George Sr on George Jr


New member
Jul 14, 2003
You can't make stuff like this up. From the Larry KIng Show a few nights ago.


KING: ... When you disagree, do you tell him? Do you tell him?

BARBARA BUSH: Very funny.

KING: Would you say to the president, I disagree with this? You don't have to tell me what it is, but would you say it to him?

G. BUSH: Oh, I think so. Yeah.

B. BUSH: Maybe he might ask, do you disagree? Or, I know you disagree.

G. BUSH: Yes.

KING: Has he asked?

G. BUSH: Come on, Larry.

B. BUSH: He might say..


KING: I know you're not going to be specific, but I can ask if he's asked.

G. BUSH: You can ask, but I don't have to answer whether he has asked.

B. BUSH: This is like "Who's on first?"

KING: OK, what's it like when you disagree?

G. BUSH: No problem. No problem. He's elected. I'm just sitting by here, sitting, you know, as a bystander these days. And the reason is, I don't want to say anything, do anything, publicly sign anything, op-ed anything that has one nuance of difference between myself and the president, because that would be the story. Rush down, the nutty father says this. Or look what the stupid son did. I mean, we don't need to get into that.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
While your copy/paste skills remain enviable your nose for news remains non-existent.



New member
Mar 21, 2005
What's the punch-line of the story in the opening post :confused:


New member
Jul 7, 2003
TOVisitor said:
You can't make stuff like this up. From the Larry KIng Show a few nights ago.


G. BUSH: No problem. No problem. He's elected. I'm just sitting by here, sitting, you know, as a bystander these days. And the reason is, I don't want to say anything, do anything, publicly sign anything, op-ed anything that has one nuance of difference between myself and the president, because that would be the story. Rush down, the nutty father says this. Or look what the stupid son did. I mean, we don't need to get into that.
I watched this episode and the one with Clinton, good post/ quote!



New member
Jul 14, 2003
RogerRabbit said:
I watched this episode and the one with Clinton, good post/ quote!

Good to know that those of us in the reality-based world understand quotes like these.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Truncador said:
What's the punch-line of the story in the opening post :confused:
That some bottom feeder would take a quote by Bush Sr. and try and make the POTUS look dumb with it.....

Hey, wait a minute.



New member
Dec 21, 2004
TO's sole personal addition to this thread was to characterize his world as "reality based". Otherwise, just more cut & paste. TO, even your reality is borrowed from someone else.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Vietor said:
TO's sole personal addition to this thread was to characterize his world as "reality based". Otherwise, just more cut & paste. TO, even your reality is borrowed from someone else.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I don't know TOV, I'd say my political sensibilities are much closer to yours than to - say - OTB's - but this one is stretching it a bit IMO.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
zydeco said:
I don't know TOV, I'd say my political sensibilities are much closer to yours than to - say - OTB's - but this one is stretching it a bit IMO.

I have a son who is in his 20's. I would NEVER call him stupid. Instead, we have a very revealing (dare I say) Freudian slip by Senior about Junior. Seems to me that Dad certainly knows something about his son.


New member
TOVisitor said:

I have a son who is in his 20's. I would NEVER call him stupid. Instead, we have a very revealing (dare I say) Freudian slip by Senior about Junior. Seems to me that Dad certainly knows something about his son.
TOV, can you post the Clinton interview? I thought that one had much more meat on the bone for Satire.

I saw the interview with Bush Sr., also. Clearly a case of unconditional love, lol.

It was fascinating to watch LKL try to pin him down. The old man is at least a good fox about defending his chimp of son.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Mcluhan, here's the Clinton transcript:

I commend to your reading pleasure as well this hilarious take of The Rude Pundit on Larry interviewing Darth Cheney the other day. Priceless!

What Else Would You Do With a Dick in Your Face?

Sweet, sweet mercy, what a long, luxuriant blow job did Larry King give Vice President Dick Cheney last night on his CNN "talk" show. How carefully, gently, tenderly, even, King took Cheney's mighty python of love out of his pants and lapped it around the head before plunging, full throttle, on to deep throating the whole cock. God, you thought the 400 year-old King's spine would snap at the neck from the ferocity with which he bobbed on Cheney's knob. The scariest part was not the sounds of King hungrily lapping at the scrotum that's one heartbeat away from the presidency. And, no, it wasn't King's superhuman repression of his gag reflex. No, no, the scariest part was Cheney barely fuckin' moved. He just sat there, with that stroke victim smirk, just a-grinnin' away while King sucked like a Hoover on the deep pile setting.

Yes, it was most assuredly one magnificent hummer, with Cheney going unchallenged on anything that he said, whether it was that John Bolton's just a great, great guy; or that the war in Iraq's gonna end some time before 2009. Sometimes Cheney treated King and, by extension, all of us like we're just simpletons. When King asked Cheney about North Korea (with the hyper-intellectual, "North Korea - where's that goin'?"), Cheney's answer was the same one he'd give a group of seven year-olds on a field trip: "North Korea is a major problem. They claim that they have developed nuclear weapons." No, shit, Dick? Now just give us our juice boxes so we can get back to the bus.

Of course, the worst was the way Cheney attacked Amnesty International for daring to say that torture is bad and judicial process is good. Cheney's reaction to the Amnesty report on abuses at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp was breathtaking in that Cheney essentially set out to discredit the organization. Dick was "offended by it . . . For Amnesty International to suggest that somehow the United States is a violator of human rights, I frankly just don't take them seriously." Which is stunning, if for no other reason than Amnesty International was cited copiously in White House background papers on how fucked up Iraq was under Saddam Hussein.

See, Dick says, America is good and right and kicks ass and frees people. How could anyone so good and right and ass-kicking and people-freeing even be open to criticism?

When King directed him to addressing Gitmo in particular, Cheney took out the Constitution, international treaties, and centuries of jurisprudence and wiped the sweat and spit off his balls with them: "Remember who's down there. These are people that were picked up off the battlefield in Afghanistan and other places in the global war on terror. These are individuals who have been actively involved as the enemy, if you will, trying to kill Americans." The natural follow-up would have been, "Umm, haven't some of the people we've let go been innocent?" But, no, no, Cheney has declared 'em guilty, motherfuckers, now get back to suckin'.

Then Cheney made this statement: "In a sense, when you're at war, you keep prisoners of war until the war is over with." So, like, if, in a sense, the Gitmo campers are "prisoners of war," then, in a sense, don't they get Geneva Conventions protections? Why, if you think that, then you don't know Dick. See, way back in January 2002, Amnesty and other groups pushed for the Gitmo guests to be classified P.O.W.'s. Rumor was that Colin Powell was pushing for this, too, but Rumsfeld and Cheney took him down to the White House basement so Karl Rove could work him over with a horsewhip and a ten-inch rubber strap-on. By the time Cheney appeared on Fox "News" on January 27, he could say, "We're all in agreement -- Colin, me, Don Rumsfeld -- that these are not lawful combatants, they're not prisoners of [war]." See, they're like prisoners of war, in that we're at war and they are our prisoners, but they're not, you know, "prisoners of war." Crystal-motherfuckin'-clear.

And then Cheney gave mad props to the soldiers at Gitmo for their "humane" treatment of the prisoners there. Oh, what a vicious sense of irony has this Dick.

When Dick Cheney finally came in Larry King's mouth, it was a thunderous explosion of semen, one that jerked the ancient interviewer's head back from its force. Cheney still didn't move. He nodded a little before he yanked King by the collar and made King lick him clean, which King did gladly. There was still twenty minutes left in the interview, and Lynne was about to join them. At the commercial break, King dutifully did his tongue exercises before he plunged into that cavern.

// posted by Rude One @ 9:51 AM


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:
What Else Would You Do With a Dick in Your Face?

Sweet, sweet mercy, what a long, luxuriant blow job did Larry King give Vice President Dick Cheney last night on his CNN "talk" show. How carefully, gently, tenderly, even, King took Cheney's mighty python of love out of his pants and lapped it around the head before plunging, full throttle, on to deep throating the whole cock. God, you thought the 400 year-old King's spine would snap at the neck from the ferocity with which he bobbed on Cheney's knob. The scariest part was not the sounds of King hungrily lapping at the scrotum that's one heartbeat away from the presidency. And, no, it wasn't King's superhuman repression of his gag reflex. No, no, the scariest part was Cheney barely fuckin' moved. He just sat there, with that stroke victim smirk, just a-grinnin' away while King sucked like a Hoover on the deep pile setting.

When Dick Cheney finally came in Larry King's mouth, it was a thunderous explosion of semen, one that jerked the ancient interviewer's head back from its force. Cheney still didn't move. He nodded a little before he yanked King by the collar and made King lick him clean, which King did gladly. There was still twenty minutes left in the interview, and Lynne was about to join them. At the commercial break, King dutifully did his tongue exercises before he plunged into that cavern.

// posted by Rude One @ 9:51 AM
I like to insult politicans and parties I don't like too, don't get me wrong. But is stuff like this really necessary ? Does it provide any insight into anything ? Is it supposed to be, like, really shocking or transgressive or avant-garde, and if so, does anyone really think it is ?

Overdoing it with the sneering and sarcasm just comes across as cheesy, puerile, and unmanly. It's like reading hate literature written by a fifteen-year old.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
I like to insult politicans and parties I don't like too, don't get me wrong. But is stuff like this really necessary ? Does it provide any insight into anything ? Is it supposed to be, like, really shocking or transgressive or avant-garde, and if so, does anyone really think it is ?

Overdoing it with the sneering and sarcasm just comes across as cheesy, puerile, and unmanly. It's like reading hate literature written by a fifteen-year old.
Lighten up, dude. It's humor. And it's insightful into the lies of Cheney and the fawning interviews of Larry King.

Besides which, how many 15 year olds do you read these days?

[Uh oh, here come UpHisBottom and Schicklgruber with smart remarks. Watch out, TOV.]


New member
Mar 21, 2005
It's said that the Republicans are looking to coax the more sensible Democrats away from the party by convincing them that they're too good to throw their lot in with a bunch of crackpots and haters. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Rude Pundit et al. get soft money from the Republicans as part of a strategy to do exactly that ;)


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
It's said that the Republicans are looking to coax the more sensible Democrats away from the party by convincing them that they're too good to throw their lot in with a bunch of crackpots and haters. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Rude Pundit et al. get soft money from the Republicans as part of a strategy to do exactly that ;)
Hmmmm. Good question truncy.

Why don't you go ask him yourself?

Hint: TOV willl be there.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Truncador said:
It's said that the Republicans are looking to coax the more sensible Democrats away from the party by convincing them that they're too good to throw their lot in with a bunch of crackpots and haters.
Ya know, truncy, those zany Repubs will probably have as much success as the military is having convincing these parents to let their kids join up for Fearless Leader's War of Liberation Against the Brown People.

Title of article: Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents. I didn't realize how many French people lived in the US!

[high pitched voice]Oh, UpHisBottom! When are you volunteering?[/high pitched voice]


New member
Mar 21, 2005
TOVisitor said:

Title of article: Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents. I didn't realize how many French people lived in the US!
It's a very good thing that stuff like that is happening. Once the anti-war movement becomes closely enough associated with groups with names like Fretful Mothers for Safety against Everything, it will seem even more lame in the eyes of the youth than it does now. How transgressive is it to go to the same rallies as one's doting mom ? They will look for something else they can join to assert their independence and flip the bird at their boring ex-hippie parents. And the neo-cons will give it to them.

Youth Rebellion 1969: Leave home to follow the Grateful Dead.

Youth Rebellion 1979: Leave home to live in squat with anarchists.

Youth Rebellion 2009: Leave home to join the military and bear arms for the State.


*The loser says chickenhawk*
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