George W. criticized over War in Iraq by BBC

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
It was never a just war, and guess what?

Those Muslims are now even more pissed off at us Westerners for our destruction of their ideals, our antagonism towards their religion and our constant big-brother attitude towards them. They are going to strike back, no doubt about that, and Canadians are going to pay the price too for sticking their noses in things that don't matter to them. I'm surprised they haven't attacked Canadian targets yet.

Who is dumb enough to believe that Muslims have been intimidated with the attack on Iraq and decimation of the Taliban and that they will now behave and fear us and never attack us again? Yeah right.

Now, there are some bozos with the titles of "patriots" that are calling anybody that is not a war-monger a "communist" and a "traitor". Oh please, a real patriot prevents his country from harassing and bullying others, one is a pro-war patriot only when one's country is invaded, and to my knowledge there has been no Muslim armies wrecking havoc inside Canadian/American soil and occupying out cities and installing fundamentalist regimes against our will. Muslims are never going to cease attacking the USA, and we are going to pay the price too for being part of a bully nazi-like gov't bent on imposing it's dollar-power, western-decadence puppet regimes against the will of Muslim populations.
I think it is also worth noting that the US dollar is plumeting. Their economy is stuck in low gear and inflation is coming and it will be worse with the falling dollar.

Unless they find another country to invade, in the next election the republicans are toast.
Quote from the article:

In his aircraft carrier speech, President Bush also gave a warning that any other country which "has ties to terrorist groups and seeks or possesses weapons of mass destruction is a grave danger to the civilised world - and will be confronted".

Let's see, the US has ties to many terrorist groups. The IRA was and is funded by Americans. The CIA works with any terrorist group looking to overthrough governments that the US does not like.

The US has 40% of the world's weapons of mass destruction...

But, who will confront them?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Dave, did you read the same article I did? The only I can find in it is doubt that the 'tide has turned' in the war on terrorism. Please explain to me what a criticism of President Bush's rhetoric has to do with criticism of the war.
Aug 18, 2001
submissivedave said:
Please follow the above link and read the article yourself to answer your own question Sir Penguin_jk ...

I am sure the article will have enough info to answer your inquiries ...

Thank you ...
I read the article and found nothing new in it. How much do YOU know about Bedouin ethos, submissivedave? When did Napoleon conquer Eqypt? How much do YOU know about Whahabism and the Muslim Brotherhood?

I'll answer your in the other thread Saturday evening. :)
I do not know anything about Bendouin Ethos ...

Napolean tried to conquer Egypt in 1789.

I do not know anything about the Whahabism nor the Muslim Brotherhood...

But what's your point? No where in the article did I find anything in regards to the questions you've asked me. Furthermore, I am not surprised if you did not find anything new in the article. Again, "nothing is new under the sun" ... I did not make that up, the great Plato said that ...

The reason I posted this was to show that the BBC a British news source, coming out of Britain who was an ally of the US-led attack on Iraq is now in fact critical of US intentions of the war and that Bush is nothing but a sophist ... (god ... I love calling people a sophist ... makes me feel like I am Socrates ..... hahahahahaha)

Anyway ... I look forward in what you have to say. After all, the reason why you and I and "onthebottom" have lively discussions is because we agree to disagree !!!


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

You should really read the article if you're going to post a link to it. The article does not criticize the war in Iraq but does question Bush's comment about turning the corner on Terrorism. I think we all agree that there is much left to do in the war against terrorism, but you have to say that with Sadam no longer in power and the Taliban overthrown in Afghanistan the world is a safer place.

The threat of terrorism continues, and will always be present, the question is: has the war on terrorism degraded terrorists capabilities. The answer to that is yes.



New member
Aug 30, 2001
The Taliban and Iraq were not threats

The out-of-control United States is a threat to world peace. The United States has a military it will not be able to sustain much longer with the economic decline it's in.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Paul Waters said:
I think it is also worth noting that the US dollar is plumeting. Their economy is stuck in low gear and inflation is coming and it will be worse with the falling dollar.

Unless they find another country to invade, in the next election the republicans are toast.
Totally true.

The biggest problem the US is facing today is not some pissed of muslim, it's their own economy.

Record deficits are the true evil in my opinion. They are to be avoided at all costs. W is spending money he doesn't have like a drunken sailor. Not to mention giving tax cuts to his rich buddies who don't need it. If he keeps up, he will leave such a black hole that whoever succeeds him will have a HUGE mess on his hands.

It's time for some prudent fiscal gov't in the USA. They have to get their financial house in order.

If inflation rears its ugly head in the US then Greenspan will have no choice but to raise interest rates which will hurt their and OUR economy. More and more money willl be required just to service the debt.

I wish the federal liberals would do more to pay down our stinking debt. I am thrilled that under Paul Martin we eliminated deficit spending but the debt from all those years of deficit spending from Trudeau through to Mulrony is a 10,000 pound elephant.

Right now something like 28 cents of every tax dollar goes to pay the interest on the debt.

Can you imagine what we could do with that money??
Re: SubDave

onthebottom said:
You should really read the article if you're going to post a link to it. The article does not criticize the war in Iraq but does question Bush's comment about turning the corner on Terrorism. I think we all agree that there is much left to do in the war against terrorism, but you have to say that with Sadam no longer in power and the Taliban overthrown in Afghanistan the world is a safer place.

The threat of terrorism continues, and will always be present, the question is: has the war on terrorism degraded terrorists capabilities. The answer to that is yes.

I in fact, did read the article. Nonetheless, I am surprised that you did not read between the lines like Paul, James and gryfin ...

Of course, the journalist who wrote this article could not be so clear cut on the issue or else he's probably gonna suffer the same faith the other journalist did in the US, who eventually got fired ...

Furthermore, it is quite obvious what the journalist is implying and what was in his mind when he wrote it in the first place. Not to mention getting it approved by the editor-in-chief ...
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