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Has Family Guy Surpassed The Simpsons?


Active member
Aug 25, 2001
As the best animated show?

I love the Simpsons (my favourite show pretty much), but the last few seasons are not as good as the first ten were IMO. Something is missing! Sometimes you have some really good shows, but its not the same as it used to be, for a lot of reasons.

I used to never watch Family Guy 'cause I just thought it was a Simpsons' ripoff, that stole a lot of their ideas. But I started watching and I laughed my ass off. Its everthing the Simpsons used to be, I mean as far as really being unpredictable. That show is really funny.

I still don't think its as good as the prime Simpsons' years. Simpsons was just more deep witty, clever. But how the two stack up now?
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New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
Has Family Guy surpassed The Simpsons?


Simpsons have staying power, always will, I agree last few seasons havent been as good but after year 3 the show was hilarious. The Simpsons have withstood the test of time, therefore they trump anything the Family Guy does. If Family guy is on for a dozen more years then we'll discuss


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I used to love the Simpsons but the last few seasons have been pretty weak. The few shows that are actually somewhat entertaining usually just rehash old material from past seasons. I think they should just retire the Simpsons; the Simpsons have gone far as they can go in regards to comedy (its sad but in my honest opinion its true). :(

Family Guy is definitly a better show in comparison to the current Simpsons. Have they brought out new shows of the Family Guy?.... been away for a while.

South Park's last few seasons have been really fucking funny also... South Park has also surpassed the current Simpsons as well...


Active member
Jul 28, 2004
the Simpsons peaked in the early 90s. All the classic episodes are from that era. it just does not make me laugh out loud anymore


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Family Guy is a good show but its only been around for a few years.

Let's wait till Family Guy lasts into the double digits for seasons before you can compare the two.

It's like comparing Dwayne Wade (Fam Guy) vs Micheal Jordan (Simp). At this point in time DW could probably whip MJ but when you compare their careers its MJ with no contest. But even at this point MJ probably can hit a few shots much like the Simpsons still has a few good episodes each season.
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