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Gang affiliations


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
This is related to another thread that talked about an SP who was linked to the Ledbury crips. The case concerned two underage girls who were coerced into prostitution. :mad:

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but this is the last situation anyone wants to be involved with. No disrespect intended to the wonderful, legitimate SPs in our midst but I'm sure there must be a certain few who have links to those who use prostitution to fund underworld stuff. I'm wondering, how much of this hobby involves gangs, mobs, pimping or other organized nastiness? Anyone care to share any stats? Have any of the agencies (unknowingly) hired such SPs only to find out there are criminal affiliations?

I'm wondering if I've ever (unknowingly) seen an SP who has such relationships. It gives me pause.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
I can say without a doubt there is alot of that going on.. That said, its usually pretty obvious what type of person you are dealing with and within a very short period of time they get weeded out. I can say that the major names of Agencies in Ottawa are not involved in any of that... (as far as I know)..

To answer your question Jabba, there is a good chance that you have seen someone of that nature.. but they are probably not in the business any longer as these ladies dont last very long..


Oct 11, 2008
If youre active in this, you will run into a girl or two or three that's at least pimped and doesn't seem like it. It's there and it sucks but hopefully you can spot it and stay away. Even some of the girls that are pimped will plead that it's for their own good but we all know that's a brainwash.


Aug 22, 2003
its the same in strip clubs, The Nu Den has always been known as a club that has bikers hanging out in there even dating some of the dancers, sometime even with their patches on. I could never figure out how a pimp works in a strip club as it seems pretty safe in the clubs dancing
Jul 28, 2006
Pimps in the clubs are the same as any other pimp operation. In a strip club the girl dances, girl makes money, girl gives money to pimp. So long as a pimp has control over a girl he can get her to do pretty much anything, don't be fooled by the legal facade of the strip club. This of course doesn't mean that all girls in strip clubs are pimped but many still are, the same way many "indies' are pimped from the shadows.


Nov 20, 2008
There probably is some of it going on... but could there really be that much going on in Ottawa?

Agencies involved in that sort of thing are probably weeded out a lot quicker, but they would probably weed out the independents the same.
It would only take one person to find out and then I think word would spread really quick.. just as it does with other issues.

curious too

New member
Apr 5, 2004
I've heard the same thing about the Nuden for years, but I've been there hundreds of times and I've never ever seen anybody wearing gang patches. I'm sure they realize that it would be terrible for business if regular guys were scared and stopped going there.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Cowboy you make a really good point about Indies.. I know that quite a few that claim to be Indy actually have a pimp in the background. Definately not in all cases, but I am sure alot of you would be really surprised. Not to get into an Agency vs Indy debate but when a lady comes to work with an agency, its usually out of free will and they chose to have someone represent them and do the admin stuff. Its also very rare that you hear of a well known agency to have a guy in the other room or closet, this happens more often with "Indies". Getting back to the original topic, its rarely an agency that is involved in this in Ottawa.. Montreal however.. Whole different ballgame.


Registered User
Sep 1, 2008
But in General , it is very Present in Ottawa ... Like anywhere in this Business
A lot of girls ( I dont say all of them ! ) Wouldnt start in this industry without a little push from someone at first !
Some get wiser & keep on on their own after , But some , especially beginner End up quitting ... and some even stay years with the same Guy
Thinking they are building something like married couple would ! .. it is the dream ...
This game is the oldest ever ... and Im sure it isnt about to change

I had few problems in the past because I was trying to save the world .... You learn pretty quick that things are the way they are .. and you should just let it be
You can Decide to deal with it ... or dont !

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
Just like to ad that I agree with post number 9 by Phoebee. The last part is the same way I feel about it. Anyways Phoebee was just wondering where I could get more info on you.


New member
Jun 13, 2007
I was referring to Agencies in MTL being more gang and organized crime related.. Here in Ottawa Agencies arent really involved as they arent being controled by gangs..
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