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Well, here it goes. We once had the juiced ball era, welcome to the juiced player era. I don't condone what he has done one bit. But at least he had the stones to admit it, unlike many other suspected users. He will probably get an unfair suspension, while many others will lie and hide during this scandal. Giambi's deal was immunity as long as he didn't perjure himself, and he told the truth. I hope if others are found to have purjured that they recieve criminal charges. At least the players association will have to look at their policy and admit they have to do something. Of course instead of taking the health issues of their players to heart, they will use it as a bargaining chip to get something else. I'm sure there are plenty of players that use steroids, but why is it the very top players that are suspected? I guess I don't understand why they feel the need to move from very great to what ever the next higher category is. Maybe this is a by product of incentive based contracts. Baseball is a game of statistics, which allows comparison between today's players and players of the past. How can we now fairly judge Aarron, Williams, Ruth, Mays.... if there is a cloud surrounding credibility of today's players?


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I agree, Bush League.
I think it's more incumbent upon the players, and their union, to admit that this is a problem and agree to work with the owners to develop a solution, than for the owners to try to ram something down the players' throats.
Any way you slice it, it's bad bad bad for baseball.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Criminal Court

americanson said:
This just might open the door for others to do the same but I sort of doubt it. I don't know if Bonds is clean or not but would it be fair to back him into a corner and have him admit steroid use or deny and prove he's clean?
I believe that the onus in criminal court the prosecutor must prove that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. So perhaps in a criminal court Bonds might not be found guilty.

However, in the TERB kangaroo court, I am pretty sure that Bonds would be found guilty pretty quickly..

I don't have all the facts...but let's see... we have a former good friend that says that Bonds did Steroids we have that Bay Area Labs has or is in the process of being charged...

Bay Area...that's San Francisco and Oakland..... we also have Creatin user Mark McGwire, Giambi, and Bonds to mention a few...

Giambi has done the right thing to come clean.

That's enough for me...


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Everyone should care.
It's a terrible precedent to set - whether or not we or they want to admit it, many of these athletes are, and always will be, role models. Evidently, now, anyone aspiring to reach these levels of performance and adulation must put dangerous substances in their bodies.
Why would we want to encourage dangerous behaviour, even if this *weren't* the case? Shouldn't we be trying to *discourage* it? By punishing and shaming those guilty of breaking existing laws and rules?

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Re: Criminal Court

slowandeasy said:
Giambi has done the right thing to come clean.

That's enough for me...
Hold on, hold on...get the story right guys.

Giambi "came clean" in court because he was told by his lawyer that his testimony would be sealed, plus he didn’t want to perjure himself before the grand jury. He later said that same year in an interview with ESPN that he never took anything and the reason why he lost some weight was a change in diet. He did not come out in public and admit that he took steroids.

Bonds just did the same thing. He admitted taken steroids, unknown to him, but in a later interview he denied taking it willingly or unwillingly


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I believe him.
Why would the greatest player in baseball history lie?
Aug 1, 2002
Before Bonds started taking these Balco products such as creams and shit, he never had more than 41 homers in a single season. Since then he has hit no less than 46 homers, including the league record of 73 a few years ago.

I have more respect for Giambi just because he actually admitted taking performance enhancers. Bonds has been denying that he knew it was steroids he was taking. It was Barry's trainer that gave Barry, Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield the steroids. So if Giambi knew they were steroids, Barry would know before him. Barry Bonds is also called one of the biggest assholes and pricks in MLB. The guy has his own entourage carrying his bags and he rarely communicates with his own players. Every player can be a prick to the media and the fans but no one does it as good as Barry. Just before he broke Mark McGuire's season HR record mark, there was a comment in the paper that when Bonds actually does break the record it wouldn't be a surprise if no teammates came out to congratulate him.

I hope A-Rod passes this asshole, and he will do that in about 10 years. Also Ken Griffey Jr would have had a shot but he's been injured too much the past 4 years. He was doing well this year until he broke-down and got injured again. As for Barry, I hope they suspend his ass and put an asterisk * beside all his records if they don't choose to wipe them out.




New member
Mar 17, 2003
If he broke the rules, unfortunately I'm not sure they would wipe out his records. The precedent they set with Pete Rose indicates that they won't, although they *may* ban him from baseball.

I won't hold my breath.

Too bad.
Hank Aaron had some very harsh words on the subject today.

"First, since I played the game myself, I know that you can't put something in your body to make you hit a fastball, changeup or curveball," The only person who can do that is the good Lord. But, at that age [40], you have to ask: Did he accomplish all of this by rejuvenating his strength from day to day with those substances? I know that when you reach a certain age, you just don't bounce back as quickly as you think you can when you're playing all of those games.

"Drugs won't help you hit the ball. But can they make you recuperate consistently enough to hit the kind of home runs that these guys are hitting?"

Aaron paused, sighed and added, "Let me say this. Any way you look at it, it's wrong."
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