
Fri. Dover


Jan 6, 2002
How many Terbies are planning on going to Dover this Friday.

If you have been before what were your experiences.....good or bad. My personal experience is there is way too many cops ruining the day for most people.......road blocks and a total police state in the downtown area as they are patroling and stopping anybody from doing things out of the your Grandma/priest would disapprove of. They ticketed a man for his son standing on his bike while he rode through town.....going about 2 mph, it is as fast as you can have a look at what was going on. They said that man was grandstanding or some charge like that. Just a small sample of the over bearing tactics they use. If you have been to Bike Week In know shat I am talking about....the cops block traffic for you so you can have fun. I guess this is a case of the Americans knowing how to party and the Canadian Gov't not allowing us to.

Anybody else with ideas or experiences from the past 13's


P.S. Ripped I will be there on my Harley and I will Ride it there and back.......even though I have more money that


Jan 6, 2002
Re: Re: Fri. Dover

Ripped said:
So, it'll be out of the shop, by then, and you'll have enough left for gas or did you charge the repairs? Hopefully, it'll get you through the weekend. Just remember to shut it off every 10 minutes, to cool down, and you should be OK. 8-þ
Mine has yet to be in the shop for repairs this summer, knock on wood.......10,000kms plus and I have no plans on putting it in....hopefully there won't be any surprises.


New member
Jun 7, 2002
niagara region
my points

I ve had both a great time and heartache on Dover runs
I ve lost so many friends on this particular run its scary and so i will not be attending anymore of them, but when i did go on them i rode a 69 Triumph bonneville..and had the time of my life , as for the cops its a given , as they feel the need to show all that they have it all under control. Irony is no they dont, we just give them that illusion .. lol
But its a lot of fun if ya think and party....


Jan 6, 2002
Was I Ever Wrong

Well my original rant/whine was for nothing....I arrived at Dover around 10 in the morning and the cops were not even there yet. No road blocks, nothing. However about 10 minutes later they showed up and proceeded to direct traffic......that's it...KUDOS to the OPP and BEU for allowing the throngs of people enjoy their day. I also must personally thank them, as I was leaving and going through one of their corners, 2 cops had a short conversation (about 5 seconds) and delayed my leaving. About 5 miles out of town the bike in front of me (about 10 seconds) got hit.....if the cops had not delayed me I may have been part of the accident. (I did stop to help a fallen brother, as well as many others, they appeared generally OK other than a broken leg).

There had to be well in excess of 25,000 people there when I left at around 3 pm. Without a doubt the biggest one ever and the best policed one to date....FUN HAD BY ALL!!!!!!


Aug 27, 2001
I was there, parked at the gas station at the bottom of the hill, by the coffee shop. What a time! Cops don't bother me, as I don't have a problem with them, and they don't want me anyway. They need to go to Daytona to learn how to control a crowd. I'm sure I saw you guys. I think I saw everyone who was there.
Keep the rubber on the road.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts