Has the Catholic Church been Hijacked?


New member
Mar 4, 2006
See this pattern. Office of the Presidency, gone to the grandson of Hitler's financer, as well as Florida, and also California , lead by Aronld the son of an SS officer under Hitler.

Now look at this!:eek:

Do you think what I am thinking? Has they also taken over the Catholic Church?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I am begining to think that markjfr's part time job as a speed bump is begining to affect him.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
basketcase said:
Real question. Has the Catholic Church ever changed?
Good point.
Fact is the Church, appears to be going back to its roots.
There are some in the Roman Curia that would make Rush Limbaugh appear as a flaming liberal.........;)
Pope Benedict XVI (the Hammer as he was known in the Curia prior to ascending to become Pope) an Aryan German makes a good fit with the Curia.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004

I've tried to debate Mark a couple of times but if you ever ask him a question you just get some stupid answer or he just repeats what he wrote in his initial post. The only thing you can do is ignore him because he did the whole hitler schtick a few weeks ago and no matter how many rational arguements he heard he just discounted them -- did the same thing with the whole terrorist shoots up Montreal in another thread.

it used to be that this forum had some smart people on it who, whether you agreed with them or not, at least had some content in their posts. They are nearly all gone now (or have become infrequent posters) and it's a shame.

maybe it guys like you or OTB et al ignore the MarkJr's of the world they will go away


East end Hobbiest
First, while there s no question that it was a difficult choice for the young Ratzinger, there were many many people in Nazi Germany faced with the same tough choice and they choose a different route than to serve the Nazis.

Now this could be forgiven for your average German, but the Pope would seem to be a position that might be expected to have people of a higher moral fibre than he displayed at the time.

Also, his more contemporary history shows him to be no friend of the poor (a subject that Jesus, remember him, would probably rank way up at the top of the list of priorities of his church) when he fights Liberation Theology in Latin America, realistic methods for the prevention of AIDS in Africa and around the world, protecting child rapists, and other assorted acts of hording riches and power for itself.

72 Virgins sounds like a reasonable belief compared to the belief that killing the poor and making them suffer is a Christian virtue.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
You guys can insut my person all you want. That is not going to change the facts nor put the Pope in a positive light. He Chanted for Hitler, and he supported the concentration camps.

Go read about his admiration for Adolph Hitler in the Hitler's youth archives. When Nazi Germany "Appeared to have" lost to the alies, he lamented the Nazi regime.

So make execuses for him all you want, he still wore the Hitler's Uniform, and abused the Jews and the Polish and the poor along with the other Hilter's Youth. And He is the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
MarkJfr said:
So make execuses for him all you want, he still wore the Hitler's Uniform, and abused the Jews and the Polish and the poor along with the other Hilter's Youth. And He is the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
I also kick stray cats which cross my path, and I only tip 10% at restaurants.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Just a question...but if we made you king of the world MarkJr...what would the changes be?

It's a logical question since you do seem to have ALL the answers.

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