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Ashley Madison

Funny Crap on BP


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Thanks to Cowboy`s Diary, a lot of the scammers are being outed for being the stupid fakers that they are.
I`ve been reading some kinda weird crap on BP lately:

Here`s one: She gives "service of hell" which I really like in a girl. I wonder if it`s full demonic possession or just a mild infection. She`s also loves and is very...something
*Sexy Russian Girl* - 21
Sexy Juicy, a little Russian girl 21 years okd. I have long Blond hair, brown eyes with a beautiful 32 b chest. I made a 5p0 and 90 lbs. Im very sexy and I love , Im very . With me you will not be disappointed! I give a service of hell. Call me if you want the most beautiful night of your life!! 613-263-9535

This one really mangled the language: She has a big nice and also gives "service of hell" with deep throw & no problems with nationalism. A lot of extras which I like.
***Sey Layanah For You*** - 19
Sey, layanah a little French girl. I have long black hair, blue eyes with a beautiful 36 b chest I have a big nice I made a 5pi4 and 130.140 lbs. Im very sexxy and I love sexx, Im very . With me you will not be disappointed! I give a service of hell and I offer the service and deep throw. I have no problem with nationalism. Call me if you want the most beautiful night of your life!! 613-263-9535

And another one: No Black Guys! Seems she`s missing out on a good thing! I`ve only seen this kind of comment in the U.S. Deep South. Seems she isn`t sure if her age is 19 or 21.
Cowboy did a check on this one see:
19 years old french quebecoise in town for unlimited time call now - 19
Hello gentlemen, my name is and I`m 21yrs of age! I`m 5`1, 110lbs, 36c cup, long blond hair, hazel eyes and a nice fat round apple bottom ! ! I`m very open minded and I really enjoy my profession witch fortunately makes me very good at what I do ! Call me to get the treatment you don`t get at home ! * No Black guys, No * Discretion is a must !!

Must be the same one as above except with pics: The Black guys are missing out - but don`t worry, us White boys aren`t missing much either!
***honey dip back n town french quebecoise 19 years old *** - 19
Hello gentlemen, my name is honey and I`m 19yrs of age! I`m 5`1, 110lbs, 36c cup, long blond hair, hazel eyes and a nice fat round apple bottom ! I receive you in a luxurious place were ! I`m very open minded and I really enjoy my profession witch fortunately makes me very good at what I do ! Call me to get the treatment you don`t get at home ! * No Black guys, No * Discretion is a must !!
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Jul 28, 2006
Jabba, I saw that "no black guys" posting last night when I got home early this morning, I hit the roof !!! Now of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and if she prefers not to see "black guys" that's her choice, but how do you make such an "out there" bold face statement followed by "Discretion is a must" Clearly she has no concept of the meaning of discrete!

I thought to myself, wow but thought best to sleep on it before posting on the diary, only to read your post here when I flipped on the ipad for my morning read. I likely will be including it in my diary as it serves as a warning about her disposition and it's kind a funny too! :)


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Jabba, I saw that "no black guys" posting last night when I got home early this morning, I hit the roof !!! Now of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and if she prefers not to see "black guys" that's her choice, but how do you make such an "out there" bold face statement followed by "Discretion is a must" Clearly she has no concept of the meaning of discrete!

I thought to myself, wow but thought best to sleep on it before posting on the diary, only to read your post here when I flipped on the ipad for my morning read. I likely will be including it in my diary as it serves as a warning about her disposition and it's kind a funny too! :)
Y'know, I wasn't sure if I should even include the post because it was so offensive. I was rather shocked when I saw it, but, as a good journalist, I just report the facts as they are written. Holy crap that type of stuff just makes me shake my head.


Feb 14, 2004
I agree. So what? She's allowed to choose her market niche. Maybe she's had previous bad experiences with black guys. If you don't like her "restrictions", don't see her.

BTW, I thought the diary was about outing scammers and fakers... not policing political correctness among hobbiests and upholding the Moral Majority.
Jul 28, 2006
Now of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and if she prefers not to see "black guys" that's her choice, but how do you make such an "out there" bold face statement followed by "Discretion is a must" Clearly she has no concept of the meaning of discrete!
Geez guys read my post again? Show me where I was imposing or challenging her policial or moral views ?? I have no issue with her choosing not to see "black guys" but there's certainly more discrete ways of putting that message out there that's a little more socialy palitable. CHILAX, the critique has nothing to do with political or moral views, read the post again :)


Feb 14, 2004
Actually, it's this quote I was reacting to:
I likely will be including it in my diary as it serves as a warning about her disposition
You're "warning" us about her disposition, which you deduced from her ad??? I think that's a bit of a stretch... and a bit unfair. Don't you?

And while I'm re-reading your post, I must admit I am confused by this statement:
but how do you make such an "out there" bold face statement followed by "Discretion is a must" Clearly she has no concept of the meaning of discrete!
Nor do you. By "discretion" I think she means being discreet, not discrete. Although, it's quite possible she expects both. :eyebrows: She's candid, yes, but I hardly think her boldly stated racial exclusion should raise questions about her demand for discretion. It's just another restriction she's placing on potential clients. In other words, black guys and loudmouths stay away.
Jul 28, 2006
LoL I have my opinion, she has hers, and you have yours....what a country we live in ! Btw, the posting never made it to the diary. Goodnight and godspeed !


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
The review link was posted at the top of this thread, but here it is again:

She appears to be doing duos with...get this - a mixed race black chick!
Leila Lovesgood hot blond with delicious caramel skin. - 19

duo french quebecoise very freaky 613-2041609 - 19

The photos appear to be taken somewhere with a stripper pole - wild guess would be ummmm, the local hair salon (they are from Montreal after all).


Feb 14, 2004
Jabba, I saw that "no black guys" posting last night when I got home early this morning, I hit the roof !!! Now of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and if she prefers not to see "black guys" that's her choice, but how do you make such an "out there" bold face statement followed by "Discretion is a must" Clearly she has no concept of the meaning of discrete!
I've seen posting in Toronto which are basically, "if you are of my ethnic background, stay away", and it was because the SP was too concerned she'd run into someone she knows. So, I could buy that, but this is perhaps too general. (In Ottawa, "black guy" could mean: Somali, Indian, Jamaican, Morocan, as well as more generic african-canadian...)


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
So its ok for her to do duos with a black chick, but she wont play with a black dick.. Got it..
You betcha it is perfectly okay for her to duo with whomever she wants to, and it's her decision to turn away black men! What she does is lose a portion of the business, but she has her reasons. In fact, it is good of her to post "No Black Men" before one shows up and is turned away or disappointed.

There could be any number of reasons for her decision, and the general public is over-reacting.

PKE, do all of your ladies service all colours, ethnics, height, weight, attractive, average, ugly, clean, smelly, normal, creepy and so on. It's the same thing.

BTW, I can hit dat!

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
We as an agency do not discriminate against any Age, Race Or Creed. Many of our clientel are of ethnic origin, and we welcome them all.

If I client is not Clean, or an appearant lack of hygiene, then they will often be refused by the ladies.. (can't screen smell over the phone)

As far as height or Weight.. Not usually been any kind of issues with that.. Creepy is totally subjective.. To be honest if a client is being a little weird, often it's nerves.. Not everyone is comfortable hobbying.. If the term creepy is leaning towards wierd or dangerous suggestions.. IE asking if the girls like to be choked or like to be taken rough.. then they will be obviously refused..

Common Sense is the name of the game.

@HOF My comment was meant to be taken with humour. Everyone has the right to see who they want and refuse what makes them comfortable.. But perhaps being a bit more diplomatic about it would be in order.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
She didn't refuse to drink from the same water fountain....she is just saying she does not provide escort services to black men. It's a pretty personal service. I think she should be able to express that without everyone being so uptight.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
When someone making a public statement that she does not see (or like) people of certain race, this is racism and racism is distastful..
Bang on. It is racism and she is playing with fire. I know someone who is a jew and got refused by an SP when she found out he is a jew. Guess what? he was so shocked and humiliated that he made her neighbours aware that she was using the apartment as a bawdy house.
It's not very clever to state your racism openly to people, and I am sure there are ways to filter people out without hurting their feelings.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
BTW, she has the same ad on the pink board and the admin of that board does not seem to be bothered by having a racist as a member. Not surprising, cause she is an sp, and as always they can get away with whatever they say or be (in this case).


Apr 18, 2008
instead of speculating...why doesn't someone PM her or text her and ask? i think she created an account on the red board

the general

Active member
Oct 31, 2010
Bang on. It is racism and she is playing with fire. I know someone who is a jew and got refused by an SP when she found out he is a jew. Guess what? he was so shocked and humiliated that he made her neighbours aware that she was using the apartment as a bawdy house.
It's not very clever to state your racism openly to people, and I am sure there are ways to filter people out without hurting their feelings.
Hope I do not know anyone that is so revengeful, that they would do something like that. Actually the word "jew" in itself is has often become fodder for a racists reference. (If you use Google to search for “Judaism,” “Jewish” or “Jewish people,” the results are informative and relevant. So why is a search for “Jew” different? One reason is that the word “Jew” is often used in an anti-Semitic context. Jewish organizations are more likely to use the word “Jewish” when talking about members of their faith. The word has become somewhat charged linguistically, as noted on websites devoted to Jewish topics). So, does this make you racist, I don't think that was the intend, but could be viewed as the result.
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