Allegra Escorts Collective

Hamilton Strip Great Time Friday Night

Hamilton Strip
Friday night May 28, 2004
By far my best experiences this trip

I have always had a great time at this club. On prior trips I take Centennial down to Barton and then all the way to the Club. But my GPS mapping device had another idea. Took me to the QEW getting off at Burlington and then worked its way back to Barton and the Club.

Arrived about 8pm. Did my usual standing holding up a pillar routine (I don't like being at a table since want to move around to position myself where roving dancers are).

Laura - very nice small and warm approach. Gets confused which name to use Passion is stage name. Quite nice both body and response.

Ayla - Hungarian - Dave best of the evening - When I asked where she was from she gave me a quiz, I forgot the first two clues, but where Golash was from and Zsa Zsa Gabor. Very sharp personality and also my favorite body type. Nice maybe B+ breasts, not too big and not too small and a dynamic smooth body, with great smile. Said how much she liked my touch and had a great time, great intimacy response. Later back holding up the pillar waiting for other dancers she came up to me twice to talk briefly. One time joked seeing me how I was getting other dancers that I was sort of tossing in my line and seeing what fish I could pull in. Great sense of humor and personality. Will be working this weekend but then goes to Ottawa for awhile. She enjoys rotating between various clubs.

Angel - Native of Hamilton, has worked the "trio" in Toronto. She got tired of the drive from Toronto but was concerned about working in her home town. In fact she mentioned the guy across the room she went to school with. She would be the last person most of her friends would think would be a stripper. I commented that they probably wouldn't recognize her without clothes, unless she was naked a lot at school! Good response. A bit larger than my idea both in body and breast size but enjoyable. She has strong pectoral muscles so she can make her breasts jump strongly. I asked if her PC muscle was as strong. She will never tell. Not high intimacy response but enjoyable and good conversationalist.

Ange - wears glasses, attractive, she kept being turned down for dances and I kept repositioning my self to try and be in her "scanning range". She went to the other side and I followed positioning my self by my usual holding up the column position. But then she goes back to the other side... I follow.... Finically she gets close and makes eye contact and I say, "I should wear a sign saying ask me!" That broke the ice for good time. We went back to her "office" and she warned me she thought the next song would be short and after that girls all go on stage, but since she was in the VIP she wouldn't have to but lets wait for next long song for us to start (great!). She has danced at the "trio" in Toronto, Pure Platinum (just one night didn't like) and all 3? other Hamilton strip clubs. But she always makes the most money here at Hamilton Strip.

By the way...I am noting...not once have I been even solicited for extras! Hmmm she make the most at a club that doesn't push extras. How nice.

Marie- Hungarian, a bit older the much larger breasts than Ayla, but friendly and good intimacy response (Eastern European noted for high intimacy factor). Very nice smile.. Ayla talks to her briefly...think saying I am nice? Marie has very limited English (6 months experience) but we can communicate the basics. She also speaks French (no help since I don't) and has danced in Montreal. Very good intimacy response especially one of my favorite positions.

Sonja - Another Hungarian, tall petite almost too small breasts for my ideal but enjoy slender body. Also limited English but very nice and good intimacy response.

Erin - Native of Hamilton has danced at this club for 8 years, although usually the day shift! Very short and petite. An immediate great intimacy response, very nice.

Leave about 12:30am am thinking about trying King Sherman Massage nearby with recent good reviews but have no idea what time they close. Punch it in my GPS and off we go through various streets, keeping track of one-ways and arrive at their door - but closed So back to hotel to write up reports !

Good and Bad about Hamilton Strip

Good - great dancers, lots of my type of intimacy responders, and no solicitation for any extra's from anyone.

Bad - the dude in the men's room. I don't need to pay someone to hand me a towel I can get one myself just fine, thank you. :(


Mar 7, 2004
contents of original post removed by Moderator

Moderators Note
Please note that illegal activities that may or may not take place in a Strip Club are just that, Illegal, and are not to be discussed on TERB , Please refrain from posting/asking questions about these types of activities

Thank You
TERB Moderator
No, I only want to do what is legal at strip clubs, I am not a fan of a quick extra, if I want more I want an hour in a bed with a women.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Welcome to the Hammer Dave... hope you enjoy your visit


New member
Dec 20, 2003
Front row, seat #6. In Hell
A note on "extras", call me a bit old fashioned, or whatever, but in all honesty, those who partake in the extra services beware, there's a time & a place, this isn't it. The Strip and a number of dancers were fined not too long ago. By-law has been stepping up their visits, and are not in the habit of being lenient anymore. The risks are outweighing any extra you may get. You're not just risking getting caught, but also risking that the dancer WILL be fired if caught, the club will be fined (no small fee) which in turn adds to the increase of drink prices, or if the city deems necessary, they will shut down the club, period. So is it worth it? Also, it isn't just LE, or the staff you have to watch out for, there are also a number of dancers that will not tolerate these actions in the club, and will in turn go to management to inform them, or in some cases take matters into their own hands, such as an incident last week. Be assured, wherever you are in there, you are being watched.

I'm all for having a good time, but discretion is urged.
I almost wish they would crack down a bit in Niagara Falls, since I don't like being solicited for extras at a SC! It seems to be getting worse each time I visit.

Some of us enjoy the strip clubs for what is perfectly legal and not more. You have it so good in Canada since what is legal in clubs here would get you a prostitution charge in the U.S, such as just touching female breasts which of course the Canadian Supreme Court upheld is not a bawdy issue. Although more restrictive bylaws are another issue. But as the Brampton Masssage bylaw that was overturned in Court, you can't have a bylaw that unreasonably restricts what is legal.

So lets keep it legal without any extra's at strip clubs!
Hamilton Strip
Monday night 5/31/04

As I expected wasn't nearly as busy as prior visits since a very foggy Monday night.

Crystal a friendly black gal from Mississauga, nice but not my type of intimacy.

Bridge - a bit older with kids but great body. Only works occasionally since kids take most her time. But she was wonderfully sensually responsive and great intimacy sharing.

Not many dancers working the floor, more customers started arriving when I left about 9pm


Active member
Feb 25, 2004
hay dave drop in wed nite around 11 pm and I will buy you a beer and dance with Aliza my flavour of the week , yum yum


Jan 19, 2003
I was there tonight.
I was with a new dancer, Stephanie.
She is from Quebec city.

The french flavour was wonderful.
She is definitely worth a try. Some shades of Dawn in this one, except with an accent.
Bartbarty - sorry I'm back in the Falls now...

JJ5 - Gee, I met a WONDERFUL gal Jenny, from Quebec City tonight at the Sundowner in the Falls. Must be something nice in the water there.


Apr 13, 2004
Friday evening

Stopped in at Hamilton Strip last night and had the good fortune to have dances from three delightful ladies. They all interacted, seemed to enjoy themselves and wanted to please. Not so much fun when they zone out, look off into space and act like your not even there, but that's another story.
As noted above, no extras were offered, nor were any expected, especially in the Strip where the VIP rooms are like common lounges.

Katrina - Hungarian, dyed blonde hair and manmades. Wonderful slim body that doesn't seem to match the face somehow. Slow and smooth.

Marguerite - Another girl from Hungary, has only been there a short while, she says. Tall, very thin and natural. Tremendous energy, I needed to catch my breath after 3 dances, and I was sitting.

Maria - From Colombia, sweet face, interesting body, a bit of an actress, but I good time with her (and a good converstion, that helps).

Lots of other girls there. All in all, a good time.
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