Going full circle


New member
Oct 23, 2008

I would like to here your own personal stories or thoughts on this one.

I am a Caucasian Canadian man who was born here. Most of my friends are/were white. From University on, after dating a couple of pure laine French Canadian girls, I got "yellow fever" big time. I spent 6 months in mainland China via the Philippines and after that experience with Asian girls I never wanted to date Caucasian women again. They repulsed me and I thought of them as all ugly fatties. I thought that I would only ever be attracted to exotic women.

However, about 2 years ago I started getting more and more attracted to white girls again, particularly blondes and brunettes. I watch quit a lot of porn (who doesn't) and realized that there are some smoking hot white women. I'm not talking Latinas or Persians etc, but white bread canadian girls.These are the same women who 10 years ago I didn't find attractive.

I am now at the point where I am no longer interested in Asians (body type etc) or other races and have a "thing" now for white women. From the pictures I have seen the Ukraine seems like my holy grail, it's like a third world country with white women.

I find it ironic that I ignored and passed on all the opportunities to date white women because I had yellow fever at the time and now I have come full circle to the point of only being attracted to white women. Do you think men are genetically programmed to only like their "own kind"?.

I would like to add that I am not a racist having dated, Chinese, Filipinos and Mexicans, so please don't suggest that I think less of other races.

Cheers - Chongqing

John Connor

Active member
Apr 18, 2004
One possible future.
Good luck on your quest bro. I can't really speak for everyone, but straight men will like anything with a vagina on it as long as its decent. Different strokes for different folks as they say.

It is my goal in life to sleep with every single female nationality in the world as long as they look like supermodels. ;)

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I like em white, brown, yellow, black......beauty is color blind. I guess you consider that full circle.


New member
Feb 3, 2006
After 2 marriages, dozens of girlfriends and about 100 escorts I realize the only women I really connect with are either Irish or Scottish. The rest whether they are Eastern European or Asian or Black or whatever just don't have the same effect on me. It's like the Celtic women are real and the others are imitations.


Jun 27, 2012
On the road with Willy
Don't get hung up on the Eastern European women. Sure some are insanely gorgeous but where do you think all those Babushkas come from? Also for every decent one you have to sift through 9 bad ones. They are users and think little of moving on if something better comes along.
I have a couple friends who tried to swim in that pool and came out water logged and a little poorer.
While I do have a thing for Dutch blonds, there's nothing like a sub 5' petite Asian taking a good pounding.
I don't trust the one of them no matter where they come from.
Experienced it myself and watched innumerable friends get shafted. I rent. It's cheaper, quicker, you get what you want and don't have to talk to it afterwards.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I would like to add that I am not a racist having dated, Chinese, Filipinos and Mexicans, so please don't suggest that I think less of other races.
Why even bring this up? You don't have to justify your personal choices to anyone. Having a preference does not mean you think less of other races.

People adapt to the environment they live in. Every culture has beautiful women so if you spent that much time in mainland China you will find them.

I do think that there is a "flavor of the month" mentality going around be it white with asian, black with white, asian with black, etc. People forget about the strong cultural ties people bring into a relationship. This is very true of mainland Chinese because they've only just recently become Westernized. The traditions run very deep since many mainlanders grew up basically as peasants. Remember that many Asian cultures are quite conservative so having a significant other who is not also Asian can cause break-ups. I'm sure all cultures have similar aspects to them too.

Family members can change, but it can be a bitter fight over tradition versus personal choices.
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