get a free gas card or a GUN with car purchase

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Yep down in the USA--this is to get back at Obama when he said people are clinging on to their guns.

The dealership decide to give a free handgun or $250, everybody but 2 have took the 38 :p


New member
Aug 28, 2002
I will definitely not piss-off any drivers in Missouri - talk about a case of road rage gone wrong waiting to happen. I think I'll steer clear of all late model cars with this dealer's logo on them.


Well-known member
There are many things right with America.This loser is one of the things wrong.I truly hope that if any of his"giveaway guns" are used in an violent murder of an innocent person the judge forces him to put the vic's picture up on a bilboard in front of his business


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I love America.

Gotta do me some car shoppin in the States.

Better prices anyway.



Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
PurpleMonkey said:
Car Dealerships are getting REAL desperate

Why do we have so much violence in today's society...oh yeah, here's why:

Do you wonder if they're gonna rob the dealer with the same gun the day after?
There was something like that in Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine where someone was giving away free guns with every bank account (I think) opened in Michigan.

Dick Meat

New member
Feb 24, 2004
Are you guys REALLY so gullible to believe an inanimate object could make a person commit a crime?

C'mon guys, guns don't kill people- People kill people.

Please show me ANY evidence where one of these guns was used in a crime?

The scene in Moore's film was rigged to support his agenda, and out of context. There are many promotions similar
to this one in the US, either as a gimmick to sell cars, or as a reward for a term deposit at a bank. Either way,
the gun must be picked up AT THE GUNSHOP, and all State and Federal licensing and registration (including
background check and waiting period) are followed.

Nearly everybody I know here in Alberta owns a gun(s), yet gun crime is VERY SELDOM a concern and almost unheard
of, other than in the urban centres near Edmonton and Calgary where there are larger populations of certain immigrants.

Hmmm, sound familar, Toronto?


New member
Aug 28, 2002
Dick Meat said:
C'mon guys, guns don't kill people- People kill people.
Actually as it relates to gun crime, and to apply pure logic - people WITH GUNS shoot and kill people . It's a combined condition, not an independent one. Therefore, the less guns, the less opportunities people have to kill people with them.

Look, I appreciate what you say and that there are many, many factors involved in who uses a gun to kill people, where it happens and why it happens - and it is good to hear that a person has to get the gun from a gun shop and go through proper procedures - I never thought of that - the Michael Moore image was indeed burned into my brain.

However, I am of the opinion that the less guns the better. I know that there are many responsible owners out there - I do a lot of work out in Alberta and have heard talk about responsible gun use and ownership. Having said that, is the dealership promoting responsible gun use and ownership, or is it just using this as marketing gimmick? How many Alberta dealerships are offering the same promotion, and ask yourself why - is it because we have a more mature and responsible outlook towards firearms here?

Dick Meat

New member
Feb 24, 2004
Your points are understood, but time and time again it has been proven that you CANNOT control demand by limiting supply- It works the other way around.

Criminals who want or need guns will get them regardless of which laws control the supply side to law abiding citizens.

It's already illegal to kill somebody. By making guns 'more' illegal or harder to get, you are not addressing the issues at all, or curtailing the criminal desire.

I'm not asking for smoke and mirrors or Liberal rhetoric, look around the world and see for yourself. In countries like Switzerland and Sweden where gun ownership is almost mandatory, actual gun crime is virtually nill. Areas that 'banned' guns like England and Australia are actually seeing a proliferation of gun-related crims. You don't have to look any further than your own backyard! Handguns ownership is very HEAVILY regulated in Canada, yet a 16 year old punk in Toronto or Vancouver can very easily obtain one if he 'needs' some firepower for a home invasion, or to rob a dessert restaurant.

Dick Meat

New member
Feb 24, 2004
3Tees said:
However, I am of the opinion that the less guns the better. I know that there are many responsible owners out there - I do a lot of work out in Alberta and have...
Well if there's too many guns in Alberta, stay home next time, we surely don't need your kind out here. I'm sure the Nanny State of Ontario will protect you.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Dick Meat said:
You don't have to look any further than your own backyard! Handguns ownership is very HEAVILY regulated in Canada, yet a 16 year old punk in Toronto or Vancouver can very easily obtain one if he 'needs' some firepower for a home invasion, or to rob a dessert restaurant.
And yet our death rate by firearm percentage is still hugely smaller than in the US.

Face it, if you REALLY want to do something, you'll do it, and that includes owning a gun. However, making it easier to have a deadly force weapon doesn't solve the amount of gun-related violence either.

As you mentioned, there are many factors which are the causes of crime. But make something easy to get WILL increase the temptation of using such a thing.

Personally, I think this is a good idea. These idiots owning guns helps along the process of natural selection. It's just a reminder how happy I am to live in Canada.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
What about a full size car that gets very high gas mileage.

Why aren't there more things that are very useful to make life better than stuff we could live without?


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
S.C. Joe said:
What about a full size car that gets very high gas mileage.

Why aren't there more things that are very useful to make life better than stuff we could live without?
You tell us. You live in the auto capital of the U.S.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Yeah but...

hunter001 said:
Really? Facts.pdf

Yes there is more crime in Urban areas. :rolleyes: Well documented fact. I assumed that Edmonton and Calgary are still part of the province?

...all those shootings and associated victims involved members of certain immigrant groups, so it is all good. Those deaths don't count, and besides, that what they get for having a gun anyway...guns are really only for REAL Canadians....
Last edited:


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
MLAM said:
...all those shootings and associated victims involved members of certain immigrant groups, so it is all good. Those deaths don't count, and besides, that what they get for having a gun anyway...gun are really only for REAL Canadians....
k :confused:
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts