Find Death Before Death Finds You

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Guys like Eckart Tolle do a good job with existential topics however they fail to integrate this back into their life and show respect for their human body. Just listen to the guy speak, he is speaking without identity, without ego, like a robot. He has a little bit of personality but it’s on the fade.

So these guys do a good job at ego death. I agree this is needed because growing up they defined you and programmed you without choice. Isn’t it better that you delete all that and do it yourself on your own terms. Brainwashing or rebooting the operating system and starting at your core truth. However they don’t integrate it back up into their life, into their physical form. You need a personality that merges all this into your being including your friends, family and your society. Similar with Deepak Chopra, he displays similar patterns. They don’t come back up to the human identity and let it flourish. They are afraid of ego because they believe it takes them away from their being. They realize consciousness is what we all are but disrespect the body form in all its senses and interactions and what being human is about which is actualizing your potential, living it and maximize your potential experience with people and the world. What they are doing is skipping the main step. It’s kind of selfish to the human host or body because they are not giving it what it needs which is keep it alive through its senses, experience and love. It’s like all they care about is staying true to their consciousness at the core without caring much for the body, the fallout and what it needs especially once you realize you are separate from the body because of your consciousness but you need to exist as the dynamic one.

Having said all this, yes finding death before it finds you is a great idea. Because once it finds you, you will understand but it will be too late at this point in time for you to make the changes because you’re out of time. He is right how before we were born it didn’t bother us we didn’t exist. Also, let’s say this is it and once you die nothing else happens you just die and stop to exit in this form, you don’t go back to your consciousness source, are you fine with this possibility vs going down the consciousness rabbit hole to see where it originates. Are you fine with your computer just permanently shutting off and you ceasing to exist forever?

While these guys have amazing insights and lessons, it can be quite harmful following them because they don’t give complete guidance. The help break you down and open you up to your core but fail at helping you integrate this back up and grounding you and helping you achieve your full human potential and experience. This can be an extremely lonely place and dangerous if you are not prepared.
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