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Funny stories about people we've dated.


New member
May 25, 2005
Well I was relaying a story about this Japanese woman I once dated in another thread ( and was beginning to think of a whole bunch more funny/weird stories about the woman I`ve dated. So here`s a thread dedicated to all the funny "stranger than fiction" stories we have about our past relationships.

Same Japanese chick. She goes to Niagra Falls for the first time with a couple of friends. She takes the opportunity to go across the border and buy some duty free cigarettes. On the way back across the border the customs officer singles her out and asks her a bunch of questions. She was asked if she had anything to declare. She said a "pack" of cigarettes. Custom officer looks in her bag and finds a carton of smokes. Customs officer says irately "This isn`t a PACK of cigarettes! This is a CARTON!" The customs officer says he`s gonna confiscate them cause she lied.

Now this girl`s english was mediocre at best. She said a "pack" of cigarettes meaning the carton of cigarettes she bought. Total misunderstanding due to the wrong choice of english. Anyhow she`s relating the incident to me and I`m livid. I`m pretty sure it was some form of racism, that she was singled out and treated that way. So I begin calling around to see where I can lodge a complaint and raise some hell. "We`re getting your cigarettes or the money back!" I tell my girlfriend confidently.

Two days of phone calls, run-arounds, faxing proof of payment, moving up the chain of command to talk to the biggest cheese I can about the situation. I hurl accusations and make my threats and demand justice. Finally we got a reimbursement and a letter of apology. Couple days after the ordeal I`m snugglin up with my girlfriend feelin proud that I did the alpha-male thing and protected my woman when I ask her out of curiosity... "So what kind of cigarettes were they?" She says Marlboro Menthols. I pause...

I said "You mean I went through all that shit for a gaddamn pack of MENTHOLS!"

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