Galloway?...No comment..!!!


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Yeah, reality TV and he's in the bottom 3% in making votes (beats out a dead MP and two who can't vote), I'm so impressed.



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
onthebottom said:
Yeah, reality TV and he's in the bottom 3% in making votes (beats out a dead MP and two who can't vote), I'm so impressed.

dont forget he is Scottish and instead of running in Scotland he decides to run in a London riding that has a huge South Asian Muslim population and suckers them into voting for him under the pretense of oh I will defend Muslims because I am against the war in Iraq and American imperialism and all that jive

I am all about who cares what two consenting adults do, but wow what a weirdo!!


New member
Nov 25, 2003
langeweile said:
The proclaimed hero of some of the leftist, anti american elite on this board, has gone bananas....
I always love the heated use of the term "elite", it makes me laugh, especially when used in this forum.

Liberal elite...
Anti American elite...
Social elites...

The noun "elite" has one meaning:
A group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status

The adjective "elite" has one meaning:
Selected as the best

The fact that conservatives cannot use the word correctly is baffling. Are conservatives so uneducated?

Why do conservatives feel the need to use "elite" as a dirty word to describe liberal leaning people, or for that matter anyone that disagrees with them?

Like conservative fiscal policy and social views, anywhere, serve the common man. :rolleyes:

I guess conservatives are threatened by liberal views that actually serve the common man and therefore get caught up in some sort of "elite" conundrum.

I can see the term used within "power elite" as it's much more accurate but to ascribe it to liberalism is wrong and reeks of fear, selfconsciousness and stupidity.

Liberalism cannot be "elite" unless conservatives agree that liberalism is by and large the superior and the best way of governance. Sure, an liberal can be elite, the same as an conservative and an socialist can be elite, but conservatives use it with too broad a brush to have it correct, "they" are "elite", we aren't. Ya right, kill another 1,000 jobs for the bottom line and grab a dictionary.

So the next time one of y'all ordinary conservatives feels threatened by the "liberal elite" or gets all bent outta shape by those "anti american elites", rest assured that it'll be liberal "elite social programs" that will boost your level of ejumacation so y'all can increase your word knowing stuff.

Too funny.
May 3, 2004
Ironic how it's only the "elite" who get all bent out of shape by mention of the word elite and consequently they feel it necessary to provide a 500 word rebuttal and defense of elite. :rolleyes:

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
Ironic how it's only the "elite" who get all bent out of shape by mention of the word elite and consequently they feel it necessary to provide a 500 word rebuttal and defense of elite. :rolleyes:
Ironic how the "freaks" get all bent out of shape by mentioing that Osama Bin Laden WAS and AlWAYS will be the MASTERMIND behind the Sept. 11 2001 tragedy. Then consequently feel it necessary to try to avoid that topic again.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Rog, Judas.

Gentlemen, stop talking to yourself, it will be very confusing later in your adulthood. You won't know if you're angry or sad, elite or common, conservative or liberal, in love or in lust. A wacky future for you I perdict.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
blitz said:
Rog, Judas.

Gentlemen, stop talking to yourself, it will be very confusing later in your adulthood. You won't know if you're angry or sad, elite or common, conservative or liberal, in love or in lust. A wacky future for you I perdict.
Now you are starting to sound like...You know who??


New member
Nov 25, 2003


Oct 14, 2003
Maybe that was foreplay for his sexual fetish. I know the cats around my house get more affection than I do.



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
The word elite was used in a sarcastic way.

Why is it that every left thinking individual, thinks he/she knows what is best for me?
Why do they consistently pretend to be smarter than me?
Why don't they give people the chance to think and make decisions for themselves?
Why do they give more and more power to goverment?:confused:

Funny how the defenders of equal rights and justice for all, consistently talk down to those , that don't share their stripes...

This type of attitude is, what earned you the label elitist.

Now go back to your think tank and your imaginary world of Marx and Lenin, and let me enjoy my Nascar...and enjoy life the way I want to.

BTW BLITZ...i don't fault you for Galloways behaviour. he was a nutcase then and he is one now.....and he is a crook?
Ever heard the term "forward defense"?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Uh, 'scuse me? Isn't this coming from a defender of GWB and his cronies who have decided, unilaterally, that it's OK to illegally wiretap phones?
Like, see and read what they want without government censorship?
No I was talking about 40 years of liberalism that has created a failed educational system, a social security system that is about to blow up in our face and themyth of free healthcare.

By all means, enjoy life the way you wish to. If you want to watch cars go around and around and around and around and around in circles, go ahead. But don't foist your lifestyle or political bent on the centerists or leftists.
Funny statement from a guy, that consistently makes fun of people that don't agree with him...
Remember anytime you point the finger at somebody, you got four pointing back at you.
Thank you for supporting my point.people like you are exactly the reason why the left has been losing ground.

Got a source to back up that statement? Or just more right-wing propaganda?
You are right he never did get convicted, but neither did OJ.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
I recently saw a photo taken in the UK of a bunch of skinheads stomping some guy, and I was thinking of how cool it would be if that were to happen to Galloway. Fascist gutter demagogy invariably reaps an appropriate reward.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Carcharias said:
Lemme get this straight: you think it's ok to be assaulted based on one's political convictions??
I'm just pointing out the fact that Fascism and gutter politics in general have their own norms and mechanisms of dispute resolution, which are not those of civil society, and which usually involve beatings administered by thugs. Whoever preaches from the gutter is rightfully bound by its laws and subject to its justice.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Carcharias said:
I would urge you to take a look at my posts a little further.

Alas, I do have to agree with your statement about the educational system, but I don't see that as a liberal vs conservative issue. It's more about proper funding, at least as I see it. Both sides, regardless of political stripe, should own up to the fact that they've neglected education spending for far too long, and we're now seeing the results mirrored in crime rates, inability for employers to attract and keep good people, and a host of other social issues.

Funny you mentioned this. i usually don't watch any of the major networks, but this was an excellent show.

I ahd discussion about this with somebody else on this board. Back then I din't think our schools were all that bad....I was wrong.

Jay Greene, author of "Education Myths," points out that "If money were the solution, the problem would already be solved … We've doubled per pupil spending, adjusting for inflation, over the last 30 years, and yet schools aren't better."
He's absolutely right. National graduation rates and achievement scores are flat, while spending on education has increased more than 100 percent since 1971. More money hasn't helped American kids.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Carcharias said:
This is so wrong on so many levels it's hard to know where to begin.

There's this document in the US called The Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and expression. Perhaps you've heard of it.
Both the American and Canadian Constitutions explicitly do not abridge existing rights and privileges of the people. The unwritten Constitutional system of the U.K too implicitly recognizes the no single document can comprise the sole and exclusive font from which all legality and all rules governing life flow. Anything else would be State totalitarianism of a sort inherently antagonistic to free speech and other rights, which are not created by governments, nor by any instrument of law, but comprise a pre-existing limit to the reach of law and State.

It follows that a free State should not interfere with the laws and customs by which the street and gutter have always policed themselves. The legal right of speech is not intended to protect Galloway against his colleagues in a social sphere in which he voluntarily participates, but to protect him from the State itself. Extra-judicial punishments are only a problem for the State when they encroach on the freedom of those who do not choose to participate in the society of the gutter.
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