Toronto Escorts

Good morning.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001

This pertains to board "politics". Please read no further if you don't care about it, have a maturity above a 12 year old, or have a heart condition.


Mods: Please don't delete. Lock it if you want, but I need to say this publically, on TERB.

I'll make this brief (yeah, right) and kind of vague as it pertains to "other boards".

Recently, things have flown out of control. While I still have a great distrust of Sheik, and I don't agree with Fred's ultimate (in)action on the Sheik matter, I do need to make some things perfectly clear:

1. TERB is safe. Why do I say that? Because I have had years of experience on that board, and the allegations against Sheik (while they may in fact be true) are unproven, and are full of too many holes. To wit, they are based solely on uncorroborated statements by The Scholar (his word alone) and have been latched onto by several of the more seedier members of the boards. This may very well include me, but I hope people can see that I was trying to act in the best interests of the boards and their members.

2. G-TERB is not safe. Why do I say that? Because I have seen rumours and complete fabrications of "truth" on here. Because personal information is still present even after you jump through the hoops that admin has set up to report it, because he doesn't like the person who was outed. Because people that have repeatedly and consistenly posted or threatened to post personal information have never been punished except to be banished to a free-for-all forum where anything goes. That's like sending a kid to his room where there's a DSL porn line and satellite TV.

3. I have been a jerk. Why do I say that? Because I was caught up in the frenzy to lynch Sheik. Because I was used. Because I "aligned" myself with certain members of the board whose only goal in life seems to be the demise of TERB.

As such, I've made my decision to return to the TERB fold. For whatever their faults, they're a hell of a lot more trustworthy than the lot on *****.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
welcome back McFly

.....I hear the other boards are crazy....


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
this is good news. maybe it will be a good summer after all.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Welcome back Goober, it's easy to get caught up in rumours and gossip.
Only the people involved know the full story, most are latching on just to bring TERB down for their own interests or because they had an unrelated problem with some of the individuals.
I don't know who to trust, I just know it's all damaging to the industry.

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Vanessa@Select said:
I heard you went over to the darkside for a bit!?

I agree with Svend's post...and even though you may have got caught up in a swirl of controversy without having all the facts; knowing you and your integrity... your heart would have been in the right place. :)

Welcome back Sweetiepie...we missed you!
Hey, elmo, forget that stuff I was going to do to you. I'm going to do it to Vanessa instead.

*grabs his Binford 2000 Turbo-Capacity Vibrator™*


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Goober Mcfly said:
Hey, elmo, forget that stuff I was going to do to you. I'm going to do it to Vanessa instead.

*grabs his Binford 2000 Turbo-Capacity Vibrator™*


New member
I've read your disclaimer ~

This "yenta" is glad to see you posting. :cool:
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts