Sexy Friends Toronto

Given a Lady's Telephone Number to Call


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
A fellow co worker who knows I'm single gave me the telephone number of a single lady to call after he sent her a picture of me. I called 4 days later after my shifts were finished and I was on my days off.

I called and she didn't answer so I left a simple voicemail message with my telephone number. It's been 4 days and she hasn't called back. I mentioned this to my friend, and he said to call again because she might be busy and shy.

Would you call again?


New member
Jan 17, 2004
hmm if she is your type.....then one last call with a brief reply in another day, move on....if by sheer luck she calls you days or weeks later.....then try to nail her quickly and move on....


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Call her during the dinner hour and suggest you go for dinner.

Call her on Saturday morning and suggest a walk in the park.

Call her on Sunday and suggest going to church.

Whatever you do, don't do this!

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Your buddy is the middle person and the contact, tell him to ask her if she's interested...maybe she is shy, only he can find out why she hasn't returned your call. If you call again it would be like you are desperate, or bordering on harassing.


May 6, 2011
no i wouldn't call cause i don't know wat she looks like, did u friend show u her pic?


Aug 19, 2001
In a living hell
Why not ask your friend to arrange a meeting, perhaps the 3 of you (and tell your friend to bring his S/O if he has one) go out for coffee; something low key and low pressure; something not really a blind date, just a simple quick get together.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Dude, firstly, give your friend a whack up side the head for trying to set you up in the first place... as a successful matchmaker I know this isnt an area for amateurs.

Secondly, one voice mail is enough... if she is mature, and interested for that matter she will call back. If she were really that shy, you dont want her... if it is an act hey trust me dont go out with women who play such games.

Chances are, your buddy was trying to force something, she isnt interested and you are better to move on.

If you are serious about dating, try eharmony or plenty of fish sites.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
A fellow co worker who knows I'm single gave me the telephone number of a single lady to call after he sent her a picture of me. I called 4 days later after my shifts were finished and I was on my days off.

I called and she didn't answer so I left a simple voicemail message with my telephone number. It's been 4 days and she hasn't called back. I mentioned this to my friend, and he said to call again because she might be busy and shy.

Would you call again?
She didn't call you back, that means she is not interested. This is starting off bad, it won't get any better if you decide to pursue it.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
A fellow co worker who knows I'm single gave me the telephone number of a single lady to call after he sent her a picture of me.
Did she know that your co-worker was going to give you her number? If not your call will seem creepy.
I called and she didn't answer so I left a simple voicemail message with my telephone number.
Was your simple voicemail;
Hi it's poorboy, give me a call back at 555-1515
or more like,
Hi, (insert her name here) It's Poorboy calling so-and-so gave me your number and mentioned that we may have some common interests. I'd really like meet you, perhaps we could get a coffee/go to lunch/toss a frisbee around in the park. Feel free to give me a call (insert her name here). It's Poorboy at 555-1515
Find out from your co-worker what this lady is into before mentioning common interests.

I called 4 days later....... It's been 4 days and she hasn't called back.

Would you call again?
No you had your one phone call. If anything use your co-worker as a middleman to find outwhy she didn't call you back.


New member
Jan 6, 2006
It's generally better to try call back (not right away, maybe few days later) instead of leaving voicemail. Especially since you haven't met. These days I do a lot more texting because the the under 30 crowd prefers it and it's less awkward. However you must be careful and avoid getting caught in the non-sexual friend zone thing by texting too much. Maybe 1-3 text messages max to setup a date


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
It's generally better to try call back (not right away, maybe few days later) instead of leaving voicemail. Especially since you haven't met. These days I do a lot more texting because the the under 30 crowd prefers it and it's less awkward. However you must be careful and avoid getting caught in the non-sexual friend zone thing by texting too much. Maybe 1-3 text messages max to setup a date
This is spot on, especially with the youngins.


Jan 31, 2005
I would call back not earlier than 2 weeks after the first message. If she does not answer, don't leave a message, try again in another couple of days. If after a few times of doing that she has never even picked up your call...

Well tell your buddy that if he wants to set it up, have her call you.

I agree with the text comment. Do not leave voicemail. If you call and she does not answer, and you want to leave a message, hang up and text.

And I agree with zeebo too.. your messages/texts whatever should be infrequent, short, and to the point, to avoid getting into friend zone.


Jul 31, 2008
A fellow co worker who knows I'm single gave me the telephone number of a single lady to call after he sent her a picture of me. I called 4 days later after my shifts were finished and I was on my days off.

I called and she didn't answer so I left a simple voicemail message with my telephone number. It's been 4 days and she hasn't called back. I mentioned this to my friend, and he said to call again because she might be busy and shy.

Would you call again?
Some years ago, I had been in a similar situation. Where I asked a girl who I had seen from another office, out on a date. She didn't call back, so I assumed it was a no go. Then surprisingly, she called back 3 weeks later, just as I was forgetting about her, and left a message on my voicemail. She apologized for not calling back sooner, but that she was nervous to call me back so she sought the advice of some of her girlfriends, and they suggested calling me back. So I returned her callback, and we made plans to go out. On the day we were about to go out, I called to pick her up, but she didn't pick up any of my calls at all!

The moral of the story is if they are that hesitant about getting to know you right from the beginning, then there is not much future in this relationship, forget about it.


Jan 31, 2005
On the day we were about to go out, I called to pick her up, but she didn't pick up any of my calls at all!
I hate that. It's so true. I remember one time a girl that was hesitant made a date to meet me at a Starbucks. I showed up. Called her, she says she is coming. I wait, and wait, and wait. Call her again... no answer. Fuck it.

Good thing I picked a starbucks near my home.

I wish some people would mature up a little bit and just sent a text with some bullshit excuse, "sorry but I have to wash my hair" or whatever. What's most annoying is that you probably could make another plan but by the time you figured out that she's flaked out it's often too late to fall back to Plan B.

Which is another reason why a great first date is to invite a girl along to do something you were already planning to do... that way if she flakes out, no need for Plan B. You just do what you were going to do.


Jul 31, 2008
Which is another reason why a great first date is to invite a girl along to do something you were already planning to do... that way if she flakes out, no need for Plan B. You just do what you were going to do.
Which was actually exactly what I did in that case. I invited that girl to a picnic I was having with a group of friends -- very innocent, non-threatening environment, we would've been amongst other couples. When she flaked out, I just went on the picnic anyways.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
it might be becuase you waited four days to call her. your friend probably told her when he gave you her number and she expected an immediate call. four days go by- so she is pissed by the time you called- so too late


Jul 31, 2008
it might be becuase you waited four days to call her. your friend probably told her when he gave you her number and she expected an immediate call. four days go by- so she is pissed by the time you called- so too late
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Part of the problem might have been the OP's own original delay.
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