Grass not always greener on the other side


Jan 10, 2009
Don't you guys want to quit your job at one time or other? Been through some ups and downs this year want to tell my Boss to screw off. I know I am very good at what I do and will get a another job, but and a big BUT...

Who the hell knows if your next Boss won't be as bad as the present one. The first few years was good then not sure if he now wants a 'Yes sir you are always right kind of employee. I never have been and he liked that before so why the change now?. I know quiting on a 6 figure salary would be tough in this recesion times but its tempting. Any thoughts guys?


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
beenthere123 said:
Don't you guys want to quit your job at one time or other? Been through some ups and downs this year want to tell my Boss to screw off. I know I am very good at what I do and will get a another job, but and a big BUT...

Who the hell knows if your next Boss won't be as bad as the present one. The first few years was good then not sure if he now wants a 'Yes sir you are always right kind of employee. I never have been and he liked that before so why the change now?. I know quiting on a 6 figure salary would be tough in this recesion times but its tempting. Any thoughts guys?

March right up to that asshole and say " Fuck you you fucking fuck".

BTW where exactly do you work and is a high school diploma required ?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
You're right about the grass not being greener. Talk to some people of a prospective place of employment, ask specifically about the boss. That boss could be an even bigger dick. If that's not the case then, tell the fucker to fuck the fuck-off, mother fucker:p


of Cupids
Oct 23, 2008
I think about quitting every single time I go into work. I hate my job and my "secondary income" could pay the bills. But this job is very overpaid for what I do and i'd hate to leave it and then wish I hadn't lol. So I stay... And surf TERB all day when i'm supposed to be working :p.


Ashton. said:
I think about quitting every single time I go into work. I hate my job and my "secondary income" could pay the bills. But this job is very overpaid for what I do and i'd hate to leave it and then wish I hadn't lol. So I stay... And surf TERB all day when i'm supposed to be working :p.
Oh you are so fucking A M A Z I N G ~smooch~ I am in lust. EU


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I'm in the same boat. I fucking hate my boss and the company and the crap we sell. I know how a junkie feels everytime a get a paycheck... it's killing me but I keep coming back for more.

But when I think back to my previous job, which was equally overpaid yet much less work, I hated it just as much. So yes, the grass is very likely not greener.

Added to that the stress of starting a new job. Probation, learning the ropes etc. And especially in these times, when it comes time to cut costs, the new hires are first in line for the chop.

Personally I am resigned to the fact that I will spend the rest of my working life doing shit that I don't enjoy, for which I will be rewarded a middle class "lifestyle". Welcome to the 21st century.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
mmouse said:
I'm in the same boat. I fucking hate my boss and the company and the crap we sell. I know how a junkie feels everytime a get a paycheck... it's killing me but I keep coming back for more.

But when I think back to my previous job, which was equally overpaid yet much less work, I hated it just as much. So yes, the grass is very likely not greener.

Added to that the stress of starting a new job. Probation, learning the ropes etc. And especially in these times, when it comes time to cut costs, the new hires are first in line for the chop.

Personally I am resigned to the fact that I will spend the rest of my working life doing shit that I don't enjoy, for which I will be rewarded a middle class "lifestyle". Welcome to the 21st century.
The "Golden Shackles"

Sometimes I really really admire those guys who just say fuck it all and quit not only their job, but their career and go off and work doing something that they love doing. It may pay fuck all, but they're happy. You read about a broker on Bay Street who was making 500 grand a year, house in Forrest Hill, the BMW, all the bullshit, but they quit and go off and open up a lodge in Cottage country or something like that.



Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
I am in the process of switching jobs right now. :p

My boss at my current job is pretty good but the organization is in the process of doing something stupid so quite a few of us are in the process of bailing.

I'm one of the lucky ones though -I'm in an almost recession proof industry that at the moment, is actually an employees market. So, all in all, it's not too bad -there's quite a few jobs out there for my particular skill set.


Jan 16, 2007
Is it a job or a career for you? I've always believed a job is like a race while a career is a marathon. Tough choice but in this recession I would not encourage you to quit unless your skills are in demand and you know you can quickly join a new employer. Bosses always have their own agendas and career path's with their employees only serving to boost them along. Better the devil you know rather the next one to come on board.


Jan 10, 2009
brocko said:
Is it a job or a career for you? I've always believed a job is like a race while a career is a marathon. Tough choice but in this recession I would not encourage you to quit unless your skills are in demand and you know you can quickly join a new employer. Bosses always have their own agendas and career path's with their employees only serving to boost them along. Better the devil you know rather the next one to come on board.
Its my career Broko. I think he is trying to push me to quit, may think I am over paid. I guess after 7 years of reaping profit from my experience and knowledge he wants to screw me as sales are not what they used to be, mind you still profitable.

BTW, great advice


When you read about people who chucked it all and persued their dreams,
like actors, or others, it seemed like it was easier to
do it maybe 20- 50 years or so.

There was a romance about the trying to make ends meet while living through
interesting adventures.

I wonder it is really possible to do something like that these days.
The cost of just surviving and living (rent) relative to income seems so much more than 20-50 years ago.

Am I wrong?


Jan 10, 2009
tersey said:
When you read about people who chucked it all and persued their dreams,
like actors, or others, it seemed like it was easier to
do it maybe 20- 50 years or so.

There was a romance about the trying to make ends meet while living through
interesting adventures.

I wonder it is really possible to do something like that these days.
The cost of just surviving and living (rent) relative to income seems so much more than 20-50 years ago.

Am I wrong?
If you are single it can be done. if you have wife, kids, mortgage car payments etc.. its gets difficult


Apr 24, 2005
I have the greatest and smartest boss ("the Big Guy") in the world. Born into a poor Parkdale family he personally built a business that is worth multi-multi millions in less than 30 years. I am "between projects" at the moment but the "Big Guy" is paying my bills (except my SC binges). Why would I ever lower my standards and work for any other boss?

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Dr. Know said:
The reality is that there are a lot of poor bosses out there. Someone (who knows how) should do a poll to see how many people think that their boss is a good boss.
I have been told many times by my employees that I am a great boss, (usually the best boss they have ever had). I treat them with respect and dignity, and they in return give me great results.

It is for this exact reason my bosses have never liked me. They have always had the 'bash some skulls' attitude towards managing. I have typically been passed up for advancement (even though I get great results), because my management style does not mesh with the corporate culture.
Dr. Know said:
Someone (who knows how) should do a poll to see how many people think that their boss is a good boss.
My boss is awesome. Apart from being fair and just, he's good looking and has a big dick.

He also hates his job. Remember that being a boss can suck too. They have to put up with all the asshats that "work" for us.. err, them! ;)


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Ashton. said:
I think about quitting every single time I go into work. I hate my job and my "secondary income" could pay the bills. But this job is very overpaid for what I do and i'd hate to leave it and then wish I hadn't lol. So I stay... And surf TERB all day when i'm supposed to be working :p.
Are you saying you hate being an escort, or you hate your other job?? I'm unclear.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I agree, with a wife and kids it is difficult to make any major career change but in today's economy I'd say tough it out and give them nothing to fire you about. Then when the economy picks up again, then say "screw you".

But a word of warning: NEVER burn any bridges behind you......

I've personally changed careers 100 degrees at least 3, maybe 4 times in my life. I finally said screw the corporate shit and went indy. It has its challenges but I will NEVER work for someone else ever again.......
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