Fuck GM and Chrysler!!


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
Wish the US politicians would have let them go bankrupt last year. What's another 200,000 jobs? They sure as fuck aren't helping small businesses. Just big UNIONIZED inefficient companies. It's just politics as usual with big unions. I will never by a Chrysler or GM. Will think seriously about buying a Ford (they deserve a look). I own a US built Honda now.

US owns 70% of the new GM? Holy fuck, that's a recipe for disaster. We're from the government and we 're here to help!!! Can't wait til they take over health care and fuck that up too!!!


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Here here brother, I feel the exact same way. Good companies can survive any economic downturn, these companies should be dissolved and other companies take over the market share and hire some of the retard GM and Chrysler workers, the ones that are only slightly retarded as opposed to full mental retardation. :mad:


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Totally agree. Why reward crappy management? So they can continue to manage crappily? It's not like people are going to stop buying cars, and someone is going to pick up the assets and start producing, hopefully with better results.

As to government ownership? Please, they can't even manage the shit they are supposed to manage.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
The reality is when large companies close, others take their place. I remember when KMart left Canada, I thought it was a big deal, reality was it hardly caused a ripple once the shock was over, others took over their market and hired their workers.

Not that Kmart and GM are the same scale but once the shock is over, then we move on and look to the future, GM is a company from the past, let's look to the future.
BallzDeep said:
The reality is when large companies close, others take their place. I remember when KMart left Canada, I thought it was a big deal, reality was it hardly caused a ripple once the shock was over, others took over their market and hired their workers.
Zellers bought K-mart... But Walmart got the market share. :eek:


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Cycleguy007 said:
Zellers bought K-mart... But Walmart got the market share. :eek:
That's only because Wal-Mart is better-managed. Zellers has issues with their operations. Ever try to find someone to ask a question of in a Zellers?

If a company is not well-run, the tax payer should not be bailing them out, they should go under and let others who are better at it do the work. Letting mis-managers continue their mis-management is an ever increasing down ward spiral into mediocrity at best, and outright anarchy and the destruction of our social compact at worst.

How about incenting the guys still in business without government funding to expand their operations in North America? Ford, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., etc. They have their houses in order already.
moresex4me said:
That's only because Wal-Mart is better-managed. Zellers has issues with their operations. Ever try to find someone to ask a question of in a Zellers?

If a company is not well-run, the tax payer should not be bailing them out, they should go under and let others who are better at it do the work. Letting mis-managers continue their mis-management is an ever increasing down ward spiral into mediocrity at best, and outright anarchy and the destruction of our social compact at worst.

How about incenting the guys still in business without government funding to expand their operations in North America? Ford, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc., etc. They have their houses in order already.
Completely agree with you on that point. YES, Walmart DOES have a very strong operations department. (Even Walmart's parent Co in Arkansas has taken notice of this!) They took most of the operations department from the old Woolco/ Woolworths, and many of those same people still work there to this day. And Zellers continues to have problems...


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
It's all these professional lifetime politicians who never worked a day in their lives wanting to run ours. They couldn't turn a profit at an ice cream store in Miami but they think they can save GM!!! In the meantime, hard working Americans and Canadians are asked to go to the end of the longest line and hope it works.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
isn't the zellers at V.P. and Eglington closing or closed already? Walmart and Super Walmart are the store of choice for more and more people... i find myself their more often .. mostly because i can do my shopping late at night and avoid the crowds..


New member
Apr 1, 2005
moresex4me said:
As to government ownership? Please, they can't even manage the shit they are supposed to manage.
Well this is the current tirade, but private enterprise GM and Chrysler did a wonderful job. And our banking system free at last from those awful governmant tethers ,did an admirable job of bringing down the entire world's economy. And let us not forget the tobacco companies who have poisoned a
generation of gullible people. or the privately run medical system in the US which is the most expensive in the world yet manages to leave 40 or 50 milion without health care.

The problem is more complex than you believe.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
I had to turn off Obama's speech. Just a bunch of self serving bullshit. Capitalism means letting shitty company fail. GM and Chrysler are shitty companies. He thinks he's saving the world. Maybe saving Chrysler years ago set up this. Like banks, they will figure they will get bailed out no matter what a piss poor job they do. To big to fail? Bullshit.


Mar 26, 2009
I know GM will be shedding Pontiac, Saturn, Hummer, and Saab, but does that mean there won't be any of those cars in the future?

I know Pontiac, Saturn, and Hummer are gone for good just like Oldsmobile, but will Saab have a new buyer, or is it completely done?


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
JEFF247 said:
It's all these professional lifetime politicians who never worked a day in their lives wanting to run ours. They couldn't turn a profit at an ice cream store in Miami but they think they can save GM!!! In the meantime, hard working Americans and Canadians are asked to go to the end of the longest line and hope it works.

People who have never run a business, never had to meet a payroll, think it's easy and clear-cut. Just do all the stuff you see in the movies and read in business book.

They would get eaten alive.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
JEFF247 said:
I had to turn off Obama's speech. Just a bunch of self serving bullshit. Capitalism means letting shitty company fail. GM and Chrysler are shitty companies. He thinks he's saving the world. Maybe saving Chrysler years ago set up this. Like banks, they will figure they will get bailed out no matter what a piss poor job they do. To big to fail? Bullshit.

You've hit the nail on the head, it is not capitalism Obama is interested in.


New member
May 9, 2009
JEFF247 said:
US owns 70% of the new GM? Holy fuck, that's a recipe for disaster. We're from the government and we 're here to help!!! Can't wait til they take over health care and fuck that up too!!!

You know I really don't get this kind of comment. The cascade effect of a GM liquidation would have cost the US economy 10's of thousands of jobs.

Isn't this what a Government should be doing, looking after the welfare of the people and the Sate. I seem to remember that Bush and Cheney said this with the passage of the Patriot Act and it's ability to alter peoples rights and freedoms.

What kills me about people with your kind of ideology, that have such a narrow view that Government can't run a farking thing properly tend to forget that the US Government runs their military in a manner that leaves it the most advanced, professional and technologically superior organization on the planet.

Are you suggesting the privatization of the military - I doubt it. The Obama administration has been very clear that they wish to be out of GM after the return of tax payer dollars which is the right and sane thing to be doing here.

Suck it up and stop having your ideology fark things up for the majority.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
sibannac said:
What kills me about people with your kind of ideology, that have such a narrow view that Government can't run a farking thing properly tend to forget that the US Government runs their military in a manner that leaves it the most advanced, professional and technologically superior organization on the planet.
True comments about the military. However, I would raise the points that:

- The military is not a for-profit enterprise
- The military is not, by any reasonable standard, run with great efficiency financially
- All of the serving military officers I know (maybe a dozen) have little to no respect for the current administration, and certainly have no desire to be "managed" by them


New member
May 9, 2009
kkelso said:
True comments about the military. However, I would raise the points that:

- The military is not a for-profit enterprise
- The military is not, by any reasonable standard, run with great efficiency financially
- All of the serving military officers I know (maybe a dozen) have little to no respect for the current administration, and certainly have no desire to be "managed" by them
Well judging by GM's near term fortunes it will be a not for profit enterprise, so that arguments off the table.

The US military actually does have the reputation of being one of the most fiscally efficient military on the planet. Either that says something about the US military or it says something really bad about other Countries.

The argument that a Government can not run an organization is simple silly Conservative banter that fails to take into consideration the wholesale wipe out of many industries that a GM liquidation would cause.

Well as for military officers buddies most of them got their commissions from Republican Governments, that coupled with a conservative streak that US military has, well lets just say I'm not surprised with your comment. However it should be pointed out that those Officers you mentioned are in breach of their oath and perhaps should do the honorable thing and leave the military if they can no longer serve their Commander in Chief.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
Don't forget, we landed on the moon 30 years ago, but who gives a fuck. It was a POLITICAL decision made by JFK because the Russians launched a fucking satellite and made him look bad. "So he said Fuck it, we're going to the moon (at taxpayer expense). Now blow be Marylin."

It was interesting, the TV coverage in the US. All the TV networks carried Pres Obama's speech live a little before noon, but no one carried the GM CEO's speech right after. The media is in love with him!!! I don't care what Obama has to say. I new most of the political rhetoric BS to expect. I did want to see the GM CEO. Of course he had as much BS as Obama. The "NEW GM". How many fuckin times have we heard that over the years!!!


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
When I think of all the money that is being flushed down the toilet it makes me ill. They should have said, fuck GM and Chrysler, let's give this US and Canadian tax money money to real creator of jobs, small businesses. Now, they will just see higher taxes.

These fuckin idiots in the press didn't ask a single question worth anyones time. They should have asked, "how would you feel if you were the CEO od Ford?" They are getting NOTHING for their hard work.
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