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GOP Terrified of American Voters


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
GOP Terrified of American Voters
by Jay Bookman

John McCain's statement in the debate that ACORN and the liberals are "on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history ... maybe destroying the fabric of democracy" is probably the most overwrought, ridiculous statement by a major-party nominee in living memory.

If you make a charge that serious, you better have something to back it up. McCain has nothing. Nada zero zilch.

There is no evidence of any attempt to rig or steal this election. Just think about the scale of the effort it would take to do what McCain describes.

On a statewide level, you would need an army of thousands of co-conspirators willing and able to vote repeatedly and illegally just to have any hope whatsoever of altering the outcome, and according to the GOP fantasy, those thousands consist of homeless drunks and drunk addicts.

Yet out of this alleged conspiracy of thousands in which lowlife drunks and dopers play a large part, the GOP and its allies in the Justice Department and other governnment agencies can't find a single participant willing to admit to the conspiracy and cough up the truth?

To rational people, that would suggest that no such conspiracy exists. But rationality has nothing to do with it.

There's something in the psyche of the GOP base that needs to believe they are victims of some ill-defined but clearly treacherous group plotting against them and the country. How else can they explain the fact that they're losing? It can't be because they have proved themselves incompetent at governance, or that they have lost touch with the reality of life in 21st century America. There has to be some other reason, and if there isn't they'll invent one.

In the 2006 cycle, that need was fulfilled by Moveon. org. The rightwing blogs and punditocracy couldn't utter a paragraph without weaving Moveon into their narrative somehow. It was never quite clear how Moveon could possibly do all the nefarious things it was alleged to be doing, but that uncertainty made the right-wing fantasy all the more alluring.

This year, Moveon still exists - it's still doing what it was doing before, yet the group is rarely if even mentioned. That's because ACORN has now been cast to replace it in the role of designated villain.

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously against Ohio Republicans in their effort to try to challenge 200,000 voters. Two hundred thousand!! Republican officials fear the verdict of the American people. They fear the wrath of those Americans drawn into political participation by anger at the direction that the GOP has tried to take their country. And they are trying desperately, frantically, to try to prevent that verdict from being delivered.

Seventeen days to election day.

© 2008 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
Related to Cinellia and Persis, perchance?
Guess when you Limbaughesque lemmings have no way to counter an excellent article that shows the GOP SOP, your fallback position is Limbaugh/Rovian ad hominems, eh Aardi....:rolleyes:

Bottom line:
DEMS want to get out the Vote
REPS want to suppress the Vote

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Its the GOP whos trying to suppress the vote, just like in 2004.

Back in 2004, the city's with many D voters had voting stations with long lines over 1 hour to go vote, while in the R citys, those voting lines were short.

We will also need proof of ID this year, more poor people--who are likely more D voters--don't drive and might not have ID.

But of course the R's will twist it and try to say the D's are stealing the election.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
NBC news tonight reports than even with all these newly registered voters there are still about 1/3 of the eligible US citizens who can vote, who will not be voting.....and this is just the way the GOP wants it to be.....:(


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
More GOP Style Voter Fraud via Diebold

More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes
In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP

By Paul J. Nyden Staff writer | October 18, 2008

WINFIELD, W.Va. -- Three Putnam County voters say electronic voting machines changed their votes from Democrats to Republicans when they cast early ballots last week.

This is the second West Virginia county where voters have reported this problem. Last week, three voters in Jackson County told The Charleston Gazette their electronic vote for "Barack Obama" kept flipping to "John McCain".

In both counties, Republicans are responsible for overseeing elections. Both county clerks said the problem is isolated.

They also blamed voters for not being more careful.

"People make mistakes more than machines," said Jackson County Clerk Jeff Waybright.

Shelba Ketchum, a 69-year-old nurse retired from Thomas Memorial Hospital, described what happened Friday at the Putnam County Courthouse in Winfield.

"I pushed buttons and they all came up Republican," she said. "I hit Obama and it switched to McCain. I am really concerned about that. If McCain wins, there was something wrong with the machines.

"I asked them for a printout of my votes," Ketchum said. "But they said it was in the machine and I could not get it. I did not feel right when I left the courthouse. My son felt the same way.

"I heard from some other people they also had trouble. But no one in there knew how to fix it," said Ketchum, who is not related to Menis Ketchum, a Democratic Supreme Court candidate.

Ketchum's son, Chris, said he had the same problem. And Bobbi Oates of Scott Depot said her vote for incumbent Democratic Sen. John D. Rockefeller was switched to GOP opponent Jay Wolfe.

"I touched the one I wanted, Rockefeller, and the machine put a checkmark on the Republican instead," Oates said of her experience Thursday.

She said she caught the mistake, called over a worker in the county clerk's office and was able to correct her vote. But she worries other voters may not catch such a mistake.

When asked if she is sure she touched the box for Rockefeller, she said, "I'm absolutely positive.".... [more]


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Rather easy to remedy. Paper fill in the oval ballots read by optical character readers: rapid results when the polls close and a paper trail if the ballots are challenged.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
why not simplify it further by using the Elections Canada method:
Paper Ballot
Mark an "X" by your candidate using a pencil
Hire a few thousand retirees for the day at about $150 each
They close the polls and count the ballots.
Each polling station covers only so many more than it would take 2 people 30 miutes to tabulate the ballots.
Within an hour to 90 minutes the results are phoned / emailed in to EC
Each party can have a rep present to oversee the ballot counting.
It is simple.
It is cheap.
It removes from the process ALL mechanical counting devices (including OCR) that can be rigged or break down.
It works.
I have worked 2 elections myself and although the day time hours are deadly slow it is a simple and effective means of conducting an election.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
Rather easy to remedy. Paper fill in the oval ballots read by optical character readers: rapid results when the polls close and a paper trail if the ballots are challenged.
why not simplify it further by using the Elections Canada method:
Paper Ballot
Mark an "X" by your candidate using a pencil
Hire a few thousand retirees for the day at about $150 each
They close the polls and count the ballots.
Each polling station covers only so many more than it would take 2 people 30 miutes to tabulate the ballots.
Within an hour to 90 minutes the results are phoned / emailed in to EC
Each party can have a rep present to oversee the ballot counting.
It is simple.
It is cheap.
It removes frpm the process ALL mechanical counting devices (including OCR) that can be rigged or break down.
It works.
I have worked 2 elections myself and although the day time hours are deadly slow it is a simple and effective means of conducting an election.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
sailorsix said:
why not simplify it further by using the Elections Canada method:
Paper Ballot
Mark an "X" by your candidate using a pencil
Hire a few thousand retirees for the day at about $150 each
They close the polls and count the ballots.
Each polling station covers only so many more than it would take 2 people 30 miutes to tabulate the ballots.
Within an hour to 90 minutes the results are phoned / emailed in to EC
Each party can have a rep present to oversee the ballot counting.
It is simple.
It is cheap.
It removes from the process ALL mechanical counting devices (including OCR) that can be rigged or break down.
It works.
I have worked 2 elections myself and although the day time hours are deadly slow it is a simple and effective means of conducting an election.
Because the LAST thing the GOP wants is an accurate count!
They wouldn't have a chance in Hell of winning that way!....;)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
sailorsix said:
why not simplify it further by using the Elections Canada method
It works that way north of the border, but south of the border with multiple offices, initiatives, bond issues, constitutional amendments, peoples veto's etc. . . on the ballet before OCRs, counting less than 5,000 ballots used to take over six hours. Now the numbers are in 15 minutes after the polls close. If a candidate doesn’t trust the OCR they can ask for a recount by hand, thus far in over half a decade I’m unaware of any recounts succeeding.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
If a candidate doesn’t trust the OCR they can ask for a recount by hand, thus far in over half a decade I’m unaware of any recounts succeeding.
That was the intent of this nefarious system they created....;)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
DonQuixote said:
Its the Constitution, stupid.
The US Constitution is not just a god-damned piece of paper as neocon fascists controlling Dubya think!....;)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
If a candidate doesn’t trust the OCR they can ask for a recount by hand, thus far in over half a decade I’m unaware of any recounts succeeding.
Perhaps I should clarify the above. In half a decade I'm unaware of any hand recounts changing the results obtained by the OCR.


WoodPeckr said:
The US Constitution is not just a god-damned piece of paper as neocon fascists controlling Dubya think!....;)
You sound like a Michael Moore movie ..............


Jan 31, 2005
slurp said:
You sound like a Michael Moore movie ..............
What does Moore do when he's in Toronto, anyway, which seems pretty frequent to me. Think he hooks up with some of our local talent? Think he might venture onto TERB to figure out who to book?



fuji said:
What does Moore do when he's in Toronto, anyway, which seems pretty frequent to me. Think he hooks up with some of our local talent? Think he might venture onto TERB to figure out who to book?

Another conspiracy born!!!! Movie to follow ............ :eek:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
slurp said:
You sound like a Michael Moore movie ..............
And you sound like a mind numbed's the Kool-Aid?.....:D


WoodPeckr said:
And you sound like a mind numbed's the Kool-Aid?.....:D
I'll let you know when I sober up ..........


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
slurp said:
I'll let you know when I sober up ..........
You betcha.....*wink...wink*....:D
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