Well, started out ok, made an appointment with my favorite mpa. Went through the usual stuff and the happy ending happened, well happy turned to terror. Out comes blood, she screamed, I'm like holy fuck, what the hell is this? Anyway cleaned up and called the doc. Got in same day and it's no big deal to him, I'm thinking cancer or something, he says that it's quite common, I never heard of it before. He says that overweight, high blood pressure and stress are the main cause, gee I 've got all that. Anyway I wasn't happy with that opinion so saw a specialist the next day and he said the same, said its tiny blood vessels in the prostate that rupture, similiar to nose bleeds, gee great! He says that in 6 months shood be all gone, but may reoccur. He called it Hematospermia even the name is scary. So now what, don't think sp's or mpa's will see me now, anyone heard of this before, how did you or they deal with it?