Greasy Actor Sperm for Sale - Only 1 Million$

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Ewww.... as if looking at greasy, gross, possibly insane Vincent Gallo molesting cute little Christina Ricci in Buffalo Six wasn't bad enough, now this nutter has offered his swimmers up to the first woman rich and stupid enough to pay 1 million US.

Article here:

Here's his own website, opening the floor to bids:

Gallo is apparently quite the little neo nazi, as well - check out the part where he "maintains the right to refuse the sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions", and "offers a $50,000 sperm discount to anyone--well, any female--who can prove she's naturally fair-haired and blue-eyed, and/or related to "any of the German soldiers of the mid-century."


- Morgan


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I can't imagine having children with acting blood in them, every tantrum would be even more dramatic and their wardrobe would need to be just right.
Then again, a great actor could save the world if their powers aren't used for evil but that's a longshot.

rub & tug

Oct 31, 2005
Morgan Ellis said:
Gallo[/URL] is apparently quite the little neo nazi, as well - check out the part where he "maintains the right to refuse the sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions", and "offers a $50,000 sperm discount to anyone--well, any female--who can prove she's naturally fair-haired and blue-eyed, and/or related to "any of the German soldiers of the mid-century."


- Morgan

keep reading. he would welcome the opportunity to have a jewish woman have his sperm and will give the discount too. something about getting good reviews.

this guy is insane.


It's been good to know ya
Naming rights are not included in the purchase--i.e., any baby produced from Gallo sperm may not be called a Gallo, the site says.

I like how it goes on to say all his good qualities, but totally neglected to state that he is a beast related to satan. Any man who has a child and then denies them are truly unworthy of having a penis.
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