Ashley Madison

Germans are bad, very bad


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
There you have it from the President himself

Trump slams Germany's US trade surplus as 'bad'
During meetings with EU leaders, US President Donald Trump threatened to curb the sale of millions of German cars in the US. In comments leaked to German press he said Germany was acting in a bad way.

While in Brussels Thursday US President Donald Trump told European leaders that Germany was being unfair with its trade arrangements, German media reported on Thursday.
"The Germans are bad, very bad," Trump was quoted as saying by respected news weekly "Der Spiegel."**
"Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US. Terrible! We'll stop that," Trump said, according to**sources inside who spoke with**the magazine.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Say goodbye to your Benzes. (I believe BMW fabricates in the US)


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Interesting note: when BMW first set up shop, they had a problem with workers understanding the written work instructions.
It took them awhile to figure out that they were ILLITERATE. Work directions had to be posted in pictograms.
But then there was the German firm in one of the Carolina's where the company had very high tech machinery with all the instructions in German, refused to train any of their employees to read German, or translate the instructions and instead sent a small rotating cadre of German technicians to the plant for a couple of weeks at a time to make any needed repairs or adjustments. Wonder why said plant has morale problems among its more ambitious staff. This was on NPR within the past two months.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
But then there was the German firm in one of the Carolina's where the company had very high tech machinery with all the instructions in German, refused to train any of their employees to read German, or translate the instructions and instead sent a small rotating cadre of German technicians to the plant for a couple of weeks at a time to make any needed repairs or adjustments. Wonder why said plant has morale problems among its more ambitious staff. This was on NPR within the past two months.
The germans knew the dumbass americans would ruin the equipment if they were allowed to touch it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
The germans knew the dumbass americans would ruin the equipment if they were allowed to touch it.
Yes, the industrial scale automobile manufacturing is unknown in America. Thank gods for the Germans.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Yes, the industrial scale automobile manufacturing is unknown in America. Thank gods for the Germans.
With all respect, I do think the germans engineer better cars than the americans.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Germans make great stuff, and benefit greatly from the discounted Euro that's pulled down by the PIGS


Jul 2, 2011

Posted by Rika Christensen on 26 May 2017

Yesterday, while Trump was in Europe, he shoved aside the prime minister of Montenegro to get to the front of a small crowd of world leaders,.and he actually saidthat “the Germans are bad, very bad,” when threatening to cut off auto exports. Whilesome might agree that Germany’s economic policies have hurt the world’s economy, there are considerably better (and, dare we say it, more diplomatic) ways to express frustration with that than scolding them like they’re a bunch of disobedient toddlers.

That’s in addition to Trump’s severe lack of knowledge and understanding about anything his policies would affect, including how NATO works. So Der Spiegel, Germany’s largest newspaper, published an op-ed by Klaus Brinkbaumer. Brinkbaumer didn’t hold back when he took Trump to task for, well, pretty much everything he is. For starters, the subtitle on the story reads:

Donald Trump has transformed the United States into a laughing stock and he is a danger to the world. He must be removed from the White House before things get even worse.”

During his campaign, Trump said Obama made us a laughingstock to the world, and yet, we were a bit more popular and influential under Obama. Trump’s sheer stupidity reflects badly on us as a nation, and the world can’t figure out how we got stupid enough to elect him. Brinkbaumer blasted him over his intellect (or lack thereof), saying:

He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.”

And later on:

The U.S. elected a laughing stock to the presidency and has now made itself dependent on a joke of a man. The country is, as David Brooks wrote recently in the New York Times, dependent on a child.”

There, Brinkbaumer explains how Trump has no foreign policy because he’s all over the place. He criticizes the fact that we have warships circling with Chinese warships, provoking North Korea. He worries that Trump will start a nuclear war to save his own skin, which, given how thin his skin is and how badly he needs to be right all the time, isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

Brinkbaumer also criticizes Trump for his absolutely boorish and immature behavior, along with the neverending stream of lies to cover up his missteps, saying:

He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump… Trump is a miserable politician. He fired the FBI director simply because he could. James Comey had gotten under his skin with his investigation into Trump’s confidants. Comey had also refused to swear loyalty and fealty to Trump and to abandon the investigation. He had to go.

Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and posts tweets that contradict what they have said. He doesn’t care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security adviser had just denied that the president had handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleaned from Israel (of all countries). Trump tweeted: Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I’m president after all.”

Brinkbaumer is understandably angry about Trump, as anyone with any sense ought to be. He has a lot of the world laughing at us, and a lot of the rest of the world worried about what he might do with that hair-trigger temper of his.

The bottom line is this: Our so-called president isn’t fit to be a world leader of any kind. The fact that Der Spiegel would publish something this blunt says a lot about how poorly the world regards Donald Trump. You can read Brinkbaumer’s entire piece here.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I read that article, with much amusement. Reminded me of the lizards that make themselves look large and scary, while completely harmless, powerless and scared shitless.


Aug 23, 2001
Great. Another cut and paste from Canada-man's illegitimate son......
Of course, the difference is that Y-D quotes a reputable, mass circulation international news weekly and C-M quotes bizarre nonsense about "elitist rich white liberals and their secret, satanic cults" from crazy ass conspiracy sites. But why would you spot the difference?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Of course, the difference is that Y-D quotes a reputable, mass circulation international news weekly
Actually he quoted oppositionreport, which discusses the article in Der Spiegel by its chief Editor Klaus Brinkbäumer.

Klaus Brinkbäumer has disliked President Trump from the get go, further of course Der Spiegel is far from universally loved. Chancellor Willy Brandt described it as "Scheißblatt" ("shit paper") while his political opposite Franz Josef Strauß of Bavaria called it "the Gestapo of our time." Two of the more poetic things said about it over the years.


Aug 23, 2001
Actually he quoted oppositionreport, which discusses the article in Der Spiegel by its chief Editor Klaus Brinkbäumer.

Klaus Brinkbäumer has disliked President Trump from the get go, further of course Der Spiegel is far from universally loved. Chancellor Willy Brandt described it as "Scheißblatt" ("shit paper") while his political opposite Franz Josef Strauß of Bavaria called it "the Gestapo of our time." Two of the more poetic things said about it over the years.
Wasn't Strauss himself a bit of a Nazi?

And of course, Der Spiegel is a reputable mass circulation international news weekly. I could cherry pick adverse comments on just about anything.

Canada-Man today posted comments about "liberal elitists who perform satanic rituals" and linked to one of his usual sources. On balance, I'll take my chances with Der Spiegel and Yung_Dood.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
If he could have gotten away with it Strauss would have been happy in a restored Kingdom of Bavaria.
He would not have supported a monarchy. Don't put words into the mouths of the dead.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts