GTA woman’s $6M suit against her U.K.financier boss for sexual harassment tossed


New member
Dec 27, 2004

Cathal Kelly
Staff Reporter

A Canadian financier who accused her millionaire boss of hiring a hitman to kill her learned Monday that a London employment tribunal did not believe her story.

“We did not find the claimant a persuasive witness,” the tribunal said today in a written judgment, dismissing the $6 million suit brought by Jordan Wimmer.

Wimmer, 29, of Mississauga, rocked London’s financial district — the “City” — with her allegations last fall against hedge-fund boss Mark Lowe.

Lowe is a well-known figure in the English investment world, a famous roué with a French castle, a $200 million fortune and a taste for the pleasures money can buy. Wimmer turned that playboy image around, painting Lowe as a predator.

She accused him of a determined campaign of sexual harassment. Wimmer alleged that Lowe peppered her with suggestive emails, forced her to attend strip clubs for business meetings and made her work with prostitutes that he passed off as relatives. She also claimed he demanded sex.

As a result, Wimmer said, she’d become clinically anxious, bulimic and was no longer able to work at her $800,000-per-year position.

Bizarrely, Wimmer also suggested that Lowe had hired a Russian hitman to run her over in the street.

Throughout the hearing, Lowe denied the bulk of Wimmer’s claims. At worst, he suggested, he was guilty of poor taste.

The tribunal heard that Lowe forwarded a series of “dumb blond” jokes to Wimmer, who is blond.

One email, entitled “Who is your real friend?” read: “Put your dog and your girlfriend in the boot (trunk) of your car for an hour and then see who is happy to see you.”

Another showed a sign: “Men: No shirt, no service; Women: No shirt, free drinks” :D

“I thought they were funny. They weren’t brilliantly funny, but they amused me,” Lowe told the tribunal. “These are very mild by comparison to some of the jokes I receive from business associates that I don’t forward.”

Lowe, 59, called the most serious accusations “a mixture of exaggeration or half-truths which do not properly reflect what actually happened.”

Lowe suggested that his relationship with Wimmer soured after he demanded repayment of a $115,000 loan. Lowe also pointed out that in four years at Nomos, Wimmer had advanced rapidly into a senior, well-compensated position.

After nearly five months of consideration, the tribunal’s panel decided it believed Lowe’s story. Or rather, that it didn’t believe Wimmer’s.

“Her dramatic account is simply not corroborated by the overwhelming totality of the contemporaneous documents,” the judgment read, according to the Telegraph. “(T)he attempts made by the claimant (Wimmer) during the course of the hearing to corroborate her claims of sexual harassment … put bluntly, backfired.”


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Where's the fun in having hundreds of millions and being the boss if one can't tell blonde jokes and have work conferences at Strip clubs lol

Besides, Jordan looks hot in The Star pic, so I guess Lowe or anyone else would indeed stare at her breasts during meetings - they're only human.

Too bad she isn't a GTA SP lol.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
A Canadian financier who accused her millionaire boss of hiring a hitman to kill her learned Monday that a London employment tribunal did not believe her story.
... the blonde who knew too much, LOL.

If her accusation is true, she must have been more than just blowing him under his desk.

I really like this one even though it could be fictional:

.... and made her work with prostitutes that he passed off as relatives.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
A slighly spicier take

'Dumb blonde' loses £4million battle with her City boss

A City executive who claimed her boss hired her as a 'Charlie's Angel' to lure investors lost her claim for £4million compensation yesterday.

Jordan Wimmer, 29, claimed she was the blonde, while a brunette and an Oriental colleague made up the team to mimic the 1970s television series.

She earned £577,000 a year but said she endured four years of sexual harassment, including groping, being taken to strip clubs and having to watch Mark Lowe enjoy a lap-dance.

Her millionaire boss, 59, brought scantily clad prostitutes to business meetings abroad, she claimed.

Miss Wimmer also told how she felt 'soiled and disgusted' at 'dumb blonde jokes' he made and eventually suffered a nervous breakdown.

Mr Lowe, she alleged, was 'hell bent' on creating a team of 'Mark's Angels' using her, a brunette and Oriental colleague as 'sales lures'.

From 2004 to 2009, she said she was the blonde with Carol Teng, 30, as the Oriental 'angel' and Katrin Bulach as the third member of the team.

They were a parallel to the 1970s television series starring Farrah Fawcett and its remake as two Hollywood movies starring Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore.

But an employment tribunal found that Miss Wimmer, a Canadian, of Chelsea, West London, rarely complained about the jokes, even emailing 'Hilarious!' in response to one.

She also told a doctor treating her depression: 'I just ignored it because I was earning so much money.' In a unanimous judgment, the panel in central London dismissed her claims for sex discrimination and unfair dismissal.

Employment judge Sara Woffenden said: 'We did not find the claimant a persuasive witness.'

She rejected Miss Wimmer's account that she 'got on with her job' while enduring Mr Lowe's alleged harassment because she was exhausted.

The judge noted that her boss, who has described himself as 'not monogamous', paid for her phone bill and meals at top restaurants.

In addition, he gave her time off for beauty sessions as she had to be 'well groomed' for her job.

The tribunal also rejected Miss Wimmer's claim that Mr Lowe made an obscene suggestion to a work experience student in the form of a quotation from the poet Catullus.

It was 'pedicabo vos et irrumabo vos', which translates to: 'F*** you and b***** you'.

Mr Lowe, an Oxford classics graduate who is boss of Mayfair-based Nomos Capital, said the quotation was simply his philosophy of life, not an indecent proposal.

Miss Wimmer, who admitted during the hearing that she was having an affair with a married banker in his 40s, launched her claim last November.

She said Mr Lowe, a father-of-two separated from his wife, emailed her a stream of jokes.

The panel admitted the jokes were 'in poor taste ...some are sexually explicit, sexist or offensive about Muslims, the Welsh and transsexuals'.

But, it added, Miss Wimmer exaggerated the number and should have complained if she was unhappy.

Miss Woffenden also noted that she did not complain about going to a strip club in Paris and could have left.

Miss Wimmer alleged Mr Lowe introduced her to an escort called Ling in 2005. But the tribunal said it accepted that the woman, who was wearing hotpants and stilettoes, was simply an ex-girlfriend of Mr Lowe's.

The claim that a second woman, Natalia Malygina, was an escort was backed by suggestive pictures on Facebook.

But the judgment said there 'was little discernible difference' between these photos and those of Miss Wimmer's own friends on the site.

Judge Woffenden accepted testimony from Mr Lowe that remarks that Miss Wimmer was 'decorative' and a 'dumb blonde' were 'ironic'.

She added that Miss Wimmer 'knew this' as she had 'felt herself to be his favourite and was receiving the highest salary'.

Mr Lowe's solicitor Linky Trott said yesterday: 'We welcome the judgment.

'Most of us will have seen or emailed on slightly risque or rude jokes and thought nothing of it.'

Miss Wimmer's solicitor Nicky Walker said she 'was disappointed' and may appeal.


Apr 24, 2005
She earned £577,000 a year but said she endured four years of sexual harassment, including groping, being taken to strip clubs and having to watch Mark Lowe enjoy a lap-dance.
A job like this can be soul destroying. Unless things have changed, I wouldn't pay 2 cents for a U.K. "lapdance".


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
She threw away 800K/annum plus perqs for a grab at 6Mil? Thats bad economics. She could have hired flunkees to go to the peelers in her stead and deleted the blonde joke emails. I might just try that trunk of the car experiment myself.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
This harkens back to the sexual harassment thread and how you have to be careful what you say and or do. If this occurred in Canada you can bet your bottom dollar that Lowe would have been found guilty, had to pay her the 6 mill, plus 25 mil severence plus close his business.

BTW: I've had to endure a hell of a lot worse than that for a $65K job let alone an $800K job.....she gets no sympathy from me.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Good Luck

She is better off hiring, a lawyer on contingesy, to handle her case and in 20 years she might see money if the dirtbag hasn't gone personally bankrupt!
I read this article awhile back. Now that this has been solved, I'm sure her career is down the crapper. Who in their right mind will hire her now, knowing her past. Unless they have her sign an iron clad employment agreement etc etc. It will be very difficult for her to get a job at that level again.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Nevermind her job history, she already came out and said she's bonkers........

btw, just have to stir the pot a little, but for $800 grand for standing around and looking pretty? Hell, I'd let my boss grab my ass for that kind of money. I mean hell, previous bosses have tried to fuck me (out of my expenses) and I was only making $65K!!!!!!

Make me WATCH him get a lap dance? Hell, I'd PAY for it FFS....


Apr 24, 2005
This harkens back to the sexual harassment thread and how you have to be careful what you say and or do.
That is why we have a "no hugging" policy in our company.

Has anyone noticed that everything is a human rights violation in the eyes of the Human Rights Commission? No surprise. Create a commission and give it funds and it starts to be a living breathing organism (no, this is not a typo) that wants to expand its powers exponentially.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Transparent shakedown attempt. Her boss is a lout and offensive. He paid her a MASSIVE amount of $$ for a woman in her mid 20's. She put up with his shit because she was making more $$ than she dreamed possible. Then he fired her and the $$ stopped flowing and she sued him.

The racist jokes about the Welsh are especially offensive, IMO.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
That is why we have a "no hugging" policy in our company.

Has anyone noticed that everything is a human rights violation in the eyes of the Human Rights Commission? No surprise. Create a commission and give it funds and it starts to be a living breathing organism (no, this is not a typo) that wants to expand its powers exponentially.
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