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Forget MoPete for Magloire trade


New member
Dec 2, 2001
Apparently the Toronto Sun didn't do it's research. Word is that because Toronto matched the free agent offer New Orleans signed MoPete to last summer, under the NBA collective bargaining agreement, he cannot be directly traded to the same team that failed to sign him. Therfore, a third team would have to come into the mix so that MoPete would have to be moved to Team A, then Team A would ship him to New Orleans, assuming of course this doesn't violate any of the other complicated rules about contracts and cap numbers.
Try going to in order to try various trade possibilities. You can choose the players and see if that trade works. It will explain anything preventing the trade from going through, such as contracts not fitting the cap, etc.
It won't allow you to choose players in their Last Non-Exercisable Year. "Players in the last non-exercisable year of their contract cannot be traded after the trade deadline when teams can once again trade players after their season is over." Whatever that means.


New member
Dec 2, 2001
Works for me. It' so hard to know what's what with the NBA rules and salary cap.
Thanx for the correction yesguy.


Apr 7, 2005
Don't believe any "reports". The NBA is notorious for on again, off again trades and signings. It's like a game to them. Keeping the fan on the hook for as long as possible. I DO NOT believe Magloire when he says he "wants" to play in Canada because he loves it soooooooooooooooooooooooo much. If that's the case for Jamal why the fuck does he always lame out on the Olympic team? What a patriot :mad:
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