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Harry Lusk Klez Worm virus driving Dave crazy

Someone on these discussion boards or that has come to my websites, is very Klez worm infected.

Since arriving in Toronto, Harry Lusk <> is driving me crazy. But it isn't really him. I have been getting over 100 virus messages each night from that address. But messages aren't really from him, his address is being cloned by the Klez worm. Klez spoofs "From" information in the e-mails the virus sends.

On my slow 24k traveling laptop connection it takes me forever to download my E-mails with all his big virus messages taking so long to download.

Last night he had a string of 134 virus messages sent to me at once, really clogging up my system. Since shaw is in Canada, may be someone who others are getting these virus messages from. Since he isn't the real sender it makes it very hard to stop. They seem to come out in a surge at night. Only a few messages during the day.

Dave wondering why I am so lucky to receive all these virus messages. But don't think it is intentional just someone very infected is on board or website.
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