Finished with the National Post


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
For a few years I have been reading the National post in spite of its conservative slant, because the writing was good and because it has the most business info.

Yesterday, however, I finally gave up on the paper. On page 1, besides a picture of ms. Amiel, there is a story about how: "UN court 'was hijacked' by foes of Jewish state", while the story about the senate report: " 'We went to war based on false claims' of weapons of mass destruction" was featured on page 16.


New member
May 29, 2004
danmand said:
For a few years I have been reading the National post in spite of its conservative slant, because the writing was good and because it has the most business info.

Yesterday, however, I finally gave up on the paper. On page 1, besides a picture of ms. Amiel, there is a story about how: "UN court 'was hijacked' by foes of Jewish state", while the story about the senate report: " 'We went to war based on false claims' of weapons of mass destruction" was featured on page 16.
Was the story by Barbie?

I recall hearing Ms. Amiel commenting on the Martha Stewart case just after she had been found guilty. Possibly she was thinking of hubby and what was coming down the road, but it was amazing how she found a way to excuse her behaviour. Her premise was essentially, "see what happens? Martha Stewart gets convicted, now her company is messed up which means people will be laid off, stock holders and pension funds will suffer, all because people want to get rich people!"

Interesting projection of guilt? It is the common man's fault that all this happened. Never any thought that it was Martha's duty to protect the company, to protect the stock holders and pension funds.

No... rich people need to have an unregulated reign or see what happens. Strange woman. Just took the worst from all the idioms she brushed against and made one.

I find as a rule though the NP simply has never found its stance. It is fine to suggest that it is the voice of the right wing but that has always been the stalwart of the Sun chain. The Aspers like to pretend that they are in uncharted waters in being the current owners but they are only a few steps from Conrad and Barbara themselves. They probably need to make a decision one way or the other as to what they want the paper to be.

It's going to be further muddied now that the Star has been taken over by a new management team and will probably become far less left in its position.



Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
I used to enjoy NP if for no other reason than I found it a wonderful example of relatively decent writing pushed to the right. If I ever found myself in agreement with the editorials, then it always gave me pause for thought that possibly I wasn't thinking clearly...

But seriously folks... I was, and continue to be, very disappointed in both the NP and The Globe and Mail. I do not want my newspaper to tell me what to think. I want my newspaper to give me clarity and facts untainted by any political slant.

The fundamentals of a free press are not limited to independence from government. A truly free press is are also supposed to be shielded from corporate forces.

No such thing, I know, because we don't live in a perfect world. But IMHO both the NP and The Globe and Mail are doing their readers a disservice by presenting news with a political or corporate slant.

To the publishers of NP and The Globe and Mail: Your readers are smart. We can make up our own minds. So stop telling us what to think.


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Asper family

hip hip horray


Dec 22, 2001
happygrump said:

But seriously folks... I was, and continue to be, very disappointed in both the NP and The Globe and Mail. I do not want my newspaper to tell me what to think. I want my newspaper to give me clarity and facts untainted by any political slant.

No such thing, I know, because we don't live in a perfect world. But IMHO both the NP and The Globe and Mail are doing their readers a disservice by presenting news with a political or corporate slant.

To the publishers of NP and The Globe and Mail: Your readers are smart. We can make up our own minds. So stop telling us what to think.
So are you saying that the "Liberal Party News" also known as the Toronto Star doesnt tell its readers what to think?
Oh good Lord! Newspapers have been attempting to influence popular thought for a long time... Geez, look at Adkins who started the Toronto Star. He had, at that time a Radical Left agenda..and it is still in the paper's charter to pepetuate Left of centre ideas. Anybody ever read the New York Times? A fairly influential paper that is way to the Left of average America.
I for one think newspaper bias is what makes them interesting.
It's fun to read radical ideas, come up with arguments and then write the editor.
BTW Canada's beloved CBC is one of the most guilty news organizations in atempting to advance a mantra.(with our mown money)
Just take it with a grain of salt.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
Could be...

Dancerfan said:
So are you saying that the "Liberal Party News" also known as the Toronto Star doesnt tell its readers what to think?
You could be right. But I can't speak from experience because I don't read the Star. I barely have enough time in my day to glance at one newspaper, let alone three or four.


Active member
Oct 26, 2003
The NP has had some good writers, ditto the for Editorial slants, most readers with a titter of wit usually ignore them and form their own opinions over time......I like papers that can present opposing views from time to time and this is usually dependant on the columnists involved.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I think of the NP as just being the mirror image of the Toronto Star (recall that right is left in a mirror). I prefer the NP to the star because (1) the price is right (I can usually get a free copy where I work, (2), if I have to read propaganda, I prefer right wing propaganda to left wing propaganda and (3) they report news on the Canadian forces which being a former member of, I am interested in. However, I do get tired of the fact that they tend to think that Israel can do no wrong. Moreover, I can’t stand the high profile that they give religious stories as I consider religion to be no different than other superstitions like numerology, astrology, etc. (for those who disagree with me, there is no point flaming me as I have learnt that arguing about religion never gets either side anywhere.

I have never understood people who put the GM in the same category as these too papers. It seems to me that they try to have a balance in terms of editorial writers from both left and right. Moreover, IMHO unlike the Star, they separate their news coverage from their editorial positions (at least as far as possible as complete unbiased ness would be impossible)


Dec 22, 2001
Elmer Stud said:
The National Post will never be as shitty as the Liberal rag the Toronto Star!
Exactly! and you all wonder how we get all these left wing politicians in Toronto ,the Star does a good job of promoting the Liberal left wing agenda and manipulating their readers by using scare tactics,a lot of which helped the undeserving bums get reelected!


AKA Exorcist
Dec 21, 2001
Dancerfan said:
Exactly! and you all wonder how we get all these left wing politicians in Toronto ,the Star does a good job of promoting the Liberal left wing agenda and manipulating their readers by using scare tactics,a lot of which helped the undeserving bums get reelected!
I noticed the same thing during the recent election. The Star might as well renamed itself the Toronto Martin Star. Ironically enough, it was the Sun who published a full page support article on the Conservatives.


New member
May 29, 2004
pblues said:
I noticed the same thing during the recent election. The Star might as well renamed itself the Toronto Martin Star. Ironically enough, it was the Sun who published a full page support article on the Conservatives.
Historically most of the major Canadian papers have taken the stance that editorially they support one party over another during an election. The theory was then that they returned to a more objective reporting practice after the election.

However since we seem to be ever falling into that adolescent American media trend of only being able to handle two political options at one time, black or white - even though the realities are better described as nightshade or ebony - our papers are taking on ideologies from a foundation position rather than logic. In turn we see these absurd apologist approaches from both sides where the information is secondary to the placement of the ideology they supporting.

Just read some of the "intellectual descirptions" - I guess the monkey can't always be working on Shakespeare - we see here;

Liberal Rag - Right Wing Mouth-piece, etc.

The underlying idea being that once labelled nothing printed in the offending paper could EVER be true. Instead we see something out of some newsprint twilight zone:


Two different healines, both could be the same story about the Federal Government signing off on a Highway Roads Infrastructure bill to build a new highway. Is either banner wrong? No, but is either banner correct either? No.

Do we perpuate the stupidity by endorsing this ideologically biased media system? Yes. It doesn't matter which side you are on, anyone who plays that game is supporting it.



New member
Aug 16, 2003
Politics rapped in a red Flag..

The N.P. is owned by a LIBERAL--Very Liberal--Conrads Revenge.
OOO,yes,the Vagaries of Canadien Life--BS galore.

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