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Femen is back in the news again


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
FEMEN was started owned and operated by a man. in France where they moved after being kicked out of Eastern Europe, it was revealed they hire women and pay them monthly salaries to protest.

SHE was the pioneer of modern-day girl power, responsible for countless topless protests to highlight women’s rights.
But now, Sara Fernanda Giromin has backflipped, declaring war on the ideals she once so proudly bared her breasts for, describing the feminist movement as “a completely toxic environment, filled with gossip, intrigue, humiliation and persecution”.
Introducing herself to the world in 2012 under the alias Sara Winter, Ms Giromin was the founding face of Femen Brazil, a subsidiary of the Femen movement.

A group of topless activists who protest against sexism, religion, homophobia, and other social issues, the organisation says it is “fighting patriarchy in its three manifestations — sexual exploitation of women, dictatorship and religion”.

But just three years later, Giromin has decried feminism and abortion, saying it “promotes the destruction of the traditional family and all moral values ​​of society”.
“The feminist movement can harm women in an irreversible way,” she told, while accusing it of “encouraging promiscuity”, “birth control” and “abortions”.

In a YouTube video titled, I ask Christians for forgiveness for feminist protest, she publicly apologised to Christians for her offensive behaviour and expressed her distaste for a Femen stunt in January 2014 when she engaged in a same-sex kiss another topless woman in front of the Church of Our Lady of Candelária in Rio de Janeiro.

“Asking for forgiveness is certainly not an easy thing to do,” said Ms Giromin.
“We went way too far and ended up offending many religious and non-religious people.
“I feel extremely happy and welcome. I never imagined that religious people take “forgiveness” seriously. This is a learning experience for all who criticise Christians.

“I thank all the Christians who have supported me and given me space to spread my new visions. God bless.”
'I ask Christians for forgiveness'

Furthermore, she published a book, Bitch, No! Seven Times I Was Betrayed by Feminism, outlining her abuse at the hands of other feminists.
In the book, she details how she was pressured by fellow feminist members to take drugs and engage in sex acts with strangers, even claiming she was “molested” by a lesbian. She felt pressured to engage in bisexuality so she could receive “maximum respect” from the group.

“Lesbian and bisexual women have much more voice and respect within the movement, so in the search for recognition of my struggle, with each day that passed, I deconstructed my heterosexuality and was substituting it with an artificial bisexuality,” she said.
A percentage of proceeds from the book will be given to pro-life causes.

Clues to Ms Giromin’s flip began surfacing in October after the birth of her second child, when she detailed her repentance for aborting her first child. The birth of her second, she said, had changed her mind about the right to choose.
“I have repented of having had an abortion and today I ask for forgiveness,” wrote Ms Giromin, according to Life Site News.
“Yesterday marked one month after the birth of my baby and my life has taken on a new meaning. I’m writing this while he sleeps serenely on my lap. It is the greatest sensation in the world.”
“Please, women who are desperate to abort, think carefully about it. I was very sorry I did it. I don’t want the same for you.”
As time progressed, so did her attitude, and she eventually rejected her bisexual status.

Though she left the Femen group in 2013, denouncing it as a “business”, Ms Giromin continued down the activist path with Bastardxs, a feminist group that includes both men and women.
But now she refutes feminism in all its forms, describing it as a “sect” that fools women and uses them as mere objects, instead promoting lesbianism and paedophilia.
“For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration, they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families.

“That’s what feminism is, and I can guarantee it is like that because I was on the inside!

“I saw the feminist movement cover up for PAEDOPHILES.
“I saw the feminist movement PERSECUTE WOMEN ... I am a witness to the fact that today in the feminist movement women are not of any importance but serve as fuel for the fires of hatred that the feminist sect cannot allow to die.”
Ms Giromin has teamed up with Christian psychologist Marisa Lobo to give talks that focus on antifeminism and gender ideology.
“I left that movement of which for four years I was one of the principal symbols in Brazil, and no one can say the contrary!
“The result? Today I’m much happier and I’m able to help women more.”


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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