Toronto Girlfriends

Flip The Coin


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2024
In light of a recent comment about the demise of 160hh / 260hr this would be the flip side of the same coin

Milana 7380

Can’t think of many at this price point right out of the gate - free market economics though right? Gotta pay to play
A website
Whole 9 yards (*edit to be as legit as you could ask for) and Tineye seems to believe legit pics

Just an interesting contrast to the often repeated way too high price point and the LL ad also having the new user banner
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2024
Actually no issue whatsoever. Forgive any impression that suggested otherwise.
Thank you for providing clarification and confirming your presence here and Tryst.
My commentary was more in light of many on Terb seeking much (much) lower than 600
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Hi, what exactly seems to be the issue with my ad? I’ve been working in this business long enough to know that $600 is not too high as a price point. I assume, the new user banner has thrown you off. It’s just me trying a different advertising platform. So far, not a fan.

Your “right out of the gate” comment is simply a wrong assumption. And yes, my pictures are real, as you can cross-reference yourself across Twitter, Patreon, Terb, Tryst and my own website.

My Tryst has a more detailed breakdown of my rate structure: Enjoy!
Very succinct and professional response. Some gents try to get away with $200/hr sessions and suffer through 3 poor or entirely scam experiences in order to perhaps enjoy one good one. From your website, it appears you area 'real' fine lady and I only hope some of the more gentlemanly gents in Ottawa will find you.


Apr 26, 2022
Hi, what exactly seems to be the issue with my ad? I’ve been working in this business long enough to know that $600 is not too high as a price point. I assume, the new user banner has thrown you off. It’s just me trying a different advertising platform. So far, not a fan.

Your “right out of the gate” comment is simply a wrong assumption. And yes, my pictures are real, as you can cross-reference yourself across Twitter, Patreon, Terb, Tryst and my own website.

My Tryst has a more detailed breakdown of my rate structure: Enjoy!
Babe @Milana_Miro are you ain Ottawa or Toronto. ?
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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Actually no issue whatsoever. Forgive any impression that suggested otherwise.
Thank you for providing clarification and confirming your presence here and Tryst.
My commentary was more in light of many on Terb seeking much (much) lower than 600
Actually, intended or not you totally gave a mocking impression and did, in fact, raise an issue.

Why start a thread because of a $600 an hour rate? So what if she charges that or $1,200 an hour?

Totally unnecessary!


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2013
Actually, intended or not you totally gave a mocking impression and did, in fact, raise an issue.

Why start a thread because of a $600 an hour rate? So what if she charges that or $1,200 an hour?

Totally unnecessary!
Totally agree. A woman can charge what she wants and if the market is there for that price point then so be it. Guys upset about a certain price point should really be upset at the guys that willingly pay it because they are a good part of the the inflation in today's industry, and not the woman who markets herself at that rate. You can rest assured that if there were no takers, that price point would quickly diminish.


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Totally agree. A woman can charge what she wants and if the market is there for that price point then so be it. Guys upset about a certain price point should really be upset at the guys that willingly pay it because they are a good part of the the inflation in today's industry, and not the woman who markets herself at that rate. You can rest assured that if there were no takers, that price point would quickly diminish.
And so would a whole cadre of providers interested in pursuing this line of work. Sex work is simply not interesting to everyone; it’s a niche industry attractive because of its balance of freedoms, lifestyle opportunities, compensation and growth opportunities. Take those away and watch what happens, it won’t be what you hoped.

Hopefully you didn’t mean to suggest the opposite, but sex workers do have other options! It might surprise you to know many have full professional careers, are extremely intelligent and credentialed, are fantastic at business and have other talents. Don’t forget there are also lots of incredible gentlemen who would love to just take us off the market permanently and how good that option might look if this wasn’t a lucrative business 🤔

I would think twice about trying to encourage a race to the bottom whether it be through a complete economic collapse, which shocks me see some rooting for here 🤯, or a reduction of amazing clients which in turn attract quality companions interested in doing this seriously as a professional career with full agency. Instead of negging great clients, you should be thanking them for raising the bar, anchoring dates for touring ladies and making it safe and possible for us to take some chances. Also, take a moment to consider that the argument for criminalizing clients is literally pinned on an assumption of coercion and financial inequity so why embolden a stance that is criminalizing you further by cheering for an industry that does not well reward companions for the risks and sacrifices we make to be here?

In the end, the attempt to shame guys for being “simps” because they agree to a provider’s policies is an epic fail. Both because you’re only preaching to the choir and because you’re pissing everyone else off who will just become more entrenched. Divisive politics are not the way guys.

Cheap rates are only going to come with the collapse of other aspects of a society that are integral to it being equitable, safe and thriving. Aspects that would also pay clients well in your chosen professions! So let’s maybe stop whining every time someone you want to connect with is out of your budget and realize that, when compared to south of the border, we are actually blessed with reasonable rates, more safety, less stigma and potential for harm in being either a companion or a client.

And imagine instead if we started redirecting all this toxic energy towards something positive that benefits us all like tearing down unfair laws or raising wages? Radical thought, but imagine we’re mostly all on the same side and could work together towards a common purpose? ❤🤔
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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I remember I used to get legit heated over rate debates. Words cannot express how little I care now. If a client happy, I’m happy. And if the two parties involved are happy, what are you guys even talking about??
And, what, may I ask, are you talking about?

I reply that the OP starting this thread was uncalled for and now you are disparaging me!

Kudos to you and good luck!


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
View attachment 339740
Literally me right now. Thank you, Ruby. You’re way smarter than I am — thank you for sharing your educated opinion on the subject!
Firstly, you have no idea how RDJ turns my crank 😉 Secondly, I really appreciate you injecting some no BS truth here from a provider’s perspective.

I tour coast-to-coast now, NFLD to Victoria baby! So I see a lot. And Ottawa has rightly earned its dishonourable reputation for being selfish and entitled, not just towards sex workers but in every sector. I say this with a huge an amount of gratitude and due deference to my regulars and incredible gents I connect with now in the NCR when I’m at home. I would move faster than my pants could follow though if it weren’t for some who melt my heart here and make it sufferable, and on a good day—a nice place to be.

We all know the standard of living is high in Ottawa, with great real estate stability, relatively lower cost of living and many stable higher-earning jobs. And yet since I entered this business in 2016 the windging and honesty annoying bitchiness that rates are no longer rock bottom like they were in the glory/exploitative days (depending on how you see it) never ends here!

This topic has erased most of the usefulness of TERB Ottawa IMHO as it’s just driving a wedge between everyone and sequestering great providers from public view. At its worst this forum is maniacally working against itself by chasing away touring ladies, sealing the coffin on “upscale” providers weighing anchor here longterm and only encouraging more strict policies with higher rates to protect ourselves from bad players. It’s mainly as you’ve said for shits and giggles and for clients to locate scams, which are probably obvious to start with.

Welcome to Ottawa!! Next time you’re in town let’s go for cocktails and share some laughs since your messages are comedy gold and I have a sweet tooth for beautiful women ❤😘
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2013
I’m not sure I understand. Let’s shame my clients? And then what? What’s the end goal here? Not the best take IMHO.
I apologize. I didn't mean to shame your clients. What I should have simply said that as long as clients are willing to pay the asking price, then the women cannot be blamed for inflation if prices rise.


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
The rates are the rates. No point in complaining about someone's rates. If it's too high for someone then they were not the target clientele to begin with.

Just because someone likes cars doesn't mean that Ferraris, Bugattis etc. should lower their prices for everyone. There are and always will be buyers for expensive cars. No amount of complaining will bring their prices down.

I think Ottawa clients probably complain more than other cities like Toronto or Montreal because those cities have good providers at different price points. Clients in those cities have many options to choose from. They have many agencies and Indys that are affordable to most clients. Where as in Ottawa it's mostly the scammers, the B&Sers , up-sellers who are available at their preferred price points.

I think Ottawa clients need to stop comparing themselves to these adjacent cities and come to terms with the prices and reality here. FYI, the rates have also gone up in Toronto and Montreal.

If I was a SP I would be charging way way more than most ladies. Rates to target my desired clientele and I don't need to justify to anyone why my rates are so high. Just my 5 cents, adjusted for inflation 😁

(Disclaimer : No disrespect meant with the expensive cars analogy before someone gets angry with me.😁)


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2024
Actually, intended or not you totally gave a mocking impression and did, in fact, raise an issue.

Why start a thread because of a $600 an hour rate? So what if she charges that or $1,200 an hour?

Totally unnecessary!
Always rather fascinating when a reader can look at the post and tell the OP the meaning of their own words. If that is how a reader read it I won’t disagree but will say that wasn’t the meaning of the words and the gotta pay to play should have revealed the tongue firmly planted in cheek. Nowhere was there a bad opinion for the HR rate only that it was the flip side of the same coin and a contrast to a very recent thread about where $260 HR gfe is. LL slapped on a new user banner but Tryst, X, and active engagement on this forum certainly confirm the person. Nothing should be taken on rate, service, or anything between from the post. Perhaps the out the gate mention was poor word choice and only highlighted one can reach that with some tremendous ladies with extras here and there.

Any mockery would be more squarely aimed at those who too often complain about Ottawa rates being too high. On more than one occasion on other threads I have been criticized for my willingness to help those rates be driven up.

My other takeaways
- the engagement on the part of Milana is a plus for me because she seems like a fun conversationalist.
- huzzah if any networking comes to pass for Milana and Shan or Ruby respectively.


PS Why start the thread? Because it created interesting discourse


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
I just would like to circle back to what Ruby said: we shouldn’t be “blaming” anybody. Increase in rates is a good thing.
Yes, this is my point. We need a healthy industry for it to be attractive and also quasi-legal for lack of a better term. We still live in a relatively civil society where good wages and sexual autotomy are pillars. And by the way agencies are not doing sex workers many favours in improving labour standards

I’m not trying to suggest for a minute that fees should ONLY be at the deeper end of the pool nor that you can’t find any Olympian swimmers at both ends but too much shallow end with lots of competition for that space would be a bad trend even if it might seem like a party for the pool boy.

Over the last 5 years there has been a trend towards more fair standards in Ottawa, in line with the demographics here and overall market plus an adjustment for the rapid increase in costs which will generally represent 25-35% of any business. Concurrently, we’ve had a contraction of the labour pool due to both COVID and the dramatic increase in rental rates which in turn have made entering the industry less conceivable outside of pooled spaces, few of which are non-exploitative. Sorry if that sounds like word salad to anyone but there’s no simple answer.

The glory days of cheap anything are gone but we can still be grateful for what we have, especially if we reflect upon the alternatives south of the border.
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Toronto Escorts