Hamas' win shows failure of U.S. ME policy


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Team 'w' batting '3 strikes' and your out!.......so far........:mad:

Strike 1. Creating an 'Afghan democracy'.....that is now 3 votes short of replacing the Taliban govt that was deposed by the USA in the first place with another neo-Taliban regime!
Strike 2. Creating an 'Iraqi democracy' that appears on the verge of becoming another Iran with only US troop presence there forestalling an upcoming Civil War their!
Strike 3. Hamas wins in Palestinian by a landslide!
Is this the 'fruits', fruition and results of Dubya's much vaunted 'Roadmap to Peace'?

This example of Dubya 'spreading freedom & democracy' in the ME must certainly inspire and cause paranoia in other ME countries/monachies/US allies, like Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, etc., as they all nervously wonder if these convulsions will spread on to them!

Bush agenda is the big loser in the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections.

Washington Post

WASHINGTON - Standing in a sunny Rose Garden on June 24, 2002, surrounded by his top foreign policy advisers, President Bush issued a forceful call for resolving the deadly Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "I call on the Palestinian people to elect new leaders, leaders not compromised by terror."

This week, Palestinians gave their answer, handing a landslide victory in national legislative elections to Hamas, which has claimed responsibility for dozens of suicide bombings and which desires the elimination of Israel.

Bush's statement calling for new leaders was aimed at the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, but in the same speech he also said it was necessary to thwart Hamas - formally the Islamic Resistance Movement - and other militant groups.

The election outcome signals a dramatic failure in the administration's strategy for Middle East peace, according to analysts and some U.S. officials.

Since the United States cannot deal with an organization labeled a terrorist organization by the State Department, Hamas' victory is likely to curtail U.S. aid, limit official U.S. contacts with the Palestinian government and stall efforts to create an independent Palestinian state.

More broadly, Hamas' victory is seen as a setback in the administration's campaign for greater democracy in the Middle East. Elections in Iran, Iraq, Egypt and now the Palestinian territories have resulted in the defeat of secular and moderate parties and the rise of Islamic parties hostile to U.S. interests.

The administration has long been criticized for being reluctant to get involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; even after Bush's 2002 speech, the policy drifted except for occasional high-profile speeches and events.

But after Arafat's death in late 2004 and the beginning of Bush's second term, the president vowed that things would be different, saying he would invest "political capital" in ensuring a Palestinian state before he leaves office in 2009.

The effort went wrong on three fronts, according to interviews inside and outside the administration:

• The administration put its hopes on the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and poured hundreds of millions of dollars to fund public works projects. But it failed to back him when he asked for concrete help, especially in his dealings with the Israelis.

• The administration was highly attuned to the shifts in Israeli politics but deaf to the upheaval in Palestinian society. It was so focused on facilitating Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip that it did not press Israel to end settlement expansion in the West Bank, release additional prisoners or take other measures that might have reduced Palestinian indignation.

• Despite deep Israeli misgivings, the administration late last year shifted policy and decided Hamas could participate in the elections even though it had not disarmed its militias, in contrast to rules set for elections in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland.

When Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned in September that he would try to block Hamas' participation unless it disbanded its militia and accepted Israel's right to exist, the administration forced the Israelis to back off.

"Elections are fundamental to the continued evolution and development of the Palestinian process," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.


Dubya....one hell of a
Nation(s) Builder...ehhh!!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
langeweile said:
Just on cue....at least you are consistent.
Just like you lange LOL....

......and a Limbaugh lemmingesque ....'ditto' to you too.....:D

lange, one of Dubya's
favorite lap puppies!!!


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
a thousand (or more) times "no"!

Bush policy at fault? No, that simply cannot be. It's all the fault of Bush Bashers®, Bill Clinton, and, in this case, the Palestinians themselves. See, that's because, despite a spectacularly mediocre and closed mind, simplistic (to the point of idiotic) policies, and breathtakingly wilful ignorance of the conditions of other people's lives, Bush and his supporters simply cannot be in the wrong. They hate it when that even threatens to happen, so it just plain can't be. End of story. Remember, this is a guy who couldn't think fo a single mistake he'd made, or anything he would have done differently. Obvious conclusion: it's everyone else who does all that "mistake" jazz, not him and his oh-so-loyal followers. See? Was that hard?

May 3, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
Team 'w' batting '3 strikes' and your out!.......so far........:mad:

Strike 1. Creating an 'Afghan democracy'.....that is now 3 votes short of replacing the Taliban govt that was deposed by the USA in the first place with another neo-Taliban regime!
Strike 2. Creating an 'Iraqi democracy' that appears on the verge of becoming another Iran with only US troop presence there forestalling an upcoming Civil War their!
Strike 3. Hamas wins in Palestinian by a landslide!
Is this the 'fruits', fruition and results of Dubya's much vaunted 'Roadmap to Peace'?

This example of Dubya 'spreading freedom & democracy' in the ME must certainly inspire and cause paranoia in other ME countries/monachies/US allies, like Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, etc., as they all nervously wonder if these convulsions will spread on to them!

Bush agenda is the big loser in the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections.

Washington Post

WASHINGTON - Standing in a sunny Rose Garden on June 24, 2002, surrounded by his top foreign policy advisers, President Bush issued a forceful call for resolving the deadly Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "I call on the Palestinian people to elect new leaders, leaders not compromised by terror."

This week, Palestinians gave their answer, handing a landslide victory in national legislative elections to Hamas, which has claimed responsibility for dozens of suicide bombings and which desires the elimination of Israel.

Bush's statement calling for new leaders was aimed at the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, but in the same speech he also said it was necessary to thwart Hamas - formally the Islamic Resistance Movement - and other militant groups.

The election outcome signals a dramatic failure in the administration's strategy for Middle East peace, according to analysts and some U.S. officials.

Since the United States cannot deal with an organization labeled a terrorist organization by the State Department, Hamas' victory is likely to curtail U.S. aid, limit official U.S. contacts with the Palestinian government and stall efforts to create an independent Palestinian state.

More broadly, Hamas' victory is seen as a setback in the administration's campaign for greater democracy in the Middle East. Elections in Iran, Iraq, Egypt and now the Palestinian territories have resulted in the defeat of secular and moderate parties and the rise of Islamic parties hostile to U.S. interests.

The administration has long been criticized for being reluctant to get involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; even after Bush's 2002 speech, the policy drifted except for occasional high-profile speeches and events.

But after Arafat's death in late 2004 and the beginning of Bush's second term, the president vowed that things would be different, saying he would invest "political capital" in ensuring a Palestinian state before he leaves office in 2009.

The effort went wrong on three fronts, according to interviews inside and outside the administration:

• The administration put its hopes on the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and poured hundreds of millions of dollars to fund public works projects. But it failed to back him when he asked for concrete help, especially in his dealings with the Israelis.

• The administration was highly attuned to the shifts in Israeli politics but deaf to the upheaval in Palestinian society. It was so focused on facilitating Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip that it did not press Israel to end settlement expansion in the West Bank, release additional prisoners or take other measures that might have reduced Palestinian indignation.

• Despite deep Israeli misgivings, the administration late last year shifted policy and decided Hamas could participate in the elections even though it had not disarmed its militias, in contrast to rules set for elections in Afghanistan and Northern Ireland.

When Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned in September that he would try to block Hamas' participation unless it disbanded its militia and accepted Israel's right to exist, the administration forced the Israelis to back off.

"Elections are fundamental to the continued evolution and development of the Palestinian process," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.


Dubya....one hell of a
Nation(s) Builder...ehhh!!!
Ah I see that you, Kessler and the other apologists and defeatists were quite content with the Staus Quo defeatist policies of the 90's that fed the turbulence of the Middle East leading up to Sept 11/01.

Those policies entrenced the Taliban as a RIFT regime in Afghanistan whereby they gave succour and shelter to Al Qaeda and hence the growth of RIFT worldwide. Great Clinton policy!!!!!

Those policies gave rise to intrangience in the Palestinian/Israei dispute which subsequently sprung Hamas from it's loins. Great Clinton Policy!!!!

Those policies supported totalitarian regimes in the Middle East which enraged restive RIFTs in the region. Great Clinton Policy!!!!

Those policies basically turned a blind eye and shrugged it's shoulders in a "who gives a shit" attitude which spawned, nurtured and eventually festered the growth of RIFT and all it's Theological offshoots into the menace and threat that presented itself at the world's doorstep in 2001. Great Clinton Policies!!!!

Apocalyptic visionaries such as yourself talk solace and succour from impending Armaggedon scenarios in the sanctuary of your mind. Fortunately, there are those who actually take action to prevent your world-destroying orgasms.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You are absolutely right sir!
I forgot Dubya has to be right because Dubya talks to God and God talks back to Dubya.......:eek:

God's on MY side!!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Rogie & his RIFTS.......

The fact that Doofus Dubya's RIFT policy has created a thousand fold more RIFTs than Clinton's more sane way of looking at things just escapes your little Delusional Compulsively RIFT Obsessed pea-picking brain completely!....:eek:

Dubya & Rogie gonna git
them RIFTs we all created !!!
May 3, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
The fact that Doofus Dubya's RIFT policy has created a thousand fold more RIFTs than Clinton's more sane way of looking at things just escapes your little Delusional Compulsively RIFT Obsessed pea-picking brain completely
Dubya & Rogie gonna git
them RIFTs we all created !!!
The current admin. is attempting to undo all the damage caused by the laissez-faire policies of the Clinton cabal in the 90's.

The birth and rise of Hamas> The Clinton Era and policy.
The rise, and global entrenchment of AQ> The Clinton Era and policy.
The rise and omnipresence of RIFT> The Clinto Era and policy,

That's quite a disastrous legacy to leave a world with.:eek:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
rogerstaubach said:
Apocalyptic visionaries such as yourself talk solace and succour from impending Armaggedon scenarios in the sanctuary of your mind. Fortunately, there are those who actually take action to prevent your world-destroying orgasms.
Does this mean you finally have the 'stones' to sign up and join Dubya's 'Krusade for ME freedom & democracy' ....Texas style?!?!?!

'Bout time you wore
the uniform rogie !!!


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
Bravo! (wait, that's foreign; HOORAY!)

WoodPeckr said:
You are absolutely right sir!
I forgot Dubya has to be right because Dubya talks to God and God talks back to Dubya.......:eek:
God's on MY side!!!
Atta boy, Woody! Good for you, there, fella! Ya got it just [far] right! See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Ya just gotta quit listening to the liberals, with all their boring questions, and nattering on about 'freedom' and 'justice' and, fer cryin' out loud, 'the Constitution. See, I got a theory about that. They know they're wrong, see? But they've been to all these fancy schools, with all these fancy professors--so, just to prove they got their money's worth, they bring up all this silly business about 'rights' and 'principles'--abstract stuff that has zip-all to do with the bottom line, nam sane? Don't give 'em another thought! Let Annie Coulter deal with 'em. Since she got her nose/chin/breast job, she's good at that!



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
rogerstaubach said:
The current admin. is attempting to undo all the damage caused by the laissez-faire policies of the Clinton cabal in the 90's.

The birth and rise of Hamas> The Clinton Era and policy.
The rise, and global entrenchment of AQ> The Clinton Era and policy.
The rise and omnipresence of RIFT> The Clinto Era and policy,

That's quite a disastrous legacy to leave a world with.
Go back a little deeper!
Don't forget Reagan, Rummy, Cheney & dad of Dubya who created this AQ Frankenstein back in the USSR/Afghan War.
Give some credit to the original cast members!
Reagan policy, now that's quite a disastrous legacy to leave a world with...:eek:
May 3, 2004
WoodPeckr said:
Go back a little deeper!
Don't forget Reagan, Rummy, Cheney & dad of Dubya who created this AQ Frankenstein back in the USSR/Afghan War.
Give some credit to the original cast members!
Reagan policy, now that's quite a disastrous legacy to leave a world with...:eek:
Ah, poor Pecker doesn't like the reality of the Clinton era's reign and policy that led to the rise, entrenchment and eventual worldwide aspirations and acts of RIFT and Islamic theology that permeates the world today. Boo hoo, hoo.

Carter's feebleness and reign led to the Iranian Islamic Theological regime that threatens regional and world peace.

RIFT was born and bred in Egypt during the early 50's and gained succour and strength during the reign of Kennedy and Johnson. Their policies of ineptitude further entrenched totalitrian regimes in the ME which fermented radical islamic terrorism.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
rogerstaubach said:
RIFT was born and bred in Egypt during the early 50's and gained succour and strength during the reign of Kennedy and Johnson. Their policies of ineptitude further entrenched totalitrian regimes in the ME which fermented radical islamic terrorism.
Ahhhh but Reagan showed/trained them RIFTs how to take down a superpower the USSR! Big big difference!
Now OBL, who doofus Dubya let git away after being cornered in Tora Bora, has such a 'big head' from Reagan & Co's training back in the 80's, OBL is saying how he is going to 'bleed the USA into bankruptcy' just like OBL did to the USSR!
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