Gentlemen, a question or two ....


New member
Mar 25, 2003
Due to a sinus infection I've had time on my hands and for want of a better thing to do I've been reading the board and some of the posts have left me wondering:

Gentlemen exactly how do you expect an SP to look and behave?

There is a thread concerning our supposed intelligence, a thread wanting to know which SP would pass muster when entering an establishment of good repute, threads regarding the correct response time for e-mails. All manner of threads about whether or not SPs are viable subjects to have a relationship with and so on and so on.

For my part, I have to say I've yet to meet the bubble gum blowing, ill-mannered SP, dressed inappropriately, ie: with breasts straining to break free of her all too small boob top, a skirt that barely covers her bottom, fishnet stockings and stilletos. In fact, an SP will only dress in such a manner if requested to do so by the client.

All the SPs I've met have been intelligent, correctly dressed, pleasant company and perfectly at ease in any situation or environment.

Most Escort websites are tastefully done, even artistic, so come on guys where does the stereotyped opinion actually come from.



Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
To answer your question

Astra said:
Gentlemen exactly how do you expect an SP to look and behave?
I expect her to behave appropriately. This means I expect her to behave with the same decorum that I exhibit towards her. I am invariably polite and respectful of ladies and I expect the same in return.

Once we get "into the act" I fully expect attitudes to change though. (i.e. Certain inhibitions are dropped.) But throughout our encounter there needs to be a certain effort to remain in tune and in touch with the other person. I find the best way to accomplish this is to inherently respect the other individual at all levels.


luscious dilettante
Nov 26, 2002
hollywood hookers

Good call Astra. After the Park Hyatt thread, I was starting to wonder if I was living in a different city. There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part, the SPs and agencies that frequent and advertise on this board are not of the "bubble gum blowing, ill-mannered SP, dressed inappropriately, ie: with breasts straining to break free of her all too small boob top, a skirt that barely covers her bottom, fishnet stockings and stilletos" ilk. Not that there's anything wrong with that....I think the stereotype originated and persists in Hollywood. The real deal can navigate everyday life without being detected at all.
Astra said:
come on guys where does the stereotyped opinion actually come from.
The Strolls.

The image is very powerful and is alive and well at Jarvis and College ... during the summer, anyway! It's a very powerful image, it's the one we grew up with and it's the image pushed by hollywood and the media - with at least some reason, since looking at streetwalkers is as close as most people are going to get to the biz.


New member
Mar 25, 2003
Re: Re: Gentlemen, a question or two ....

midLifeCrisis said:
The Strolls.

The image is very powerful and is alive and well at Jarvis and College ... during the summer, anyway! It's a very powerful image, it's the one we grew up with and it's the image pushed by hollywood and the media - with at least some reason, since looking at streetwalkers is as close as most people are going to get to the biz.
Much the same kind of image as the man in the shabby raincoat who either exposes himself to young girls or, plays with himself in the back row of the movie theatre. whilst watching French or, even worse, Swedish adult movies with subtitles.

If, as the posters in this thread suggest, the members of Terb are fairly intelligent, well educated gentlemen, then surely they can differentiate between a girl from The Strolls and an SP/Escort. Although we are all involved in the sex trade industry, there is a difference in how we present ourselves. It would be similar to saying that all people in North America are Americans (wouldn't Bush like that another state added to the Union), whereas we know for a fact that Canada is a separate entity with it's own system of government etc. and that many Canadians resent being called an American.

By all means have your mental images of what sex/companionship suppliers are supposed to look like, then come back to earth and understand that the majority of us would be out of business if we had no dress sense and were unable to string a sentence or two together. The well established Independents and Agencies did not earn their reputations by embarrassing clients.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Re: Re: Re: Gentlemen, a question or two ....

Astra said:

The well established Independents and Agencies did not earn their reputations by embarrassing clients.

Perhaps the people doing most of the questioning in the threads you find insulting have not yet had the good fortune to deal with with the above . One of the reasons I have made an effort to find these boards is that my first attempt in Mtl did embarrass me when a gumpopping girl extremely underdressed showed up . Disaster . It was obvious that I needed to find out a lot more if I was going to avoid that in the future .

As far as intelligence is concerned , some prefer a certain hair colour , some value certain measurements . I happen to think that women who are regarded as being above average in intelligence have an added attraction . The coallary of that equation is not that the rest , or even a majority , are as dumb as a tube of lipstick .


New member
Mar 25, 2003
Train: - I am not in the least insulted just curious to know why some questions were being posed. Your response has at least addressed the novice hobbyist, an aspect I did not take into consideration and which throws a slightly different light on the situation.

Many thanks to all who responded, it was a pleasure to read such well articulated answers.



New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Well said!

xarir said:

The lady was telling me that she was watching a TV show - something about a documentary / police re-enactment about some asshat who stalked and killed prostitutes. She turned to her friend (also an SP) and asked, "Do you think anyone would really care about us if we ended up like those ladies?" Her friend replied "We're not anything like those ladies."

But therein lies the issue - to society at large, all SPs are painted with the same broad brush.
Isn't your friend or the sp you are talking about also not painting prostitutes with a certain brush. We can all be guility of judging others.

The fact that the sp you talked about is better educated, better dressed etc than the average prostitute does not mean she is nothing like them although she would like to think so.

In reality they are both performing the same act and doing it for monetary purposes. The better educated sp is more fortunate in her circumstances.
Re: Re: Well said!

booboobear[/i] [b]We can all be guility of judging others.[/b][/quote] And thank God for that! Without judgement we're all just dressed up monkeys. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by booboobear said:
The fact that the sp you talked about is better educated, better dressed etc than the average prostitute does not mean she is nothing like them
How about not having a severe drug dependancy problem? Would that count?
Originally posted by booboobear
In reality they are both performing the same act and doing it for monetary purposes.
Which does not imply any more similarities or espirit-de-corps than if they were all secretaries, or accountants.
Originally posted by booboobear
The better educated sp is more fortunate in her circumstances.
Fortunate? You mean choices and consequences has nothing to do with it?

There are some cases in this world of genuine misfortune. But generally speaking, when you see someone in a bad situation, it's because they deserve it.

Ophelia Black

Hey! Nice tits!
Sep 4, 2003
"In reality they are both performing the same act and doing it for monetary purposes."

I think paying for website hosting rather than buying crack makes a difference. As does meeting a client in a 5 star hotel rather than blowing him in the front seat of his beater 83' Honda Civic parked behind Canadian Tire.

"The fact that the sp you talked about is better educated, better dressed etc than the average prostitute does not mean she is nothing like them although she would like to think so."

Let me know more about how we should think. Preferably after you yourself have actually worked as any kind of an SP. :)

"The better educated sp is more fortunate in her circumstances."

Yes. Because she made it so.

Give us the credit we're due for having made sure we did not end up as messed as many of the street girls.

PS...Who do I have to ask, rather, around here to get to make cool quote thingys like all the other cool kids?
Ophelia Black said:
PS...Who do I have to ask, rather, around here to get to make cool quote thingys like all the other cool kids?

The vBulletin scripting codes are explained here.

Also, when you see some effects you like, just press the "quote" button for the post ... the message will be quoted with its codes intact, so you can see how it was done.


New member
Oct 16, 2003
As long as I don't have to have class!!!

nope, I like to see class exuding.......... Just not from me!

Actually Astra, I read those posts in the same light you did.......

Beauty is where you look for it, and what you expect to see.
Intelligence is where you look for it and what you expect to see....

If I knew what class was............ I am sure I would find it..--- I do know........ but it would completely blow my redneck cover.

Hope you start feeling better !!!!!!!


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
A very interesting thread.

If I had to classify want "I" like in an sp it would be the following. Someone who has a classy elegance about them. Someone who has a personality, someone who can carry on an intelligent conversation and someone who seems to enjoy the encounter as much as I do. Luckily, I have met a large number of top notch sp's around the world and maybe one or two flakes.
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