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Female student pens scathing review of 'rape culture' for college course


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

A pre-med student attending college in California has penned a scathing review of the current climate surrounding sexual assault on college campuses.

The student, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote her essay in response to a public-health class assignment asking students to watch a video in which Emma Sulkowicz, the former Columbia University student who carried a mattress around protesting what she claimed was rape, discusses her mattress project. Students were asked a series of questions pertaining to the video, including "What do you think of her approach in responding to her case of rape?" (notice the absence of "alleged") and "Look into her story and see how her alleged rapist responded. How do you think the university handled this delicate situation?"

The student responded by condemning Sulkowicz's behavior as "a parody of all the worst parts of radical or 'Tumblr' feminists" and said she was "ashamed to even belong to the same species as her." The student was outraged by Sulkowicz's accusation, especially after having followed the accused student's side closely.

"Not only was Emma's false accusation abhorrent and did she inflict physical and emotional trauma on Paul [the man Sulkowicz accused], but her response to the widespread media attention is the most immature and attention-seeking action she could've possibly taken," the student wrote.

The student's evidence for Sulkowicz's attention-seeking behavior was the fact that she claimed to be deeply traumatized and triggered by things that remind her of the incident, but spent every day reminding herself of what allegedly happened. "Furthermore," the student wrote, "why would she produce a porno of her 'rape' that would've forced her to relive all of those emotions once again?"

The student insisted there was "an extremely valid and rational explanation" for why neither Columbia University nor the police department held the accused student accountable: Because he didn't rape her. The student also called Sulkowicz's continued campaign "a form of self-victimization."

The student insisted there was "an extremely valid and rational explanation" for why neither Columbia University nor the police department held the accused student accountable: Because he didn't rape her. The student also called Sulkowicz's continued campaign "a form of self-victimization."

Speaking broadly on the topic of campus sexual assault, the student called the current approach — of treating accused students as guilty from the outset — to be "backwards and counter-intuitive," which resulted in "detrimental unforeseen effects" against accused young men, who are seen by activists as "collateral damage."

The student also wrote about the current strain of feminism that is leading to accusations like Sulkowicz's.

"I grew up thinking feminism was a movement to empower women towards self-sufficiency and independence, and Emma's response and subsequent actions are the complete opposite," the student wrote. "If this is the modern definition of feminism, then I have absolutely no interest in being associated with this movement (or the self-pity party it has become)."

link to her essay


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Good article. Nice to see some people of the younger generation have their head on straight.

Can you imagine being the prof that gave the green light for this piece and their support? Fucking up like that at a university like Columbia will ensure they never get a teaching gig anywhere in the Western Hemisphere ever again.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
How come the author does not identify herself?

Makes me skeptical that this essay was indeed even written by a female Berkley student, especially when I read "femiNazi" which I find hard to believe that a young woman would write such a phrase. Especially one who claims to be an "equalist"
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