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Getting over cold feet in meeting someone or escorting

Mar 12, 2021
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.
It’s normal to be nervous. I still even get a little nervous seeing someone who I’ve seen many times before. In the world outside of this forum, the sex industry, sex workers and clients are heavily stigmatized. We have been conditioned to think that providers are either dirty sluts and hustlers who are out to take advantage of clients or victims of misogyny, abuse and trafficking, who exist on the margins of society and the law. Clients are portrayed as perverts, creeps, pedophiles and criminals, who abuse women for their own gratification. Combine that with a Catholic upbringing, where any sex out of marriage, you have a toxic view of this world that has been hammered into you from all sides. That’s part of the reason why you get nervous or cold feet. It’s also opposite to how we are supposed to have sex, ie get to know them, establish a relationship, then have sex.

As for how to get past that, I’ve a few suggestions. 1. Decide if this is something you really want to get into for sure. It’s not for everyone. 2. Choose wisely. Book a provider who has an excellent reputation for good service. These reputations are earned not only for performance of acts you see in a porno, but also because these women are incredibly skilled at making you comfortable, and protecting your safety and privacy. 3. Don’t skimp on your budget for this. Many of the horror stories we see here are when guys are trying to get something for next to nothing and end up in a bad situation. 4. Remember for the great quality providers, they do this for a living, have seen it all, and won’t shame you for wanting to do this. 5. Finally, just do it. You can talk all you want about how to jump off the high diving board, but you actually need to step off it and hit the water. Don’t overthink it too much. Tons of guys who are in this world are just nice normal guys who are looking for something that is missing in life. There are more guys that see escorts, MPAs and strippers than society would like you to believe.
Mar 12, 2021
It’s normal to be nervous. I still even get a little nervous seeing someone who I’ve seen many times before. In the world outside of this forum, the sex industry, sex workers and clients are heavily stigmatized. We have been conditioned to think that providers are either dirty sluts and hustlers who are out to take advantage of clients or victims of misogyny, abuse and trafficking, who exist on the margins of society and the law. Clients are portrayed as perverts, creeps, pedophiles and criminals, who abuse women for their own gratification. Combine that with a Catholic upbringing, where any sex out of marriage, you have a toxic view of this world that has been hammered into you from all sides. That’s part of the reason why you get nervous or cold feet. It’s also opposite to how we are supposed to have sex, ie get to know them, establish a relationship, then have sex.

As for how to get past that, I’ve a few suggestions. 1. Decide if this is something you really want to get into for sure. It’s not for everyone. 2. Choose wisely. Book a provider who has an excellent reputation for good service. These reputations are earned not only for performance of acts you see in a porno, but also because these women are incredibly skilled at making you comfortable, and protecting your safety and privacy. 3. Don’t skimp on your budget for this. Many of the horror stories we see here are when guys are trying to get something for next to nothing and end up in a bad situation. 4. Remember for the great quality providers, they do this for a living, have seen it all, and won’t shame you for wanting to do this. 5. Finally, just do it. You can talk all you want about how to jump off the high diving board, but you actually need to step off it and hit the water. Don’t overthink it too much. Tons of guys who are in this world are just nice normal guys who are looking for something that is missing in life. There are more guys that see escorts, MPAs and strippers than society would like you to believe.
Is there someone you could reccomend to me that I could meet with and trust as a first encounter. And anything most newbies need to know about the lifestyle?


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2019
There's many reasons why one may be skiddish about seeing escorts. It took me 10 years of thinking about booking before I ever did. I slowly started and moved from strip clubs, seeing dancers I was familiar with, to finally escorts. I had the underlying misconception that all escorts had "pimps" which is actually a trope. Once I understood that it is safe to see established and reputable companions, it all became very easy.

Moral of the story is identifying what the key reason is to making you have cold feet will allow you to actually address it with tactics.
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
I might go the other way which is to suggest going to a spa first. Check the Spa reviews and locations to find one you would be comfortable walking into. The girls in the good ones will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable, and this is a low cost "entry level" to the world of hobbying.

The other benefit is that the mileage is lower to start with and you get a massage to relax you along the way.

Good luck and may your soul be saved when you enter these portals of eternal doom.:)


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2020
Practice, do it a few hundred times. My biggest fear was the lady not good looking enough.

You likely will go through some average / unattractive ones first before figuring out how to get the hot ones. After that, you don’t need courage to make love to beautiful women…


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
So my first time was his first time too he booked a hh and we were so caught up in conversation because of nervousness, the hh went by without our clothes even coming off.

Once we realized, I just had to take the lead and undress him. Once that happened, we were off to the races and he had a good time. He tipped because we ended up going an hour but it was my fault for not leading right away.

Second visit the guy was a veteran and just wanted DATY. I was hooked after that. I get to cum multiple times and get paid! Oh yeah! LOL.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
The world of escorting and hobbying does not conform to "Normal" in the eyes of society/majority. I'd caution most most guys to stay away from it until later on in life. 20's and 30's is to early imho.

I'd suggest living life a bit, experiencing ups and downs before diving in this pool. No one needs an approval to begin seeing escorts, but YOU have to justify to yourself the reasons, pros and cons. As long as you have good reasons and will sleep well at night, do whatever you want.

Same suggestion would be given to anyone who's starting up in fitness. Don't jump to TRT and steroids right away. Do it naturally first and when you exhaust natural growth/progression, then explore other options.

If you're into gaming, don't start playing with cheat codes immediately. Try it at an easy level first before cheating.

At the end of the day, hobby is an individual thing. We are in it for selfish reasons.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Well for me it was curiosity over nervousness. So although I was nervous and excited at the same time, my curiosity was a major motivator. Even today it is. I love discovering new bodies and thoughts like "How would she taste?", "How would she feel" etc are stronger motivators for me.

I was raised Catholic as well and that too in a conservative country where pre-marital sex is looked down upon. So the curiosity combined with the fact that I was doing something 'sinful' AND the fact that I was going to enjoy this hedonistic adventure were strong motivators for me and got me excited.
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Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.
You really don't get over the cold feet. Even after being in this hobby for a number of years now I still get nervous before seeing an escort. That nervousness now for me is also a part of the fun and rush i get when seeing an escorts. It's a build up of excitement so I try to accept that nervousness as part of the whole experience. As a first timer I think you really need to choose your sp carefully and don't just go with anyone. If you choose the right lady for your first time it just makes the experience that much smoother and less nerve wrecking. I would recommend going with someone more mature both in terms of age and exeperience since they have probably been in this industry for a while and most importantly let them know that it would be your first time seeing an escort. The lady you see makes all the difference for your first time.
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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2019
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.
The nervousness is still there. I don't hobby as much as some other guys here and have been on a hiatus. But anytime I go to meet a lady I'm a nervous wreck from parking to hotel lobby to actually going in to the room. It feels like everyone is looking at me .. like the guy who parked 5 slots down knows what am I doing here, the hotel staff is staring at me. I always hope to get the elevator empty and hope the hotel housekeeping staff is not on the same floor.

I'm not sure about the guilt. It does stay a bit after every visit but it doesn't eat me up.
Mar 12, 2021
You really don't get over the cold feet. Even after being in this hobby for a number of years now I still get nervous before seeing an escort. That nervousness now for me is also a part of the fun and rush i get when seeing an escorts. It's a build up of excitement so I try to accept that nervousness as part of the whole experience. As a first timer I think you really need to choose your sp carefully and don't just go with anyone. If you choose the right lady for your first time it just makes the experience that much smoother and less nerve wrecking. I would recommend going with someone more mature both in terms of age and exeperience since they have probably been in this industry for a while and most importantly let them know that it would be your first time seeing an escort. The lady you see makes all the difference for your first time.
Could you sort of give me a heads up or what to look for and what to look out for? Should I hug or should I kiss? Is kissing right on meeting ok?
How should the whole thing really proceed? Should I give her an envelope before or after?
And what can I do to make her feel comfortable and safe (I'm kind of a big guy so I worry. Most girls, except gym girls and dancers seem to be alright with me, but other women think I'm too "big" or scary. Just cuz I'm a muscular guy doesn't mean I'm a bad or scary guy. But most women don't prefer big muscular guys. They prefer more the skinny Justin Beiber type.
Should I bring like chocolates or food or anything?


Active member
Nov 25, 2023
Don’t obsess over bringing a gift or even tipping. The girls are much more interested in just whether you’re awkward, civil, clean, etc.

Just say hello with a hug or a light kiss - they’ll want you to shower and use mouthwash before anything.

I stay undressed after the shower - we all know what we’re there for.

Then just… start. Bit of a kiss and fondle, rub this and lick that… like riding a bike. :)

Best advice I ever heard: it doesn’t matter if she cums. Hell it doesn’t even matter if YOU cum. Just enjoy the sensual company of a woman who expects to pleasure you.

Oh and the envelope… some ask upfront. I generally do it after, unless she asks upfront (I honestly find those sessions are the worst, but I digress). Most prefer you just clearly lay out the money - some SPs have been bilked with shortchanged envelopes.

In general, do what she says with hygiene and cash, and she’ll do what you say for the rest… :)

Have fun!
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black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
It takes forever for me which is why I try to find one SP's and just become a regular. Usually the first meeting I even request that maybe I just a massage. Not even happy ending as it's more of a meet and greet. Again that's why I become a regular as I don't want to have to go through the whole thing again. I develop a trust and comfort level and then it actually becomes enjoyable as there is no worrying.

That's my approach.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.
Electric socks. Sold anywhere that caters to duck hunters...


Active Member
Mar 28, 2013
Could you sort of give me a heads up or what to look for and what to look out for? Should I hug or should I kiss? Is kissing right on meeting ok?
How should the whole thing really proceed? Should I give her an envelope before or after?
And what can I do to make her feel comfortable and safe (I'm kind of a big guy so I worry. Most girls, except gym girls and dancers seem to be alright with me, but other women think I'm too "big" or scary. Just cuz I'm a muscular guy doesn't mean I'm a bad or scary guy. But most women don't prefer big muscular guys. They prefer more the skinny Justin Beiber type.
Should I bring like chocolates or food or anything?
I think it's wise to look for an sp who can communicate well. You can easily tell this by the way they write there texts or emails. In your introduction to them let them know this is your first time seeing an escort and if they have experience with newbies like you. Always just start off with a hug and put the envelope on a table where it's easily visible. Again if the escort your seeing is experienced with newbies she will be the one who will initiate and take control of the encounter because she will understand you are probably nervous as hell by this point. Just follow her lead and let her ease you into the session. There is nothing wrong with bringing a small gift for the escort like chocolates or food but it shouldn't be expected. If it makes you feel more comfortable to bring a little something go for it. Bringing a little gift also may make things feel a little more natural and less transactional
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Connoisseur of life's pleasures
Sep 15, 2019
There's many reasons why one may be skiddish about seeing escorts. It took me 10 years of thinking about booking before I ever did. I slowly started and moved from strip clubs, seeing dancers I was familiar with, to finally escorts. I had the underlying misconception that all escorts had "pimps" which is actually a trope. Once I understood that it is safe to see established and reputable companions, it all became very easy.

Moral of the story is identifying what the key reason is to making you have cold feet will allow you to actually address it with tactics.
This is my experience exactly. Once I realised that escorting was a much more legitimate business than I’d ever imagined I took the plunge, but my feet were cold as Ice the first few times.

I still have nerves the first time I meet a new SP, kind of the butterflies feeling mixed with anticipation so I actually hope that never goes away. It adds to the excitement.
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
Fuck! Dude you're a wallet with legs and she (whomever the fuck she is) is a fleshlight with legs. You're buying a service, and in all likelihood it will never be as good as the fantasy in your mind. Don't over think things. Book; fuck and go have a good burger or steak afterwards and accept the meal will be better than whatever the fuck she offered.
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Toronto GFE & PSE Companion
Jan 2, 2024
Just been a regular on this Forum sharing fitness information. Talked to a few really cool ladies on here but didn't really have the courage to meet up (grew up catholic go figure).

But as a regular dude, how did you get over your cold feet in meeting an escort for the first time. Did that nervousness/guilt etc eventually go away?

And any escorts out there reading this, what was your first time like? And how long did it take to get over your cold feet.
I'm returning after a long hiatus, so I understand the importance of wanting to be completely relaxed and confident.

My best advice is to not take yourself, the situation or the provider too seriously

You are mutually meeting for the first time and just want to have fun together :)
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