid was born I used to try it often - always said I was glad we didn't have twins as there would have been no room for me.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
David Beckham 23 said:

Men drinking breast milk is unheard of. Damned nead wosre then earning red-wings


Jun 29, 2003
tastes better not pasteurized and right from the nipple,plus it is the best squirt gun I have ever used!


Feb 18, 2004
Turoro, Nova Scotia
Taste Of Lactating Ladies

The Milk Man said:
;) June 15, 2006 - 18:52


TORONTO (CP) - A performance artist is inviting people to "quench their curiosity" and taste samples of pasteurized human breast milk at her upcoming show.

Jess Dobkin has titled her work the Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar.

"Participants will have the opportunity to sample small quantities of breast milk, donated by local lactating new mothers at this free public tasting," said a news release.

The work will be staged July 13 at the Ontario College of Art and Design Professional Gallery.

Dobkin, described in the release as a single lesbian mother of a one-year-old daughter, said in an interview that the event will be in the spirit of a wine tasting.

"It will be like an actual bar with bar stools and . . . there will be tasting menus," she said Thursday. "I'll be bartending."

Dobkin said she's not worried about running out of the milk donated by six women for the show.

"The women donated generously. And people are going to be tasting small quantities of the milk. It's not going to be like 'here's a glass of milk for you.' I'm going to ration it out."

Dobkin, who has given performances and presented artist's talks and workshops at galleries and universities throughout North America, said she became interested in taboos surrounding breastfeeding.

"This project re-contextualizes something often regarded as indecent or repellent, offering a celebratory view," the 36-year-old Toronto-based artist said in the release.

"A substance that nourishes us in our infancy later becomes a curiosity in adulthood. Though many drink it exclusively for the first months of life, the memory of that taste and the sensation of drawing milk from the breast are forgotten. No two women's milk tastes the same, and is influenced by things we ingest and our unique biology."

As for possible health concerns, a publicist for the show said Dobkin is using the same screening and pasteurization process as a Vancouver breast milk bank.

"She contacted them and got their health and safety procedures and that's what she's following," said Amy Stewart of DW Communications.

The Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar is partly funded by a $9,000 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Usually the taste of lady's milk is naturally sweet & full of vitamins for growth and development of new borns. Its naturally sweet like honey.
Hope to be the part of tasteing if invited Would love to suck directly then drinking from a glass, its like a draft beer directly from the tap.

The Milk Man

Extreme Lactophyle
Aug 18, 2001
lickrolaine said:
tastes better not pasteurized and right from the nipple,plus it is the best squirt gun I have ever used!

Yes, as far as I know you're absolutely right... However, I've never tried
pasteurized breast milk... I wonder if it still tastes cantaloupey sweet after the pasteurization process?... Hmmmm... I might just check it out. Could use a sip or two right now... ;)

Ps... Wouldn't it be wonderful if those milking mothers were actually lined up
at the show, squirting streams of breast milk straight into the mouths of
those attending.... Now, that's keeping it real.

The Milk Man

Extreme Lactophyle
Aug 18, 2001
Papi Chulo said:
Does anyone here drink women's piss?

just curious
Did your mother feed you piss when you were a baby?..... Just curious?..

BTW... What the hell does piss have to do with what's being discussed here?... Breast milk was designed by God to nurture a woman's child the best way possible, while it's helpless and solely dependant on her for life.

Piss is bio waste... not fit for human consumption. ...same as shit come to think of it.

I hope your mother didn't feed you piss and shit to keep you alive?....

Oh... my bad... I just realized that you may have been trying to post in a piss/shit lovers thread. If so, I'm sorry for jumping on you. However, I respect your fetish and will assume that after this post, you'll correct your mistake by posting in the right place on this board... I think the thread is ' My mouth is a toilet... come piss and shit in it...please!"


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

The Milk Man said:
June 15, 2006 - 18:52


TORONTO (CP) - "....A performance artist...."

"Dobkin, described in the release as a single lesbian mother of a one-year-old daughter...."

"the...Toronto-based artist..."

"The Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar is partly funded by a $9,000 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts."
...did I know?:rolleyes:

My tax dollars hard at work I see...

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
The Milk Man said:
Did your mother feed you piss when you were a baby?..... Just curious?..

BTW... What the hell does piss have to do with what's being discussed here?... Breast milk was designed by God to nurture a woman's child the best way possible, while it's helpless and solely dependant on her for life.

Piss is bio waste... not fit for human consumption. ...same as shit come to think of it.

I hope your mother didn't feed you piss and shit to keep you alive?....

Oh... my bad... I just realized that you may have been trying to post in a piss/shit lovers thread. If so, I'm sorry for jumping on you. However, I respect your fetish and will assume that after this post, you'll correct your mistake by posting in the right place on this board... I think the thread is ' My mouth is a toilet... come piss and shit in it...please!"

Actually, piss is sterile, breast milk is not.

Here is a fascinating article on drinking piss.. it is a little more common than you may think!


and other bodily functions :) http://www.rotten.com/library/medicine/bodily-functions/
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts