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Guillermo del Toro

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The next twelve months could be a Pax del Toro with Pacific Rim set for this summer and Crimson Peak possibly in the fall.

He started the year with an appetizer, bankrolling first time film-maker Antonio Muschetti's Mama. And the main courses look amazing. Pacific Rim takes the monster concept established in film like The Host and Cloverfield to the next level. But it's Crimson Peak I'm more excited about, it could be as good as his masterpiece Pan's Labyrinth.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Antonio Muschetti's classic short film that drew the attention of The Dark genius. Yes, we've seen it before but I can't see it enough.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Pacific Rim is fronted by Idris Elba. I very under-rated actor who did a great Captain Kirk spoof in Prometheus - and got to bang Charlize Theron. He's also been tipped as the next James Bond.


Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Von, I applaud you on your taste.

Guillermo is a true cinematic visionary. A real cineast of the highest order.

Don't expect too many replies here on TERB though. The members who would be aware of who he is and what a director does for film are few and far between.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007

My motto in life is to never underestimate anyone. I never expected any hits to my Bach thread and look what happened.



Jun 6, 2009
Von, I applaud you on your taste.Guillermo is a true cinematic visionary. A real cineast of the highest order.

Don`t expect too many replies here on TERB though. The members who would be aware of who he is and what a director does for film are few and far between.
Geeeesh, better not go for a walk today. The breeze might catch you nose and knock you off your high horse.

Remember this thread?

Why I find it difficult to date Canadian Women.


New member
May 2, 2012
Idris Elbis not under rated just relatively unknown. He won critical reviews for his role as Stringer Bell in The Wire. He would make a great Bond.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I've never seen any of Idris Elba's TV work, but his film work impresses me. He has a "stay thirsty my friends" demenour about him.



internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
for imagination and bringing his imagination to life i don't think there is anyone better than him right now. the guys who do the comic books movies and guys like jj abrams and peter jackson are incredible but the story is already laid out for them and all they have to do is create the imagery to go with the story they have already been told. del toro creates the story and the images that go with it, i put him at the top of his class right now and he has some greats up there with him currently.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Hate to break this to you, but I don't see any of these movies as the next "Saving Private Ryan," "Lincoln," or "Gandhi."


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Hate to break this to you, but I don't see any of these movies as the next "Saving Private Ryan," "Lincoln," or "Gandhi."
those were great movies. already written by someone else and all they had to do was create the imagery to go with it. in this time of film making and the world we are in now he is the top guy. he creates the story then creates the images to go with it. that doesn't happen to much anymore with the era of comic book movies and remakes.

i could go back and name countless movies that blow him out of the water but we are talking about right now and this generation i thought.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Different type of director from Spielberg and Attenborough (Ghandi) as simon482 so eloquently pointed out. And Pan's Labyrinth is as good if not better than Poltergeist. There is a connection between the two, Richard Attenborough was Professor Hammond in Jurassic Park. His younger brother David Attenborough is the Dr David Suzuki of England.


Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
The Hobbit, really nice movie, dazzling effects
Guillermo got a co-writing credit for 'The Hobbit' but he didn't direct. He was supposed to but due to the studio's legal woes that delayed the start of production, he had to bow out and Peter Jackson rightfully took over the directing reins.

Del Toro's influence is still very much on the film. Particularly in the 'Smaug' scenes.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
those were great movies. already written by someone else and all they had to do was create the imagery to go with it. in this time of film making and the world we are in now he is the top guy. he creates the story then creates the images to go with it. that doesn't happen to much anymore with the era of comic book movies and remakes.

i could go back and name countless movies that blow him out of the water but we are talking about right now and this generation i thought.
thank you for putting it more eloquently than I ever could as I found those 3 movies complete borefests!! Lincoln was just a bunch of old dudes sitting around yelling at each other" but that's preposterous!!" The trouble with these movies is that they present their main character as some sort of angel coming down from heaven, I want to see the real Lincoln as a human being with faults. And before some of you jump on me for not being smart enough to enjoy it, I am first to see foreign films and smart American ones made by smart people.

As for Del Toro his work is awesome, although I have tried to get into Hell Boy, it was just silly to me but Pan's Labyrinth I showed to a group of high school kids who in a heartbeat would repeat the line "ohhhh but I dont wanna read a movie" with it's subtitles and they loved it.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
thank you for putting it more eloquently than I ever could as I found those 3 movies complete borefests!! Lincoln was just a bunch of old dudes sitting around yelling at each other" but that's preposterous!!" The trouble with these movies is that they present their main character as some sort of angel coming down from heaven, I want to see the real Lincoln as a human being with faults. And before some of you jump on me for not being smart enough to enjoy it, I am first to see foreign films and smart American ones made by smart people.

As for Del Toro his work is awesome, although I have tried to get into Hell Boy, it was just silly to me but Pan's Labyrinth I showed to a group of high school kids who in a heartbeat would repeat the line [SIZE=+2]"ohhhh but I dont wanna read a movie"[/SIZE] with it's subtitles and they loved it.
That's one of the worst and most annoying statements that I often hear in North America when it comes to watching film. It's shows a lack of education, acceptance and understanding.

How do the people who make this statement think the rest of the world saw 'The Godfather', 'Titanic' or 'Lord of the Rings'?

The statement is abhorrent.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
That's one of the worst and most annoying statements that I often hear in North America when it comes to watching film. It's shows a lack of education, acceptance and understanding.

How do the people who make this statement think the rest of the world saw 'The Godfather', 'Titanic' or 'Lord of the Rings'?

The statement is abhorrent.
reminds me of a saying "to understand how stupid Americans are, imagine an average American and how dumb he is and then half of the country would have to be stupider than that".

(The irony of course is that it would have to be "median" American, not "average" American. So the author was either dumb himself or made the saying simpler to appeal to listeners who he perceived as being dumb) :)


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
That's one of the worst and most annoying statements that I often hear in North America when it comes to watching film. It's shows a lack of education, acceptance and understanding.

How do the people who make this statement think the rest of the world saw 'The Godfather', 'Titanic' or 'Lord of the Rings'?

The statement is abhorrent.
My other favourite excuse I have heard about foreign films with subtitles is "ohhh they move too fast to read"? uhum just exactly how uneducated or mentally slow are you? :)

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It helps if young people learn another language other than English. The top two films of 2006 were Pan's Labyrinth and The Lives of Others. Knowing Italian I hardly paid attention to the subtitles for the del Toro film, the German film took greater effort to understand.

I'll probably attend a sneak preview or be there on opening night for Crimson Peak.

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