Guy is brutally stabbed and forced him to swallow acid in UK by Muslim gang



A 16-year-old boy is being held in custody after the attempted murder of a man in an alleged 'honour' acid attack.
The man, 24, was suspected of having an affair with a married Muslim woman. She has since been warned her life could also be in danger

Her alleged lover is fighting for his life after a masked gang stabbed him twice and forced him to swallow sulphuric acid.

The assailants also poured acid over his body and are feared to have beaten his face with bricks, leaving him blind in one eye.

Two men, aged 19 and 25, have been charged with attempted murder and Scotland Yard have now revealed a 16-year-old has been re-arrested over the attack.

One witness, Kay Dice, 52, said: 'He was screaming and screaming. He was pleading for help.

'I thought he had a huge cross on his back, but in fact it was where his skin had peeled away.'

The victim's tongue was destroyed by the acid he was forced to swallow and his throat was severely damaged. He suffered skull fractures and the acid caused 50 per cent burns to his body.

It is not known if the man, originally from Denmark, will survive. Witnesses who saw him seconds afterwards said he wailed 'like a wounded animal'.


RandyAndy2 said:
Like people of any other religion wouldn't commit acts of violence?
not in this manner and with this motive

all religions have people that commit crimes, but those people dont do it with the MOTIVE based on their religion...

0.....01% doesnt make a difference...whereas muslims have easily 5-10% plus bad apples that do crimes in the name of islam

if you get mugged in Canada, most likely the kid will be of christian decsent, but that doesnt mean he did it based on his christian values or teachings...


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
superman said:
0.....01% doesnt make a difference...whereas muslims have easily 5-10% plus bad apples that do crimes in the name of islam
So where did you get these numbers from?


Oct 1, 2007
Where the hell do you people get your statistics from? Do you simply pull them out of your ass and then use them to make graphs?

Here's some actual stats for you: "The Detroit Mosque Study: Muslim Views on Policy and Religion," by Ihsan Bagby of the Institute for Social Policy Understanding, a Muslim group.

On page 37 of the report is this:

Mosque participants were asked, whether they agree or disagree with the statement, "Shari'ah should be the law of the land in Muslim countries?" Shari'ah refers to Islamic law which includes laws dealing with adulterers by stoning.

Apply Islamic Law in Muslim Lands
Strongly Agree — 59%
Somewhat Agree — 22%
Somewhat Disagree — 8%
Strongly Disagree — 3%
Don't Know — 8%

It means, in effect, that most survey participants oppose democracy in Iraq and elsewhere in the Islamic world, and want to see Sharia oppression of women and non-Muslim dhimmis instituted throughout Muslim lands.

Read Mark Stey'ns book America Alone. I don't have a copy handy, but the poll numbers of US and European Muslims who advocate Sharia at home are similar.

When British Muslims were polled in another survey and asked "If a family member joined Al Queda, would they approve?" the numbers were not in the 10 to 15 percent range, that is, the popularly bandied about percentage of all Muslims who are said to embrace extremist views, the numbers looked more like those numbers above.

Ditto to the numbers approving of suicide bombings to promote Islamic causes.

The so called "moderate Muslims" some people here think are actually the "real representatives of Islam", actually have some pretty fucked up ideas, and acid burning of suspected adulterers is just a step down the road.

Rosie O'donell

New member
Aug 7, 2006
@ home of course. Jeesh!
Ashley Dupree said:
holy fuck. i would stone those 2 to death.

That's too good for them!
They deserved to be anally raped by the biggest schlonged locked up prisoners! :mad:


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Robinto, those are mosque-attending Muslims. Slowpoke has posted some stats on another thread that only a minority of moslems attend mosque and probably even fewer would choose to participate in the poll.

So you have a self-selected skewed study group there.

Check out the thread about Zarah @ Cupids on the o/c board for another type of Arabic person.


Oct 1, 2007
oagre said:
Robinto, those are mosque-attending Muslims. Slowpoke has posted some stats on another thread that only a minority of moslems attend mosque and probably even fewer would choose to participate in the poll.

So you have a self-selected skewed study group there.

Check out the thread about Zarah @ Cupids on the o/c board for another type of Arabic person.
Did you even bother to read the source of Slowpoke's data in the Rideau Canal post?

It's from The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelicism. The article starts by saying “There is no up-to-date reliable information in the UK on how many Muslims actually attend mosque regularly. Then goes on to quote from a 1986, a study over 23 years old, that attempts to prove that the falloff in church attendance and an increase in registered mosques in the UK from four in 1960 to 314 in 1985 to 618 in 2002 is nothing for evangelicals to be alarmed about.

And you question my stats? While quoting a guy quoting a guy quoting drivel? Telling the world that according to stats pulled out of the butt of a guy on TERB, "that only a minority of Muslims go to mosque... therefore..."

Sir. You are a retard.

People who are fond of stats that they pull out of their butts, are always twitchy about stats that make them feel uncomfortable, I suppose so attacking my fact finding is understandable.

But Steyn's stats would have been fact checked by journalistic experts, and from, as I recall, were from polls taken by the London Times.

The stats I quoted, have the numbers to back them up, and a large enough numerical base to make them statistically valid.

As for looking up OC, I don't actually know what that is. Am I to assume that according to a prostitute you know, there are actually some Muslims with hearts of gold?

Who cares? But your point is taken, Sir, regardless. I assure you.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
People need to remember that it only takes a few people to cause a great deal of chaos. The IRA didn't actually have that many active members in Northern Ireland, to cause massive chaos for England. A population unwilling to rat you out, a few nutcases, and you can have your own guerilla movement.

Britain, France, Spain and the U.S. have all had violent incidents involving Muslim minorities. How close are we to having similar problems in Canada?

A few nutcases. You can't generalize between a survey of a population, and the activities of a few religous extremists. To figure out what is happening, you have to track the extremists.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Robinto said:
Sir. You are a retard.

As for looking up OC, I don't actually know what that is. Am I to assume that according to a prostitute you know, there are actually some Muslims with hearts of gold?

Who cares? But your point is taken, Sir, regardless. I assure you.
O/c board means the TERB outcall board. And I present Zarah @ Cupid's, the newest Arabic escort in town.

robinto, have you ever, err, actually MET a Moslem?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
ye fecks are all so defensive when it comes to religion..muslims are more likely to kill innocent ppl because of their religion, simple as that


New member
Aug 6, 2005
alphanig said:
ye fecks are all so defensive when it comes to religion..muslims are more likely to kill innocent ppl because of their religion, simple as that

Really? I seem to recall a whole lot of slaughter during the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the various purges of so called Heretics and the utter devastation of Europe during the 30 Years War.

Of course, in the modern era, the wars waged by so called "atheist" regimes resulted in about 100,000,000 dead in the last century. At least 6 million of them were killed due to their religious beliefs, but I can assure you there are many many more.

Ever hear of Falun Gong members who are being imprisoned and killed for their organs for transplants in the last little while? I imagine not.

You're a bigotted moron who's dragging down the level of the discussion. Then again, you are what you are and it's generally unreasonable of me to expect more from slightly evolved apes. When will I ever learn? :rolleyes:


New member
i live in Brampton.. commonly called Bramladesh. Hell, I'm the only white person in a 15 house diameter.

I find the Muslims and Sikhs to be really nice people.. the ones that can drive without hitting curbs, running red lights etc. etc.

for fun, I wear a big Israel T-Shirt around town looking for trouble. It hasn't happened yet. Then again, I couldn't tell you a Maltese Cross from a regular cross from a satanic symbol so what do I know... religion causes war, that's all I know.

They're good people. I can't stress that enough.

It's a shame about the beating.. i was hoping that the acid incident was drug related. That's the only reason I read the article... I love drugs.
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