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Forget Prison Break.. lets talk about LOST


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Is it just me or is anyone else completely addicted to this show?
Could be cuz I want to screw Kate, Shannon and Sun. The korean girl Sun is not as pretty in the face but her bod is smoking and I want to do the horizontal jiggy with her all night long. LOL


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
ruck said:
Is it just me or is anyone else completely addicted to this show?


I just don't get into Soaps


New member
Dec 13, 2002
My favorite characters are:
- Locke (you never know what the hell he's going to do)
- Kate
- Hurley "dude"
- Sawyer (Great nicknames. Especially Han & Chewy)
- Sayid
- Jack (I like Jack b/c he's the complete opposite of Locke)

Sun and Jin are boring.
Claire's not to interesting but she's hot. I want to now more about her devil baby but I guess nothing is going to happen since she is raising it.
I want to see more of Shannon. She's hot.
I really want to know Desmond's story.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
The thing i think I like about Lost so much is that it's like the grown up version of Lord of the Flies. With the monster, and even piggie.
I have the first season on DVD and watching it back to back for hours without commercials really makes you get into it.

I can't wait to see what happens next with the other "others". And what the bloody hell is that black misty creature or thing?
This show is not a soap, just a very well orchestrated visual crack with TV as the pipe. I can't wait for tomorrow.

My fav character is sawyer. He's such an asshole but you know he's a good guy.


Canada Breast Enthusiast
Jul 16, 2005
The show's awesome, but having to wait three weeks between episodes is kinda retarded... anywho, Darren Aronofsky (the guy who directed pi, and requiem for a dream) is going to be directing an episode of lost... read more here.

For those that don't know him, he's a super nutty guy with some serious directing skills, so it'll very likely be one of the best episodes of the show...


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
There's nothing on TV that's good, really. All corporate American TV garbage loaded with commercials, shrinking the shows down to 43 minutes (remember when The Prisoner was 53 minutes long?). I hate Threshold, passionately! Even when it was just remotely about to look good, they have a midget involved that I want to see in a wrestling ring. Nothing against midgits, but give me a break...he is not part of the "Lone Gunmen" (X-Files).

Anyway, I'm a BATTLESTAR GALACTICA freak as you can tell. I think the writers took my on-line characters name reading the sex boards, then spelt my name wrong with a "Gaius" rather than the correct spelling Gyaos. Just have me direct one of these shows. I'm guarenteed to take it off the air!

Of course the character "Gaius" is exactly who I am. Dr. Smith, who must get laid immediately, every hour, every day, chased by a blonde who's always having fights with the Asian babes who I want more than ever!

Gyaos Baltar.


Aug 1, 2005
Cute In A Kilt said:
As for Jack and his little "saving" complex, he starting to grate on my nerves as a character ... I mean who elected him supreme lord and master? "Locke is the key" LOL
They survivors elected him to be lord and master. :)

And I believe every single "main" character of the show is the "key". I believe that flight was meant to go down. I believe the survivors survived for a reason. Each one of them plays a key role in a some kind of experiment.
My guess is that The Others, the survivors and the new survivors (tail section of plane) are all in a dance of power. The island itself is like a labrynth.

Has anyone read the book series "The Death Gate Cycle" It's about two supernatural species, Patryns and Sartons. They are in a bitter battle for power. The patryns are imprisoned in The Labrynth. The Labrynth has a life of it's own and will change to fight and frighten you. It actually feeds off of fear. Anyways, I think in some way, the island is like that. There are definitely island keepers who are watching the events unfold, possibly for entertainment, experimentation or just good old off track betting. =)


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
I didn't like the new Starbuck at first, but I like her now, well kinda. I thought the relationship between her and Adama in a 1st Season 2 parter was cool admitting to being involved in the death of Zach (trivia: the original Zach was played by Rick Springfield).

Commander Caine as a female isn't a good twist as the original was played by Lloyd Bridges. Bridges and Lorne Greene's chemistry was classic and so far hasn't been topped in the newer series, just yet. In the original, Bridges was hots for Cassiopia, Dirk Benedict's chick!

Buy yes, Sharon Villari (aka: Boomer) is just the ticket for me. When she was in the Cylon Base Star on the Season 1 closer and all those Sharon Villari's were talking to her and touching her, I was just holding my big prick so tight hoping all were going to take off their clothes and show some Asian bush! By the time I exploded, Boomer set off the nuke and the whole Baseship went! Mind you, I had to get new sheets! Yipes!!

Gyaos Baltar (Vice President of Caprica).


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Um, isn't there a Galatica thread somewhere? hehe
So who else is pissed about the 3 week rerun bullshit?
asn said:
starbuck! starbuck! dont get me started on new starbuck...why did they make my favourite character from old BSG a girl i will never know...i cant stand new starbuck
So much for the old BSG. Guess I'm old school.

The blonde is hot & K cargo pilot cute.

Cute In A Kilt said:
Well if it makes you feel better, my geeky guy friends (which I have many..) claim that the show made "Starbuck" a girl to appeal to the lesbians..... well dip her in honey and throw her to me!!!!!!
My 'feminist' friends think so. Many are big Sci fi fans, especially the newer iterations of Star treks. Their Sci-fi loyalty, would be threat to Harlequin sales.

One proclaims, their sci-fi fix are better than sex! (as she looks over to Goodtime :eek: - experimental Bi)
asn said:
starbuck! starbuck! dont get me started on new starbuck...why did they make my favourite character from old BSG a girl i will never know...i cant stand new starbuck
So much for the old BSG. Guess I'm old school.

The blonde is hot & K cargo pilot cute.

Cute In A Kilt said:
Well if it makes you feel better, my geeky guy friends (which I have many..) claim that the show made "Starbuck" a girl to appeal to the lesbians..... well dip her in honey and throw her to me!!!!!!
My 'feminist' friends think so. Many are big Sci fi fans, especially the newer iterations of Star treks. Their Sci-fi loyalty, would be threat to Harlequin sales.

One proclaims, their sci-fi fix are better than sex! (as she looks over at Goodtime :eek: She's experimental Bi)

Cute In A Kilt said:
I get my sci-fi fix by corrupting geeks, then they download all the shows I like (Lost, BSG, SG etc) for me...... *Big Perverted Grin* To quote a friend "what's more geeky: geeks playing video games or your fetish for them while they do".... And WTF is an "experimental Bi???????
Good thing we didn't come across each other while in school. Otherwise, Goodtime may become one of your download slaves with head in kilt :rolleyes: as I was known to be 'geeky' then but few girls knew differently.

These girls are actually experimental Lesbians but prefer 'Bi', as not quite ready to give up on guys for cultural reasons. Gets turn-on by girlfriends but don't like the negative connotation of label Lesbian. Forever contemplates whether it's guilty sin getting Orgasm from girlfriends and not much feelings for guys.

Cute In A Kilt said:
Goodtime Harlequin never EVER appealed to me, the sex is boring and scripted and the types of guys they write about (fabio look alikes) are like ewwww to me. I'd take Dr Daniel Jackson anyday over fabio! But I must say lately, that the attractive ones are still the chicks..... Kate..... oh Kate!!!!
Agree, Harlequin is lame. Remember when coming of age, buddy got hold of a 'steamy' edition Harlequin and a copy of Penthouse forum. We read the Harlequin for all of 20 sec and tossed it.

Penthouse forum, however, a wealth of info for young budding minds.

Yes, Kate is cute. Wouldn't mind to walking thru the Hawaii paradise with her holding hands.
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